>Does chewing gum actually work?
>Are any of these "Facial Exercise" bullshit?
>Are strong jawlines on women attractive?
>Is it true I would have a higher chance of getting a chiselled/square jaw if I was going through puberty?
/QTDDTOT/how can I improve my jawline?
Other urls found in this thread:
Amazing that Lee (guy in OPs webm) used to be a male. Traps keep getting better
You are full of shit.
>>Are strong jawlines on women attractive?
Depends on the face.
I got bigger jaw muscles by eating carrots and nuts everyday...
>tfw keto
That has got to hurt.
I don't know, eat less and chew more.
I wish there were exercice for the chin tough...
I don't lift for grills but:
Will getting fit (let's say ottermode) make women notice me?
> 22yo
And when I walk outside/on campus no woman looks at me. I don't lift for them but still, it kinda hurts your ego when it feels like you're a ghost to the opposite sex
Can literally just reverse the op and figure it out yourself
>Does chewing gum actually work?
Chew hard gum like mastica which is a type of tree sap; you can get it from Amazon. It helps strengthen jaw muscle and bone structure as well as strengthening teeth. Chew it for a couple of hours daily.
>Are any of these "Facial Exercises" bullshit?
All of them are bullshit. The jaws main function is to chew and so chewing hard gum is the only exercise you need.
>Are strong jawlines on women attractive?
Subjective, but it's been proven that a man who likes masculine features on a women has a chance of being subconsciously homosexual.
>Is it true I would have a higher chance of getting a chisslled/square jaw if I was going through puberty?
Did your pee pee get big when you watched anime girls on TV?
It will not automatically get you noticed.
Is more like a multiplier.
So if you get zero attention, you're kinda null game. Unless you leave humanity behind.
But if you get the occasional glance, even ones you don't notice, then you'll get more. And more, the better shape you're in.
It won't fix your shit personality, so you're fucked no matter.
Get to it, lift them weights Eat sleep repeat.
Also worth noting that you should know your jaws true form will be seen at a relatively low body fat. Also look into Dr. Mew's methods for better jaw posture. Guy knows his shit.
And most of all, you won't be quite so disgusted/ashamed when you see yourself in the mirror.
I shake like Michael j fox when I do planks. Can do multiple sets for a minute each. I, just vibrating like a madman when I do them. Any ideas why?
It wouldn't hurt, But I think in the end your self confidence will do most of the work for you, which will boost up with lifting.
Is it okay to go off-program by skipping a day? I feel like im too sore today to hit the workout with good potential and would rather just move it back a day and do it tomorrow, which was scheduled in as a "rest day" anyways so it's not like im moving other workouts back
Pro-tip: If you ever want to be taken seriously, try not flaunting your tits about like a slag. People will just objectify you, that's it.
Now, if you don't have a personality worth knowing, by all means, flaunt thy tits.
> Lower body fat percentage = stronger jaw line. The key words here are "body fat percentage", not weight.
>it's been proven that a man who likes masculine features on a women has a chance of being subconsciously homosexual.
Have proof on that?
>Did your pee pee get big when you watched anime girls on TV?
uhhh...n-no-no c-c-c-co-co-coment....
Not him but I tried looking it up and I didn't find shit.
That's not OP tho...
>>Does chewing gum actually work?
When you chew gum you are mostly working the masseter muscles (This is the jaw muscle).
Yes it can grow and if it does it will give you a much thicker/square looking jaw, but I would advice you to watch out. This is by far one of the easiest way to get an asymmetrical looking jaw.
Of course for this to even work you're going to need a lot of hard chewing to be done for quite some time. The good news is the mandible is constantly remodeling and it's by far one of the most effective bones to respond to increased pressure.
In other words, your lower jaw will remodel and improve if enough pressure is put on it for quite some time. Let me know if you want more information.
>op wont post sauce
>pics are deliberatly not reversible
Can a mod just permaban OP the huge faggot.
>mod just permaban OP the huge faggot.
Alright, alright here's the sauce.
most of those """""exercises""""" are bullshit
your masseters get more than enough work just from eating or speaking everyday, and the "front" of your jaw/chin doesnt actually have definable muscles. It's bone and genetics
You expect me to click that. Smh.
Her name's Elizabeth Anne nigga
You asked for sauce. I give you sauce!
Yes but you can also get TMJ.
Can't find her insta disappoint.
>Mega milk that lifts
Shes perfect.
Is this legit? Honestly doubt it,desu.
Back to /r9k/
I never went to that board
>analyze her instagram
>seems ok till you listen to her videos
>nothing but nigger uh uh music
Whores are so deceitful.
Instagram hoes ALWAYS play "nigger" hip-hop musics.
What music should they be playing. If I may be so bold.
Its more than that. I can tell by her page shes trying to make an effort to seem not ghetto trash.
They always fuck it. Not as bad as the bitches that make their instas all about metal, gaming and stuff normal guys like and then drop they are coalburning whores.
Literally anything but grunting nogs. Turns a 10/10 into a 0/10 piece of filthy trash.
Jelly bitch or "golden one" tier limpdick.
And that kind of music would be...what?
I'm curious.
Because I can garauntee that whatever band filled with litteral cocksuckers yelling into a mic that you like is not going to pull one extra view and even turn off basically all viewers.
Now, would you kindly, tell me what type of music that you think she should play? I'm am quite curious.
>golden one
Such a specific person to be mad about.
U insecure nigger?
He just told you nigger. Anything besides nigger "music"
Wow, you are jealous ugly bitches. Back to your THINN thread and pretending to be gay dudes in /cbt/ threads.
Braces! If you get them, make sure to really pack on the rubber bands.
No ⭐
They should be listening to some Michael Bublé.
jaw implants and neck lift. Also got his teeth fixed. Three procedures, less than a month recovery. And went from a 6 to a 10.
Minus his whole height thing which probably drops him down quite a bit but his social standing makes up for it also edge of tommorow was the bomb
Im a intermediate lifter 5 11, 170 at 10% body fat. I just hit 1/2/3/4. Im currently running wendler 5/3/1, but im progressing to fast for the pace of the program. Should i condense the program which are 4 week cycles into 2 week cycles or find a new program? Also would I be best off doing a 5 day brosplit, a 3 day split (legs, chest shoulders tris, back and bis) or something like PPL or UUL? Thanks
lurk for 2 years before posting you complete fucking retard
I honestly forgot this thread was a /QTDDTOT/
I've been posting since 2007 boi
That's pretty fucking sad dude...
Ive had breaks you dumbshit.
Someone needs to take one for the team and ask if shes a coalburner.
Meh, I remember posting here on dial-up when the site was still "frames" by default. The more things change...
Came in 2006. On and off differant boards. Haven't been to /b/ since the late aughts. Hell I remember when Digg was the cool place to be and digg 2.0 that caused everyone to migrate to plebbit
You want hot bitches to stand around listening to fucking buttrock made for tween girls and boring adult women?
I honestly can't remember when I first used Veeky Forums I say 2007 but I remember using the site when it was brand new.
It was mostly picture posting then. Now its mostly people writing text posts.
Weak arm stabilizers. Bench more
Achy pain right ass cheek, right where the ass crack begins along with general pain high in the lower back.
Doctor suggested it was my SI joint. Seems wrong. Did I pull a muscle?
FUUUUUCK one of her pics is at my golds gym
Fuck this shit, Ima hop on gear and pull this bitch, shes my age and my perfect girl fuck it
Even the creator of this website is a 7-8/10 thanks to his jaw despite him being a skinny beta.
He's a massive flaming twink.
But he's a cool twink.
Like the kind that would hook you up with hash when shit is looking bad and his very oral chubby faghag friend with the big tits and ass.
> Nope
> All bullshit
> Can be
> Yep.
what is the question? SI joint injuries are not that uncommon and do manifest with pain in lower back and butt.
Bump! Keep this thread alive!
I never understand the Manley controversy in this board. There's literally NOTHING WRONG being 5`7"!!!
Should I do cardio before or after lifting weights? I'm trying to cut and burn as much fat as possible and don't know whether or not I'm burning muscle when I'm running
I'm an out of shape pos. I want to be able to run forever and do a lot of pushups again.
What's the best routineg for this? Should I start with SS or just run every other day?
what is the difference between sumo and goblet squat?
you need to be fresh to lift well
Wish I was a chick so I could just lounge around, pose occasionally, and make a living off thirsty dudes paying for my and my daughters lifestyle.
If you get buff you can still do this.
>If you get buff you can still do this.
Yeah, but no where near as much as being born female.
Scary how many thirsty pervs out there for guys desu not advocatng it but if you have no morals itd be a viable manwhore lifestyle.
I'm recovering from auschwitz mode tried going to gym but it's still too hard for me. Doing bodyweight now and I have a question what is better: do 2x25 pushups daily or 4x25 with a day off?
Stretches for buttwink, currently doing butterfly one. Would appreciate more suggestions or a guide that isn't some personal trainer who squats a plate.
I'm an inflexible cunt and I can't get more than a couple inches below parallel without me heels coming off the floor
Is it better to get lower and reach parallel then drive through my toes. Or do I get less depth for now but power through my heels?
Pretty new to the gym, should I be having my shake on rest days as well? My muscels still hurt like shit and that shake is bretty tasty
Hi guys, I just started counting calories using the app lifesum.
>182 cm
the app suggested I should eat 2298 cals/day to reach my goal of 90 kg within 39 weeks I think.
>50% carbs
>20% protein
>30% fat
I guess I should go up with the protein and down with the fat?
I go running 3 times a week and do PGSLP 3 times a week.
Does going to bed hungry make me lose more muscle mass? My friend is telling me that but sometimes he says bro science. I just started IF and have been going to bed kind of hungry and don't want to lose too much progress.
You wont lose muscle mass if you train regularly anyway and stimulate your muscles into hyperthrophy.
If growth hormones are released your body cant access your muscle mass at all
How bad does smoking kill gains?
In process of quitting but just wanted to know
Just fuck off /pol/
Nice dubs nigger
I have no personality, but here is my body, please follow me to add to my vanity and lack of personality.
No you fuck off you nigger loving kikeboy
>found the trump cock gobbler