/fat/ - Weight Loss General
LOW carb HIGH FAT edition
carbs drive insulin which drives fat
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
LOW carb HIGH FAT edition
carbs drive insulin which drives fat
thanks for the link. i've watched all of jason fung's stuff already.
there's already a /fat/ gen.
why make a new kind? and why not label this a /keto-gen/ if it's specifically for that
356 / 48 / 10
that thread is dyin it has 356 replys
Why should I lose weight?
I will if there is good reason. Can someone who lost tell me if/how it improved their lives?
I'll take my carbs and watch my calories, thanks.
you shouldn't, you should stay fat and disgusting with no willpower and get diabetes and cut your insides to ribbons.
fuck you.
better yet you should just kill yourself
More energy. Look better. Scales don't show "Err" when I step on them. Lessen my chances of an early death. Not be too fat for surgery. Want to live long enough to put my brain in a robot body. Food tastes better.
Feeling better about life. Can do things I've only dreamed of. Also increased the people I had sex with from 1 to 14 within ~1 year.
>no newfag info
>no fat bernd
>no links
why did you even bother
So the rest of society is not disgusted by your presence. Yes, we judge you and ridicule you behind your back.
HAES/plus-sized/whatever are a delusion and a coping mechanism, words will never convince people to not be repulsed by you.
anything besides buzzwords and angry meme motivation bs?
I'm telling you to kill yourself, I'm not trying to motivate you to do anything besides kill yourself.
kill yourself.
This is the shittiest edition of /fat/ I've seen yet.
Are you asking us to beg you to stop being human garbage? We don't give a shit, we have ourselves to worry about. Nobody cares about you but you. I wanted to add "and your family" but they obviously don't either if they let you get to that state.
Thats fine i hope you pick carbs that have a low GI user
How much error do you think there is in the calories a treadmill, stair master, etc says you burned? The treadmill I use knows my height, weight and age but it doesn't take heart rate into account when calculating.
Looks delicious user, enjoy your meal.
I wouldn't trust that at all.
Is that an omelette type creation?
looks like fried scrambled with hot sauce tomatoes and lettuce
reminder to learn how to cook
Got this today, it is almost zero carbs.
Did some fat bros who dont focus only on weight loss but in muscle gain try it?
for your ego, to start liking your body and be more confident.
And health but is a meme, right?
Its bretty good.
Also, let me guess, you're from Hungary
yeah its eggs , mushroom , onion , red bell tomato
over salad , i dont scramble tho , love runny yolk
also he OP is a keto faggot, this thread is officially shit.
S-sorry, sometimes I wait until others make the threads so everyone feels included. If they're consistently as shit as this one I'll be more active though
t. regular OP
I bought a pack too since it is cheap this month in Hungary. As to the effects of it, I dont know, I have no comparison, I just take whey after workouts.
in my experience it's a huge mistake to calculate calories burned by exercise because it goes to -> "oh I did that and burned that much, now I can eat this piece of shit". Just count what you eat and doing sports is icing on the cake
This. The only reason you should even think about how many calories you are burning during exercise is if you're bulking and need to be sure you're not burning off your gains.
Or fuck if I know, I'm just a recovering fatty, but definitely don't give yourself anything to cling to which you can use to justify eating more.
no I am from Bulgaria.
I will take one in the morning and one after workout.
Yup. These kinds of things are like negotiating with a terrorist. "I'll do this, then I reward myself with this". I'm 12kg down since last November, one cheat meal per week, no more, no less
>h-hey user, if you eat under 1200cal with me today, I'll do that thing you always wanted...
>obesity isn't about eating too much, its just like diabetes! your lifestyle isn't the problem its those evil carbs
saturated fat fucking kills you, it literally clogs your arteries until they are blocked, why do these meme peddlers not just say "hey, don't eat carbs you fat cunts"
If you can't come to the conclusion as to why you should lose weight yourself, you'll never truly try to lose weight.
It's exactly why I gained so much.
>"hey, don't eat carbs you fat cunts"
Because if you're fat chances are you're close to diabetes, and should learn to control carb intake. That being said no carbs when you're fat can be a bad idea till you've learned proper habits and have become a little healthier.
How do I control my willpower to stop being a fat fuck? If it was up to me there wouldn't be any temptations in my home, but my family loves terrible food.
Say to yourself "no sweets", let your family know, and bite in to that feeling of resentment that they'd just leave a pack of cookies or whatever lying around.
>Runny yolk
My nigga
Carbohydrates are bad for you if you are obese. A high carb low fat diet is shown to be behind to lots of negative things. One of which is obesity.
And fats in moderation have been shown to be protective against CVD.
So since they are fat a shit and probably not nearly active enough to use or even need the amount of carbs they are on, then they should go on a severly strict diet where they eat heavy amounts of protein some fats and very few if any carbs.
Why fewer carbs? Because carbs are fucking jet fuel that the body prefers to use for all sorts of things. You're trying to get the body to use the fat stores not telling the body to use dietary carbs that you just ingested.
And if it's mixed with the oil from fats it gums up the works.
>saturated fat clogs your arteries
Yeah that's why theres 5g of it in every cup of breast milk? amirite? Babies are dying of heart attacks left and right
Can someone make a real /fat/ thread? With all the info and links and gen description? Why did OP do this? Why?
It's not your fault user, I have made new threads too and I always remember to include the gen description and all the newfag links, it's not you thats the problem its this OP
>tfw still don't know how to back link to the previous thread
Who here /hate keto/ like all of us fatties shouldn't be relying on some meme diet that isn't sustainable long term. Learn healthy eating habits that you can depend on the rest of your life, otherwise you're setting yourself up to gain all the weight back.
Anyone else experiencing beard gains as they diet and exercise? I can only grow a neckbeard and some stubble so I always shave it off but lately it's growing 2x/3x faster and it's annoying. Science behind this?
Oh, that was you who made that thread. You just quote the old thread normally and paste it there, it's nothing special.
A short term hard diet with the knowledge that you will have to learn better eating habits and can once a huge chunk of the weight is gone is best.
And once they get down to that weight they can use flexible dieting to drop any extra pounds they happen to gain and go back to eating normally.
Fuck it, if we let this thread break the backlink chain nobody will be able to browse the old one.
Not saying it's not possible but fatties are not know for their logic and good sense when it comes to eating habits. Personally speaking I fucked up my first successful diet (33kgs) because I didn't develop good eating habits gradually and didn't have to mantain them. This time around it's going much better because I autistically plan my meals. To each their own I guess.
Thanks dude I spent like a solid 10 minutes trying to figure that out but decided to fuck it and just mad the thread without it. I am surprised no one yelled at me for it
Losing weight is NEVER the problem. Any idiot can fucking do it and many fat idiots have.
The real problem is maintenance. It is, like you said, learning better eating habits.
The problem with all weight loss systems is everyone wants the quick fix to look good now and look good in the mirror and show those people or themselves that they can do it. No one actually sits down and thinks...okay. Now what. How do I keep this up?
How do I live like this?
They just go right back to being fat. They'll rest on their laurels and they will think to themselves as they put on basically all of the fat they lost I CAN LOSE THE WEIGHT AGAIN!!. The problem is they probably won't.
eating high carb is absolutely fucking retarded. im not shilling u keto but carbs are definitely where u should cut from.
Aim for something like 20% carbs and i guarantee u will look leaner and feel soo much better and more energetic.
no insulin spikes also means u dont get hungry faster. high fat = keeps u satisfied twice as long
I can see how my post made it seem as though I planned to eat the calories I burned. I actually wanted to compare the calories I burned exercising + deficit to how much I actually lose every week. If I were to go based on what the treadmill told me (300kcal/workout, 5x/week), my total caloric deficit would be ~5700kcal/week, which I don't think accurately represents my scale weight