Cant make this shit up
'I'm perfectly healthy' she had said
Cant make this shit up
'I'm perfectly healthy' she had said
That's a shame I bet she would've been much happier and prettier if she hadn't let herself get so out of shape
Like clockwork
RIP in peace
It's a satirical article. The woman in the image is Kelli Jean Drinkwater, the woman discussed in the article is fictional
fake and gay
I dont think that fat slut drinks water user
literally no source
onion-like page, i knew it was too good to be true...tho it's probably still true, just gotta give it some more time
It's fake
Damn it. I wanted to believe.
Oh boy another satirical news site. Just what we needed.
Me too, man.
Fake News
She would still be a total moron though, it would just manifest itself in a different way
And she still lived longer than zyzz
yeah so you shouldn't be a fat ass or use drugs.
I want to know how these fuckers have any teeth left?
Also wow I already don't drink soda anymore but fuck if this makes me never want a DEW again
>(Trigger Warning: use of ableist language, descriptions of high school socialization)
holy shit i thought this trigger warning shit was a meme.
>(Trigger Warning: use of ableist language, descriptions of high school socialization)
This woman was fucking crazy, here are some of her quotes.
>"Women in larger bodies are seriously underrepresented among athletes"
>Some doctors, who Swanson called “psychological terrorists,"
>“When people learn that I’m 412 pounds, they assume that means I’m inactive or unhealthy,” she wrote in her blog last year. “I’m actually one of the most health conscious people you’ll ever meet. The myth that obesity has any relationship to health is absolutely ridiculous.”
In 2015, Swanson was diagnosed with heart and gallbladder disease. The reality of her mortality, she claimed, only deepened her commitment to fight against weight related injustices.
“I may have a few bad cells, but my health has not been affected,” she told fans on her website. “Thin privilege is a far greater menace to health than having a few extra curves.”
Can't make this shit up....
You are AIDS
Just realized this is a parody news website
Some of their other stories are
106% of Female College Students Will Be Sexually Harassed
High School Evacuated Due to Presence of “Toxic Masculinity”
Feminists Conclude White Privilege Killed The Dinosaurs
I was tricked at first too because I wouldn't even bat an eye if that whale died.
i wasnt gonna laugh out loud, but then i read your comment.
Yeah I was hoping too. It's inevitably going to happen, and a real shame thedonald and /pol/ babbies have to do this shit when it only detracts from when she actually dies. Even making up a fucking name when Guzzlesoda's is already fuarking ridiculous.
OP is fake but here, have a real story for your troubles
It's a satirical website, morons
>Cant make this shit up
>the article is literally made up