Do any anons go to them? Are they really the best place to show off gains and get sloots?
Music Festivals
do i look like a normie fag?
zyzz was small
fuck dude, zyzz looks ridiculous in this picture. In most of his pics he just looks kinda impressive but in this he looks like he is literally carved out of stone. How do you get your body to look like this? That looks like carved marble
this get makes me sad
As for OP, I went to Okeechobee recently, which is a music festival in Florida. Shirt was off pretty much the entire time. However, festival girls are pretty gross desu. They straight up all seem like they have herpes. Going to Shaky Knees in May though which will probably have more my type of girls since it's more indie and shit instead of EDM like Chobee was. You'll have a really bad time if you're super socially inept though lmao
steroids new fag.
Neat. I imagine thats what the MDMA is good for when you are social autistic like myself, right?
lmao yeah man if that helps. I'm just saying that most of the girls that go to music festivals are like college sorority girls pretending to be hippies for a weekend. So like, they're slutty as hell but it's really not any easier than say a bar or something.
Ayy Okee is the shit honestly I never tried to get laid at festies I just try to do the most drugs with my friends as possible. I'm also going to Shaky whatever you do don't skip Portugal they're so good live
American """"E""""""""D""""""M"""" culture is fucking faggy. They're the only people who call it "edm", they unironically go to watch the Chainsmokers/Avicii play some "hard" sets. Any time I watch videos of American events it's a whole bunch of degenerates and girls walking around in next to nothing with fairy decorations and pacifiers in their mouths.
Go to Yurope or Australia and they call it by what sort of music they listen too. Hardstyle/trance whatever. People there just wear normal clothes (singlets, t-shirts, shorts/pants etc) and don't act like wannabe hippies like in America.
there are maybe a handful of girls there and the rest is sausage fest. good luck. better go to a rave party and have more sex in 1 night than any chad will have in his life
>better go to a rave party and have more sex in 1 night than any chad will have in his life
Literally what did you mean by this,
t. raver
Not familiar with the effects of mdma are we son?
A couple of drinks in and the molly kicks, and these floozies are all over any guy with a pulse.
Fkn nerd detected. It's not rohyphnol you MAGA virgin
Ok lassy, calm your almonds.
Alcohol removes inhibitions.
MDMA enhances tactility
The tarts get loose, and touchy-feely.
From there to bangcity is quite a short journey, even on your short legs.
Also what is rohyphnol?
Is it one of those benzos you sperglords rely on to stop mommy from waking up while you lick her feet wearing your rabbit costume?
So how come music festival aren't full-blown orgies then?
They are, just not for you
Im not him but same reason most of society isnt a full blown orgy
Women are the natural barrier and while many substances lower their natural barrier and make them want to fuck you cant bring it down to a guys level currently on a wider scale
what is r...into the trash you go
if you'd ever been to one you'd know the Degeneracy that goes on there. had a kid come back from one with literal hiv and he went bug hunting at a festival specifically to get it. Enjoy having closet gays Poz up your slut variety...
in to the trash you go, fag
every time i go to rave party there are thousand of opportunities to get bj, hj or even have sex right there. if you are not some social retard you will literally have girls grinding on you 24/7. all you have to do iis be there and not be a retard. pop some shit and go have fun. i wouldn't recommend kissing them unless you want to catch shit you didn't even know it existed.
I've been going for years and I love them.
Bonnaroo 5 times, Lollapalooza 8 times, and Pitchfork festival 8 times. I plan on going to them all again this year.
They're not as crowded with sloots as the EDM festivals are but you can still find them of course. I don't go exclusively to show off my gains but it happens since they're hot af and I don't wear much clothes when I'm there. Overall fun time but I really just go to enjoy some good music, hang out with the hippies, and maybe enjoy some drugs (responsibly of course.)
As an Australian, I can amend this to suggest we have those shitty festivals too, though they're dying out. They're the shit Zyzz used to go to. However we also have bush doofs and less mainstream festivals, but there are also annoying hippie cunts at those as well. But hey, you go to those for the music anyway, not to find "sloots". Fuck it's 2017, Zyzz has been gone ages and people are still talking this retarded shit? Maybe I'm just getting old, when i was 18 i just wanted to get jacked and fuck girls too.
> grinding
> at a fucking rave
This isn't r&b you fucking virgin nigger
>thinking some shitty EDM festival is real rave
> implying
if you mean a bunch of 18 year olds on mdma and rubbing against eachother to shitty house music is a """rave""" then you're mistkaen
high dose tren and clen and diuretics
No idea how he managed to feel good on that though... I guess the drugs help
in reality its a chore just to get out of bed
He looks pretty dry here, but his muscles look a lot fuller in other pics. Prob took diuretics or something to make striations pop. Dude was a pretty irresponsible drug user
Too bad there are like 10 days a year here in Finland where you could go without a shirt and all the festivals are pretty much in early summer when its raining and cold
I go to local gigs every other week, never got to know anyone new there bc I'm socially awkward.
Once I went to a huge techno rave for ~10k people, it was very good. Yes, you definetely can show off gains there. (see Technoviking)
>go to all ages rave
>get my cock carved by teen ass
>no one can do anything about it
ITT losers who are elitists about which way people should have fun
You forgot to mention that Finland only have metal fests
Drum and Bass parties are the best
>People always kind
>Lots of sluts
>Always the same group of mentally ill people doing drugs
>Cheap beer
The edm festival scene is what i imagine hair metal concerts looked like by the mid 90s. Do not want any of the rapidly deteriorating fleabags still hanging around those things
Everything except mosh pits whoever fucking brought that shit to dnb and dubstep just doesnt know how to dance.
I work high up at a major one so get to do cool shit like hang around on stages and stuff, but must admit I am jealous of the guys out front who look even 50% like Zyzz.
Well on my way though, although I admit I don't intend on jacking the job in to join them in the crowd!
>uses clen combined with diuretics
is it even worth it? Like i constantly see everyone in the bodybuilding community hyping up tren but the sides seem pretty serious. I know its a harsh chemical but kinda want to try it later in life. Can anyone speak from experience?
Would not rave with anyone in this thread/10
Was the girl in the pic ever recognized? Instagram acc?
Unwashed vaginally vag. Is literally one of the most disgusting things I have ever encountered. Most girls (guys included) don't bother washing a great deal because of the long waits and shitty conditions. I have noticed it's easy as fuck though.
My experience: yes, but I can't stand unwashed vagina. Its an instant limp moment.
>vaginally vag
Thanks autocorrect
lmao piss off weirdo
cant help it need to fap... insta pls?
bump for interest as well. She bad
im okay with unwashed vag as long as the girl is atleast an 8/10. Are festival girls really that gross?
kek.. great response
i dodont know where this is but music festivals must be awesome in those scandinavian countries where there are loads of blonde aryan qts
Heading here this year. Anybody been to this festival? LMK!
Pretty sure that's "Tomorrowland" which is in Europe
That music is such garbage, how can anyone like drive around town while bumping this shit? I have a feeling a lot of the people going to those EDM festivals don't genuinely enjoy the music, and wouldn't go if it was absolutely impossible to get high
Sure, but I only go to metal festivals. Not really the place to show off gains n shit.
>tfw you will never muzz with Vynz at Stereosonic
>Will never go to a japanese music festival
>Will never be around a lot of cute sexually frustrated japanese college/highschool girls and the occasional christmas cake who's trying to relive her youth
>Will never swim through oceans of tight sweet japanese poon and lick acres of sensitive sweet titties.
>Will never wake up in the embrace of two beautiful women who i've dicked unconscious
>My life is shrouded in eternal darkness.
>What use are eyes to one who will never see light.
""""""""""""""Music""""""""""""" festivals like this are literally just a place for ultranormies to go and get high and laid. People who go to music festivals for music go to any festival where actual musicians play real musical instruments. Anything else is literally degeneracy central.
Japanese people will act hostile towards gaijins like you, weebfag
lmao fit are such a bunch of turbopleb normiescum
It's called self expression literally it's how the music is making us feel besides why else would there be music and actual artists yelling to open that shit up? Cmon now
I went to Okee too. You're right it was filled with gross bass heads. I was a lot of fun though. Great drugs