How do I get as big as him?
Is he natty?
How do I get as big as him?
Is he natty?
>is he natty?
probably not.
looks completely attainable
just lift heavy and eat big
He looks natty. Delts and traps look normal. It would require years of natty lifting to attain though.
>It would require years of natty lifting to attain
You really think so?
I disagree, man. Maybe if you started out fat. But if you start out skinny then I seriously think you could attain this physique in just 12 months if you train hard, eat and sleep right, and don't skip.
Maybe with slightly smaller arms. His chest and abs really aren't even very impressive tho IMO.
Start taking up sex as cardio
Really depends on the skinny person (not who you replied to)
started out skinny fat, completely unathletic.
it's taken me a year to really understand my body and gain knowledge on food and nutrition to really start to make progress towards pic related.
I've got an athletic dyel build now and I think in a year I could reach pic related but who knows how long it will take a brand new lifter with no trainer or knowledge
Step one: Have every profession and skill known to mankind
Step two: Fuck every pornstar
>Is he natty?
Could be. But probably not.
The thing is, a good body made with 5+ years of natty work can be had in a year of steroid use or less.
Please stop saying how long it takes to achieve something that you personally haven't achieved.
Thank you.
This goes for all of you.
i love dwayne johnson
This really motivates me, I'm bald but it looks like shit on my skinnyfat body. It's really not that bad on a buff guy
I used to think it was just bait when I saw shit like this on here. Now it's very clear that you people are fucking retarded lazy bitches. That is 100% attainable natty, how is that a question?
You people think pic related is the natty limit
I never got guys like you. It took me like 6 years to get as jacked as him. Do I just have nerd genetics or something?
You must. And/or your nutrition and workout plan isn't good enough.
Used to think this guy was huge
>nobody made a penis joke yet
At least he proofs Nofap and NoPorn to be memes
Attainable natty, but knowing who he is and the lifestyle he leads, he probably roided to get there.
This, it's not like they drug test in the pron industry.
Also, why does his dick look like it's made out of rubber?