What the fuck is this magic Buzzfeed routine that lets you gain 4 inches in shoulder width in 30 days?
What the fuck is this magic Buzzfeed routine that lets you gain 4 inches in shoulder width in 30 days?
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ss+gomad ebin :DDD
>3 sets of vurtue signals
>3 sets of minority oppression
>And for the finisher 5 sets of white guilts.
Thats the routine to get 4 inches on your shoulder width.
Veeky Forums stop being so shit I want serious answer
6.6% bf, ok, im 1% then
he's literally just standing differently you legally blind mong
It's probably a combination of lifting seriously and eating right over the course of a few months touched up with photoshop
>Body Fat: 6.6%
Just why? Is it because now fatties think they are probably 10-12% :) stay happy and positive! :)
This dude is 13-15% bf easy
Chang drinks BOBA
>This sjw fag has 13" arms that look bigger than your 16" arms
Just end me desu senpai
No he's not, also they measure his shoulder width before and after in the video.
hihihihih look at me im so quirky
this is seriously every other comment
i hate this food culture so fucking much
both those pics look exactly the same to me?
>personal trainer and bodybuilder
>spouts that trash
>"Bobcat Gaming"
I fucking detest YouTube comments
Thst guy just wasted 30 days when all he had to do was roll his shoulders back.
that nigger is not 6.6%bf
He's just flexing his lats jesus christ buzzfeed is such a meme
> Body fat: 6.6%
2-5% lmao
> 6% bodyfat
Why would anybody wanna look like that
This is the true body everyone should strive for
I literally had an argument with my gf when I watched this video with her
She kept challenging that I knew more than this so called celeb trainer
And I said well fucking clearly
6.6% my ass
it looks like he did a normal routine for 5 weeks and stood up straighter.
He is clearly slouching in the before pic
Either he got some sun or the lighting is darker.
Look at his pec development. They are almost the same shape and size.
Magic does not exist, youre just retarded
Photoshop + Roids
>no musculare difference in the pictures.
>before pic is taken with arms pressing against his sides
>after ic is taking with a lat flare and different lightning.
I wouldnt be surprised if before and after pictures were taken on the same day.
I see this shit everywhere and it always pisses me off. What kind of shitty fucking excuse is that?
scapula retracted
scapula prostrated
She went from female DYEL to female DYEL who tracks what they eat.
He went from skinny w/ bad posture to skinny w/ good posture. 13.75" as an "after"?