>tfw no carbs
Tfw no carbs
>weekly cheat meal
I used to really miss spaghetti but then I got one of those vegetti things and now I just make zucchini noodles. With a nice hearty meat sauce you hardly notice the difference.
i don't remember that episode of iasip
I keep seeing this pic - what is it from?
Manchester by the sea, great movie, quite sad
Don't do this you dumb fuck
I'm assuming you're doing keto, you're throwing away everything you've worked for. It takes a week to test positive for ketones, by having one every week you're just throwing yourself right back out as soon as you get in. I used to do the same thing, cut them down to once a month. Make it 2 or 3 days if you want, but everything after that first week is where it really starts working.
Pretty sure you're supposed to do a carb up day once a week on keto no? Not a full blown cheat meal but still not just protein and fat
This is a good thing, OP. Carbs in general are unnecessary in the human diet. The only reason we consume them is because they are very common in the foods that we eat nowadays. However, I highly recommend that anyone reading this start weening off of carbs and moving into a pure diet of fats and proteins. This kind of diet is not only healthier, but it also provides just what the body needs if you work out. What I recommend is eating 1 chicken a day (with it's eggs), quarter cup of olive oil, and some gummy fibers if you are concerned about fiber in your diet. I have been on this diet for about the last 9 months and I have seen incredible results in terms of my muscle mass and energy levels.
You should be getting some carbs every day, all from veggies if you can help it. I usually shoot for ~30-40g, staples are broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, avocado (sparingly), sprouts etc
If you go over that limit and your body thinks "oh good, he's back on carbs I can stop this ketosis now" it will take you 5-7 days to get back in.
>mickey mouse school of keto
2 weeks into keto diet ive lost 5 pounds and dont feel cravings much if at all
Ketofag begone!
Do not listen to this post
underbuttered roast
moron bran works bad on keto diet
>with it's eggs
I tried eating a very low carb diet when I was ~22 and I was totally fucked.
Im confused, so carbs are good?
If only you knew.......
If you run long distances you want fucking carbs. That's basically the only useful situation.