What's the point of getting Veeky Forums if I don't have the alpha male mindset? Pic related.
What's the point of getting Veeky Forums if I don't have the alpha male mindset? Pic related
The point is become like Dylan
I don't think so.
who dat
>alpha male
>having a girlfriend with more redflags than a chinese military parade
What is the point of this post?
I don't even understand whats being said
Some sort daisies and tulips metaphor wtf
Is the whole point of that post that he said no to his gf?
explain pls
I don't have the screenshot anymore
Basically a guy got beat up by a fitizen called Dylan, and his gf started masturbating about him and his muscles
He sounds like a bitch who grew up on romcoms. A real man wouldn't think about these things at all, let alone write an autistic wall of text on Reddit.
I don't think you actually understand what a "real man" is.
Talk is cheap
Like your wardrobe. Step up.
>I don't have the screenshot anymore
>Basically a guy got beat up by a fitizen called Dylan, and his gf started masturbating about him and his muscles
You're such a fucking idiot Lmao. Do you honestly believe everything you read on the Internet? I KNOW the guy who wrote that post. Holy shit I thought it was obvious
Jesus Christ I cringed hard
For a 'real man who doesn't give a fuck' he sure seems to try hard
What a neckbeard fantasy post.
Why do you think we care if you lift or not?
>Reddit in charge of who is alpha/manly
holy shit wtf am I reading
Playing with the niece is something you can do without compromising your masculinity. In fact, when paired with the right looks and mindset, it's a total seduction technique because girls love a guy who's strong, handsome, and good with kids.
This guy sounds like a pushover though. There's a difference between not giving a fuck and trying way too hard to convince other people that you don't give a fuck.
What? Why would she tell Trump to concede