Which board do you think gets the most pussy?
I would assume it's Veeky Forums.
Which board do you think gets the most pussy?
You would think that, but keep in mind at least 60% of Veeky Forums is non-lifting permavirgins
Wrong. It's Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums or /out/ or Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
/an/ obviously
holy shit
>Veeky Forums getting pussy
>not getting boipucci
It's probably /soc/, desu
i would guess /soc/
they're all filthy, promiscuous bastards
Veeky Forums are mostly autists. apart from /fraud/ which is basically /soc/ on sterons
Ranking would probably be like that:
1. /k/ because they have guns and can force girls to have sex with them.
2. Veeky Forums because they can make GHB in their basement.
3. Veeky Forums because they own cars.
99. Veeky Forums because they are autists who try to compensate for their lack of social skills by going to the gym.
what the fuck
This. Those queers fuck like rabbits.
Well if we use "gets the most pussy" as "gets laid the most"
Probably /cgl/
Cosplay sluts.
As for guys, probably people hanging out in the gaming and techie communities because nerd girls are slutty.
who dat
>Cosplay sluts.
Obviously girls are going to get laid alot more than guys
>nerd girls are slutty.
>Implying nerdy girls arent going for high value guys instead of nerdy skinny guys
And out of that 40% who lift, 80% are faggots.
/an/ or Veeky Forums
there is literally nothing gay with wanting to fuck other men in the ass
suck a dick and kill yourself morrisberg
All jokes aside it will be /lgbt/, something goes wrong in gay people's minds and they need all kinds of sex all the time. Gay people are either in the closet or uncomfortable with no partners - or they are up past the 50 mark with total strangers.
>gay people
>getting the most pussy
>something goes wrong in gay people's minds
yeah they're perverts who base their personality around liking sex.
>being this dense
Unironically /b/, because it's full of normies.
Definitely not Veeky Forums though we lift because we're ugly
Sorry didnt read it right, something went wrong in my mind. My wife knows a couple of lesbians though and every lesbian in a group of lesbian friends will have slept with each other. Doesnt seem to really affect them being friends ongoing either.
Also keep in mind many lesbians who fight with their gfs will go back to fucking men just to hurt their gf or get attention/validation
That's the other weird side, my wife also has a friend who was "fully lesbian" as a teenager but then ever since college regards herself as straight and only dates men
Really dont understand it all.
Women are more fluid in their sexuality and they are more capable of advanced mental gymnastics to shape reality to fit their view
Going back to date men to hurt the gf makes perfect sense, most girls can have a guy over fucking them within a few hours but dating girls takes alot more time.
Its very logical if you think about it
god i love Veeky Forums
rip sides
/an/ is a gift that keeps on giving.
It's literally /trv/, but nobody knows about it. World travellers who fuck backpackers and local sloots non stop.
Fucking /an/ is /mlp/ with real animals.
Anzu I think
came here to post this