How does he manage to look like complete DYEL from the front, and from the side look so good?
Vegan green man
Other urls found in this thread:
>those delts
is he eating clen, trenning hard, anavar giving up?
I'd say roids, but his fanatic veganism comes off too genuine
better quality pic
>He filmed his grandpa having a heart attack while berating him for eating meat and telling him that was what he deserved
>Only reason he didn't upload video was because his family threatened him with legal action if he did
Why are all vegans psychopaths?
he's lean with a decent amount of muscle but with weird ass insertions
reminder that he can't bench 100kg with those arms
Lmfao for real? Thats fucking hilarious
Why are most vegans I see this sickly green color? I know they say you are what you eat buy I didn't think they meant it literally
john venus looks normal and not DYEL
>John Venus
He's a gay porn star, isn't he?
you're a gay pornstar
Jizz isn't vegan.
he's legitimately schizophrenic. On his old channels there's videos of him talking about how aliens have contacted him and how he's on antipsychotics
being vegan for too long is associated with a number of mental defects, and our boy Richard should be the posterboy for it
Please provide evidence to back up your retarded, baseless claims.
He's not wrong. He called the paramedics before shooting the video, though. He also said in videos that his grandpa was a real asshole, so he could've deserved it based on what he did to Richard when he was a child.
>Why are most vegans I see this sickly green color?
By most vegans you see do you mean just that one?
>being vegan for too long is associated with a number of mental defects, and our boy Richard should be the posterboy for it
Richard is fucked up, but his schizoness developed long before he took up the veg. He claims the vegan diet is helping to treat it.
> aliens contacted him/schizophrenia
> vegans run into mental issues if they're on the diet too long
folate and B12 need to be supplemented or vegans will quite literally go (even more) insane
also obligatory Richard pls go
I guess eating meat makes you crazy too
>folate and B12 need to be supplemented or vegans will quite literally go (even more) insane
B12, yes. Folate, not unless you're an omni. Vegetables and legumes are a huge source of folate. Non-vegans are so folate deficient though that we now add folic acid to fortified foods.
> coronary angiography
> mental illness
If your mechanism for craziness is high homocysteine, meat would be bad for that too.
>High animal-protein diet was positively associated with high tHcy concentrations, whereas high plant-protein diet was inversely associated with tHcy concentrations. Furthermore the total protein intake was strongly related to tCys concentrations.
Well Richard had mental health issues in high school before being vegan, and since going vegan, has improved.
As many omnivores (or more) have the deficiences that vegans do. A lot of vegans have shitty diets, just as omnivores do. Also this must be news to you, but a lot of non-vegan foods are fortified, cattle are fed b12 because they are also deficient, and there are a good number of vegan foods that provide folate as long as you eat a good and diverse diet.
It's not a type of diet issue for either side, the issue is eating a GOOD diet.
Also the deficiency argument was never good. A lot of people can, and do, pop a multivitamin in the morning and it keeps vitamin and mineral levels at a good balance.
It is. It's an animal product, but there was no suffering and death involved in producing it.
Depends on which papers you cherrypick famalamb
>Protein intake was increased in the HP group mainly through lean meat and low-fat dairy
>A high-protein, high-methionine diet does not raise homocysteine concentrations compared with a low-protein, low-methionine diet in overweight subjects.
>Among 4578 non-users of vitamin supplements, intake of vegetables, fruits, cereals, eggs, fish and milk, as well as chicken and non-processed meats were inversely associated with tHcy level.
But I agree going vegan doesn't make you crazy
Nah I've seen a few vegans on fit and they either have a green look to them or a gray look
Lighting, pump, flexing
Vegans that consume higher amounts of carotenoids have a natural tan look to them. One study showed the tan from it even looks better than sun tans.