New cbt thread? New cbt thread.
Been lifting for about 3 years, all natural
New cbt thread? New cbt thread.
Been lifting for about 3 years, all natural
Delete this thread and remake it with your height and weight.
Set a good example bro.
Delete this thread and post in one of the other 2 CBTs. Saying that...
tips on leg gains? Squat 125Kg max DL 200 kg max
Should I keep bulking?
jesus chirst, are you guys homos?
Sure you look good but kisses, smileys and the phrasing screams "I eat dick all day"
ironically the photo is at my gf's house and the kisses are to cover shit
21 Feb - 22 March
91kg -> 85kg
Has my body composition improved at all? can't tell if I'm just imagining things going back and forth between the pics. Please don't mention my posture.
Yeah you definitely lost fat.
Keep it up brah. thats good progress for the timeframe.
Haha mine was for a female as well, who has been telling me I am too lean (hence the 2 lb reference). Not that it makes it any less gay, though
Pls be in new york
looking fucking good brah
Shit nigga, i have those lifts at 5'8 167lbs and I don't look nearly as good as you.
Teach me your magical hypertrophy ways fit-wizzard
I spend most of my time at gym doing hypertrophy upper body stuff. Bench is 115kg for 3 though and I can do 40kg weighted chins for 5.
Also ideal lighting and pose. Do you have a pic?
Cheers brah.
UK, but I am actually visiting NYC for 8 days next month..
Wanna fuck?
I remember when cbt had dudes with some actual size wtf is this shit faggots y'all are twinks. Just cause you got toned up doesn't mean shit holy crap. Weak faggots
>weak faggots
Mate I deadlift 250kg
and you???
Stop having goals that are different than mine!!!!
Not at the moment, currently at work. But your bench is about 25lbs higher than mine.
I've fallen for the strength meme for the past two years and was thinking about making the switch to a pure hypertrophy routine.
Do you have a specific routine you follow?
6"3 187lbs
Damn it, foiled again.
The straps literally lifted 90% of the weight for me.
That said I have done 250kg without them, but not on camera.
>mixed grip
Impressive. Any tips for increasing grip strength?
My grip isn't that good, I mean mixed grip will bring your double overhand strength up to some degree. I can double overhand 190kg for one rep, but its hard as fuck. I have hook gripped 240kg but it fucking really hurts and doesn't really benefit grip, its basically like using your thumbs as straps.
All else I do for grip is farmers walks, and I have some captains of crush grippers at home that I should use more often.
Just don't use mixed grip until DOH fails you. It will bring your grip strength up.
>mixed grip
I have lots of videos.
You have great potential.
Lift hard and heavy. Eat clean but plenty.
You will look awesome given a couple of years.
Deadlift is great. But it doesnt add size. Bet you have strong spinal detectors, and lower back. BUT you're still small and have twink arms and twink chest. Maybe try to strengthen other parts of your body and you might progress more on diddly
Try doing 8 reps of that weight for 4 sets and keep the movement controlled. Your flailing. Lol
Jeff pls...
>But it doesnt add size.
Please, post a picture of you.
82kg at 5'10 is nothing remotely close to twink mode.
Obious troll is obvious, don't listen to him user, you're stronk as fuark
Yeah I know, I don't do that for every set... hence why I'm filimg it. it was a max rep set to see what my RM for 1plate was. I do exactly what you say normally. In fact I got 3 sets of 10 good reps just yesterday.
Lol what's your bench and squat max big boi.
How tall and weight?
I have seen your lifts are really good, but your photos make you look small. Are you bigger in real life.
1RM bench is 115kg.
Squat 5RM is 140kg. (i don't squat often at all though, don't really care for it)
Please post a picture of you.
What? I literally put height and weight in the post lol.
I look bigger than your average guy on the street, but I'm not, and don't want to be, a giant mass seeker.
Pic is a size large t shirt.
That's some Chris Pratt mode except for forearms.
What is your training style like?
I have a similar goal, I just want to be strong and lean not arsed about being huge.
My bench is 305
Idk my squat but I squat 295 for reps of 8 3 sets. Yeah you got a decent deaslift but you're still weak. I am too don't get mad about it lol. I don't have any recent pics and I look like shit cause I'm more of a bulking kind of guy (no abs). I'm not how a take one right now and decrypt it just to post.
I roughly follow PHAT. Mainly just because I enjoy working out often.
in reply to
>. I don't have any recent pics
I'm married and I don't take photos everyday of my body to post in cbt for approval lmao.
Yeah you just come into the thread to talk shit about people to make your fat ass feel better.
Fuck off
Yes, I like talking shit about twink bodies fags that post their dyel 2 years of lifting body. Just cause I don't have abs doesn't mean I'm fat lol. I just don't lift for girls like weak fucks like you.
Whatever helps you sleep at night fatty.
> Just because I don't have abs doesn't mean I'm fat
Actually yes, yes it does. That is exactly what keeps them from showing.
You may not be obese, but you're fat. I can tell by your quick and short responses you have Cheeto fingers at the moment.
I look like I could have and and people assume just cause I'm stalky but no. When people look at me they don't think fat. And I'll never ever cut to 11-13% bf. I like my size and strength too much. But yeah bro keep lifting for girls lmfao. Stay tiny.
prove it fatty.
You're fat and theres not even any proof you outlift anyone in this thread.
holy fuck nobody cares about your webms or how much you dl you look like shit
clearly getting butthurt.
6' 171
Looking good brah.
You look heavier than 171
Thats what i normally hear. Lighting and angle of the pic probably.
I'm 30 minutes from manhattan. I'm not white tho is that a deal breaker
how dont your wrists snap when lifting
I know its you Ed Witten
you got this user, keep going
Whatever set I've done, I've inputted in symmetricstrength and according to it these are my best lifts. All with the cleanest form possible
>65kg bw
>ohp 44kgx10
>incline bench press 55kgx10
>chin-up 10kgx8
>squat 80kgx5 (i know)
no hate pls brahs
Starting cut on 2000kcals today, 164lbs now looking to get down to 150/155, 5'7
Wish me luck brahs
around 6'3 205
where's your pic m8?
Been 1 year 5'8 165 pounds
Bench 185x3
Squat 245x3
DL 335x3
OHP 115x3
Should I cut or keep building?
Looking good.
I'd say keep bulking, get your 5RMs to 1/2/3/4
Then see where you wanna go from there.
Well you have better lifts than me and about the same body fat, personally I'm gonna cut, you'd look pretty good with a cut as well
Testing body fat percentage with one of those shitty handheld things at the gym today after lifting - Said 8.0%
6'2 188 lbs. I feel like I don't look 8% yet.
you look abut 8-10 you just dont have that much muscle
>I am too don't get mad about it lol. I don't have any recent pics and I look like shit cause I'm more of a bulking kind of guy (no abs).
People on this board are so full of shit. This guy talked shit about his lifts and like thr bitch he is, backed out.
Fuck you, pal.
I'm just trying to look good :^)
Would you please have sex with me?
>all natty
Zero people thought steroids were in the picture.
Still chad though
tfw I impress all my friends with my physique but I still look way worse than most people on Veeky Forums
6'1 185
Some unfortunate abs bro
Hey Veeky Forums, first time posting here.
I've been lifting since the start of December (did SS, moved onto a 5-3-1 program after finishing it), have made decent strength gains while remaining more or less the same size.
Which was my goal, I don't really like the idea of being big/larger than "average". So I've put on 3kg in those four months.
My 5RM lifts at 75kg are:
OHP: 55kg
BP: 70kg
BS: 110kg
DL: 135kg
C+J: 80kg (holy fuck is doing 5 C+J in a row tiring)
So I'm still making gains on my current program, but I've just this week started to think that maybe having a bit more mass to protect me from injuries would be a good idea.
Is anyone here small but strong? Do you find you get injured often/at all? I haven't got hurt in the weightroom yet, and would like to keep it that way as long as possible.
But yeah, I'm aware I'm DYEL mode, it's essentially what I've been going for/happy with. Looking for input as to if it makes sense to have that as part of my lifting goals.
>pls be natty
lol of course im natty
i do a pplx
looks like a greek sculpture
You aren't flexing your abs or legs in that picture, right?
pretty sure im flexing legs
bro... everyone is flexing their abs in pictures. mate your gonna be in for a real big disappointment if u think ur abs look hard and ripped 24/7 despite being 10-12% bodyfat.
if u eat mcdicks and/or sit/stand in unflattering lighting/angle its very possible to look like u dont even have defined abs.
Dat dere fight club physique
Posture making traps look huge and lats quite smallish?
195cm/123kg- 6.5/270lbs
210/200/210 - 462/440/462 or so right now.
Main focus right now in pull ups and the goal is to hit 190kg total at with 120kg BW+70kg weights. After nationals I will focus in PL again and I should hit 700kg total quite easily this year.
C&j isn't really an exercise you do a 5rm on
I was about 13% bf a couple of months ago before I started bulking again and was pretty disappointed about how I don't have visible abs unless I was flexing or the light came from the right angle. I just felt like his abs weren't very defined and it looked like a realistic expectation for what unlfexed abs around 10% would look like.
I know I still have to lose 8-10lbs more of abdominal fat and get serious about my diet/stop binge drinking (depressed) but I'm down 12lbs, have more of a curvy figure and put on lots of muscle mass despite all that.
Nice work, keep going. Tell me if you're in London in 3 or 4 months.
Hey you're getting thinner keep going :) if the scale says so and people say so then it's definitely true! Don't lose focussss.
U must be shorter than 5'7", I look the same build at 5'8" but I'm 190lbs
Thanks for the positive comments. I don't talk to anyone at the gym so idk if I'm making progress.
holy shit, are you juicing?