How can you tell if someone is using steroids?

How can you tell if someone is using steroids?

if they dont look natty

>they wear t-shirts proclaiming "I love drinking steroids"
>they keep talking about the steroid club they're part of

roid belly

If they're bigger than you.

>They are on treatment of erectile dysfunction

Check their ass for scars.

Overdeveloped lats/ acne on back, chest and shoulders/ hyper vascularity and definition at huge size/ small comparitive legs/ stretch marks. Not all absolute but usually an indication.

Oversized shoulders and traps. Very low bodyfat yet full muscle bellies.

Look at them straight in the eye and ask them.

From my amateur understanding-
>Big, strong skull, namely the jaw
>very blushed skin
>acne on upper body
>bloated look
>huge traps and shoulders
Obviously if someone is really big and shredded they're probably on roids too
None of these are a for sure thing, but are likely signs

tiny balls

flushed (red) skin from high blood pressure, especially in their hands

> strong skull
What the fuck are you talking about

maybe he means bald

>Not doing starting skull
>Calling your skull strong

Spy on them until they do steroids

blood testing

HGH makes your bones grow

Most steroids arent HGH, thats pretty extreme and even then thats an engorged elephant man head - not a strong skull and jaw.

ask him for pictures of his progression.
if he gained a disproportional amount of muscles in a short time span, then he was using steroids.