Veeky Forums i've got the skinnyfat syndrome. how can I fix this? I want a flat stomach with no abs (yes I want no abs just the flat stomach)
pretty much have pic related going on.
I'm 6'0 and 144lbs
Veeky Forums i've got the skinnyfat syndrome. how can I fix this? I want a flat stomach with no abs (yes I want no abs just the flat stomach)
pretty much have pic related going on.
I'm 6'0 and 144lbs
try lifting weights
isn't that going to gain me muscle though? i'm looking for basically no muscles but the flat stomach. i've read the way to do that is lots of cardio but i wasnt sure
>moonrune tattoo
>flat stomach without abs
what the fuck
just do high rep everything to the point it is pretty much cardio.
Or do some HIIT
not me in the picture dingdong, just trying to illustrate my point. skinny everywhere except the belly sticks out.
High reps of lifting? Again, won't that gain me muscle mass that's not what I want. HIIT is that when you sprint 30 seconds and walk and alternate?
>isn't that going to gain me muscle though?
You can start by leaving this board, normie.
Where do you suggest I go then to fix this? Since i'm sure a normie
Either the sticky or Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength: 2nd Edition.
The sticky mentions wanting a flatter stomach but not building muscle?
One of these is wrong
No, it mentions how to not be a normie, normie.
Let me guess? You skip cardio?
I got sames
Even though you should probably just not. really the only way your gonna do this is by losing weight, not eating alot of carbs, and being dehydrated, basically improving yourself in no way at all. also take laxatives and shit your stomach flat.
Nope, just weighed myself and I know i'm 6'0 from last doctors trip
good one
well i wasnt doing any exercise but i want to get rid of this belly so now i've started jogging a bit in the morning after reading that would help
i'm doing it for probably not a good reason but arent we all
That's where your wrong
who's wrong? me or the guy giving advice, be a little more specific
I am the guy giving advice
as in i'm wrong doing it for a bad reason? maybe so but plenty of people have flat stomachs without it being bad so isn't it possible it won't be too bad for me?
Kill yourself, faggot. Just fucking toss yourself into traffic, you putrid lamb.
I knew we had a /pol/ problem on this board, but where are the faggots like OP coming from?
its not me you retard, jesus christ can you read?
Most likely /soc/. The shit that leaks from that cesspool is sick, piss, and revolting.
actually none of those, would you like to keep guessing?
Just stop eating
that's gonna get me nowhere but skinnier overall i'll still have that belly fat going on
Aldahllahum Allahu brother!
what did he mean by this?
Recovering fatty in a similar situation kinda.
I was 5'8" 147 during my wrestling season, and i kinda looked like pic related just a little more sucked, but i'm 160 in pic related. I attempted to bulk and figured I was gonna hop on a keto during the summer.
Should I continue to put on mass or cut to abs and clean bulk? I really want to cut down on my midsection and develop my chest more. Not to be soft, but I feel like I've made no progress other than adding 20 lbs to my bench
fuck. fixed photo
i am bad
spooky skeleton detected. please gib good calcium.
Post pics of you and we can help more.
Do this faggot OP
I smell b8
8/10 very subtle
except for this shit beer gut
you're on the right track, but no
post a shirtless pic the pic you posted is in no way 6' 144
your ribs should be visible and shit.
Could be an anterior pelvis tilt OP
pic isn't me, but yes you barely sorta see them maybe?
No dude that guy is at least 160 and probably not 6 feet tall. He's just an average guy.
here i just took one, see how i've got this fat belly out of nowhere?
Not really.
you should just lift weights. Why wouldn't you want abs? Girls like them. Do you not like pussy?
You are like a baby
Let me show you the true meaning of skinnyfat
you can probably see it better in a side profile, anyways just take my word it's there. it's not flat flat. i dont want to go for the muscle look, i do like girls that's not it.
You like the dyel who's inside all day look?
well i mean first, having a fat belly is linked to health problems from what i've looked up (i just need to eat better i guess)
but second and the reason i thought about this was... a bad reason more than likely. i just want to know, can it be done and how?
You can't lose fat off one place you'll go from skinnyfat to spooky skeleton and then you'll be back asking how to get muscle.
You don't need to look like rich piana, but you can get strong and you'll get a flat stomach if you get to low enough body fat.
so is there a way to stay roughly this same body mass, flat stomach, and not look like a holocaust survivor?
Could you post a picture of what you believe is "basically no muscles but flat stomach" ?
stomach fat is like the last place you lose fat, you're at the brim of no muscle slight fat
lift weights till your body balances out then cut you fucking retard
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