No manlets allowed.
/tall/ General
Are you 6ft5?
Fellow tall guy here, feels weird in cars sometimes, Ideal height in a sports car is probably like 5ft7
/lank/ reporting in
6'1 here, can I hang out with the big boys?
you look like a school shooter
I gotta tell you guys something, because this is an anonymous image board and all
>Be me 5'10 manlet supreme
>Date a plenty of girls throughout my life
>Talk to them
>all of their ex's are 6'3 plus
>Like each girl, exclusively and explicitly likes tall guys and im always the first BF under 6'3
So what is it fit, is dating manlets like a "Ill try it once" thing for girls.
Dude holy shit if that's you, your kitchen looks almost exactly as mine
I'm 5'11 is there anything I can do to grow that extra inch. or will I always be a manlet
6'2.65"masterrace reporting in
put on a pair of shoes
6' and feeling like a midget sometimes. Is it true that you grow until 21?
I capped at 6'1" at like 19 max
Tips for maintaining a good posture?
Rows are your friend buddy
Work your rear delts and back like your life depended on it.
Also some neck curls will make your neck go little bit back
Other than that, don't be lazy on your posture, chest up, shoulders back. I have the same problem.
>Tfw 6'2 so neither manlet or big guuuu
5'11" madlad checking in, even though I'm very short.
depends on your problem
6'4 checking in. Been making solid gains over the last year, but I feel like it's way too fucking hard to put on weight without eating garbage.
but i would say that probably the best posture exercise is external shoulder rotation, simply because literally everybody could benefit from doing more of it
I said I'm short, but checking in anyway.
>this is the guy giving advice
6'7 and never played basket
>I stopped growing at this age so this is the case for everyone
>tfw 5'7" virgin manlette but i can still buy a gun and shoot every tall cunt in sight
Get rekt
Post pics
nope, only if you have some kind of disorder like delayed puberty or a brain tumor.
6'4 /fatass/ here
Started losing weight at 265 now down to 230, gonna see how I look at 190-200.
I just started doing calisthenics a month ago and love it. My joints feel better and stronger then when I was deadlifting and squatting every week.
>Is it true that you grow until 21?
Contrary to what the other two said I stopped growing when I was 24. 6'5 now, I grew 3 more inches from when I was 20.
jesus christ
when will they ever learn
REEEE. When the day comes, everyone above 5'8 will be executed.
I pity the manlet
anything under 5'9 is not a manlet but is a turbomanlet (borderline-midget tier)
Please...stop this...ENOUGH.
Hey fellow tall people, I'm 6'7, I've always felt like my legs were too big, which prevented me from getting that nice V shape, any tips?
do extra lat and shoulder work.
I had the same problem where my hips and thighs dominated. Started doing much more volume on lats, shoulders and chest and I look so much better now.
Do girls ever approach you guys? It hasn't happened but I'm also 6'4 so I'm pretty intimidating I think. I see girls talking to manlets all the time since they are not imposing or attractive, girls are at ease around them.
5'10 here. Yes women have approached me out of the blue but it's usually because they want something or in a strictly platonic way.
You're probably just ugly cause my friend who is 6'5 gets approached all the time.
Alright, thanks
Guys what do i do if my ribcage is narrow
post doggo faggot
You are not imposing or intimidatting, you need to eat and lift. I am 6'2, 260, 14% bf, that is intimidating but I still get approached by sloots on the regular. You will too if you can get your weight above what a paper bag weighs and don't have some fucked up face or personality.
Does having a 4/10 face matter when you're 6'2"+?
I thought getting big muscular was a meme and being tall is enough to get girls, so really they're intimidated.
Can you post a picture of yourself? I really need some inspiration
i think they're afraid to approach you too quickly for fear you might fall over with the gust of wind they create
I'm not inspiration I'm a bad influence, I juice
5'10" reporting in. Feels good to not be a beta manlet
>5'10" reporting in.
>short people always telling me I should get a huge ass SUV/truck so I have leg room
Fuck those guys.
Well fuck
>tfw stopped growing at 16 and ended up 5'6
I can see in my dad's eyes that he is disappointed
nigga 5'10 IS a manlet
placeholder bf, 6'3 guys aren't that common so girls can't necessarily get a new man-sized bf immediately
6'10 here, probably the tallest on Veeky Forums heh
also biggest penor too lol...10x6 :p
I'm 6'4 and 200lbs in the photos on the right. I'm 392lbs in the photo on the left (just for reference).
Tall guys if you wanna fill out tshirts and actually look like you lift you can't be under 200lbs. Infact I think I still need to gain 20lbs at least but I still have some belly fat I want gone before I do commit to a long term bulk. I would shoot for higher than 20lbs but I'm natural and don't want to get fat again because of diminished returns.
If you're 6'2 or taller and 170lbs or less that's the equivalent of a 5'5 manlet who weights 120lbs when it comes to how you look in clothes and in a relaxed state ie: 90% of how you look at your job or in public.
10'7 here
What are you fags gonna do about it
6'8 reporting in kek
face always matters, but if you're for example 5'10 with 4/10 face it puts you at 3/10 overall, while you will still be 6/10 because of your height
Anybody have the one that's shifted up?
Thanks senpai
Few males stop growing before 17
Most males stop growing 17-18
Very few males grow until 21
Almost no males grow untill 23+
I didn't hit growth spurt until 10th grade and went from about 5'5" to 6' in about two years
Senior year (17) I was 6'1"
at 21 I was 6'2"
And at 23 I'm now 6'2.25" Almost 100%sure I'm not growing anymore.
(With correct posture I'm exactly 6'3" )
im 18, 6'0. If i wont reach 6'2 until 21 im hanging myself
measure you height first thing in the morning during a full or new moon. Get that tidal effect working for you.
10'1" master race here.
Lmaoing at all the manlets stuck at 6ft, fucking manlets get off my thread.
Any other 5'8 bros here? Feels good to be right above the manlet cutoff line
This thread is sad and the people in this thread are sad.
>TFW 5'8"
>TFW gay and don't care about grills
>TFW still will never be as big as my heroes in strongman and powerlifting and bodybuilding
>TFW it turns out even bears want bigger spoons
I just want to be able to hold friends but they're all inexplicably huge. Like I pull the average below 6'. I don't understand why I'm so short when it seems like everyone else isn't.
5'11 reportin in bois
It's not wrong if you're into dating below 30.
>Able to put microwave on top of fridge and still use it
kek that was decent but you fell for b8 so you faggot
yeah probably because you're a fat ass with shit form and trying to lift too heavy because you're beta compensation
Are tall femanon allowed in here? I'm 7'1".
Enjoying the view, big boy?
Another big guy!
7'1" woman wants to make tall babies
Post pics and pls be in london
hey lanklets, just know if you ever looked at me wrong, i would heem you with an uppercut or a right jab in an instant.
Have a nice day lanky stupid fucks
6'10"? Where do you live, Big Sexy?
im 6'5 and yes they do, i also eat every now and then
>spooky skelly mode
Fucking LONDON meme!
>tfw 6'5" and having trouble with my hip flexibility
This is fucking awful. My left hip is fine but there's a spot on my right hip that always cramps up real bad. Anything I can do to help loosen that shit up?
It's for charity dude
6'5 dyel reporting in
Has anyone /tall/ got nice gains doing full body programs only?
Currently I'm not able to hit the gym more than 3x a week 1h each session, but I feel the volume is too low.
forgot pic not related
jesus look at the width of those clavicles...
you have been blessed with that body and still cant get girls to approach lmao
I 100% know whats the issue and I will not tell you
rot in your basement fool
facepulls facepulls facepulls
literally slow chin-ups everyday
would love to get an answer for this as well. I will be in the same boat as you time wise as soon as I get a proper job after graduation.
Was thinking of an upper lower split up to 3 times a week. Not sure if that will work out tho
I'm 6'4 but are you me
>group of friends i usually hang out with are all taller than me/same height so i look average anyway
I'd rather be a 5'5" manlet than a 6'2" dyel faggot with that haircut
> 6'5 222lbs born in brazil
> avg brazilian female is 5'3
> tfw I have been called "too tall/big"
luckily there is always females who are into giant sized men, but still