Achievable natty with good genetics and +4 years of work? And yes, I know the guy's 5'10" tops.
Achievable natty with good genetics and +4 years of work? And yes, I know the guy's 5'10" tops
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hes like 5'6
and yes achievable natty
He's like 5'7 dummy.
Yes, that's achievable natty.
>those striations
pick one
Another pic of him
Honestly not _that_ impressive to call him a roider considering he is a manlet.
He kinda looks like these guys and they are natty, also they are 5'4 sadly kek
Would these proportional be possible natty for 6'2+?
Roid delts, no. At the very least you'd need cutting agents. His mass and size aren't out of this world but that kid ain't natty.
Size is acheivable natty probably but being that lean natty will make you feel like absolute shit and your dick probably wont work
What would someone take on a cut to get lean but stay joocy?
>roid delts
those aren't roid delts. roid delts look like small bulging pumpkins. he's just lean
Well at least they managed to find a sport that favours their height that they can excel in.
Achievable to look like this every day natty? Nah, brah. Achievable natty with cheating angles, filters and a huge shoulder pump. I think so.
>those aren't roid delts
Oh my sweet summer child
Stay mad, deltlet
Uh huh, niglet.
>roiding for this
That's SonyD
>the delts and striations
100% natty
That kid has more juice than a fucking calicorian orange orchard.
Nice Dick Ovens, faggot.
That stringer is like a fucking dress on him. Lmao
Can tell by the striations in his shoulder he's roiding.
how can I get hair gains like the left one?
VERY highly doubt that natty though
Be born with naturally straight hair.
Achievable. Note that he's not very tall and has a small head, making his shoulders look pretty wide.
welcome newfriend
Okay I have a question for the natty police. This guy goes to my gym, I'm 5'9" and he's about the same height is me. Natty?
The fuck is the point of staying natty then?
no lmao
so you get it now.
-Cheaper ( month cycle will only run you about 175-250 though)
-Easy to fuck up your endocrine system if you don't know what you're doing
-illegal (who cares)
-You're a faggot if you pin before 1/2/3/4/ at the very least
baka i swear all of u fucking retarded powerlifters with forever >25% bodyfat
that is how delts look when u are lean, have raging pump and abuse angles/lighting
pic related: all from roughly the same timeline from the same guy
so to conclude: achievable natty
I see a fake natty though
Faggot cunt no day is leg day, perfectly natty dude
Yes , Veeky Forums is full of genetic trash , so of course most of them would assume its not achievable
he's a manlet
you gotta admit, his first few pics don't look that fantastic, especially in the second one where he's clearly a lot bulkier.
You're giving up your natural manhood, you can end up an infertile partial castrate, too look like a gay pornstar for a few years.