Best exercise? Perfect arm day?
Building big arms
8 hour arms.
Do them.
>arm day
If you only dedicate one day of the week to working your arms then you won't be getting big arms any time soon.
what if I do arm day everyday?
Frequency is best for arms imo. Do a few sets of bicep curls and a few sets of tricep pull downs after every workout
Do cheat reps with barbell curls and lower the weight as slow as possible
> ez bar curls
> lying triceps extension
curls after pulling exercies
triceps extensions after pushing exercises
50-100 total reps each
destiny plz
He's pretty good but one of the trainers at my gym gave me this tip first
That feel when curls are my worst lift by far.
I have progressed nothing at all in a month after starting this new brosplit routine. They don't look smaller than the rest of my muscles... what gives?
Maybe it's because you're doing a shitty ass brosplit routine instead of something respectable like PPL or even full body and adding bicep curls as an accessory exercise
Pullups, chinups, rows, dumbell chest press, dumbell ohp, skullcrushers, rope battling, nut
arm day everyday and that for 3 months
then let them rest and i mean REALLY rest no weight lifting for about 2 weeks
then go back to training arms 1-3 times a week
and BAM got your big arms right there
obviously you also need the right noutrition and enough sleep for your arms to grow but if you follow these instructions you will have big arms in about 5 months
I'm doing PPL. I thought PPL was considered brosplit?
pls no bully
I've actually posted my routine several times but no one has ever commented on it. If I post it, would you tell me if it's ok or if I may change something to make it better?
Post it I will review
I did 4 months 5x5 SL and now I switched to this PPL routine.
Monday 1 Pull
1x5+ Deadlifts
3x8-12 Pulldowns
3x8-12 Seated Cable Rows
5x15-20 Face Pulls
4x8-12 Hammer Curls
4x8-12 Dumbbell Curls
Tuesday 1 Push
4x5, 1x5+ Bench Press
3x8-12 Overhead Press
3x8-12 Incline Dumbbell Press
3x8-12 Triceps Pushdowns SS 3x15-20 Lat Raises
3x8-12 Skullcrushers SS 3x15-20 Lat Raises
Wednesday 1 Legs
2x5, 1x5+ Squat
3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift
3x8-12 Leg Press
3x8-12 Leg Curls
5x8-12 Calf Raises SS 5xFailure Leg Raises
Thursday 1 Pull
4x5, 1x5+ Barbell rows
3x8-12 Pulldowns
3x8-12 Seated Cable Rows
5x15-20 Face Pulls
4x8-12 Hammer Curls
4x8-12 Dumbbell Curls
Friday-Sunday: rest
Monday 2 Push
4x5, 1x5+ Overhead Press
3x8-12 Bench Press
3x8-12 Incline Dumbbell Press
3x8-12 Triceps Pushdowns SS 3x15-20 Lat Raises
3x8-12 Skullcrushers SS 3x15-20 Lat Raises
Tuesday 2 Legs
2x5, 1x5+ Squat
3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift
3x8-12 Leg Press
3x8-12 Leg Curls
5x8-12 Calf Raises SS 5xFailure Leg Raises
And then Wednesday 2 would be Monday 1 and so on. It was technically a 6 day routine, but I toned it down because I work and go to uni. Should I stop being a pussy and do 6 days anyway? Is this routine good anyway, or does it miss any major muscle groups (I think it lacks a bit more of core work but I don't know any better).
Why won't anyone ever critique my routine. This must be like the 9th time I've posted it with 0 replies.
Grow up fucking cuck
This user told me he would review it, I feel betrayed.
IS IT GOOD OR NOT? You god damned cunts, I'm going to assume it's a good fucking routine.
No one wants to get shit on their keyboards
This looks like reddit PPL. It's not bad but IMO it could be better with less volume, more intensity; but you got to do whatever you feel it's better for your progress (low/high volume/frequency etc).
On legs day, for instance, I'd replace RDL, Leg Press and Leg Curls for Bulgarian Split Squats, which work the same muscles at once (compound) + adductors, while teaching you proper squat form (you cannot butt wink on Split Squats).
On pull day, I'd replace BB Rows for Kroc Rows, and superset it with Curls.
On push days, I'd skip Incline Press, which is not worth it for neither shoulders or chest development, and replace the OHP for DB Press/Arnold Press; also, I think Lying Triceps Extension (not skullcrushers) are a better exercise for Triceps hypertrophy, bc of that last step of "adductig" the shoulder at the end of each rep.
All these taken into consideration, it makes my favourite routine, which I'm not currently doing solely bc of schedule restraints.
Because we realise that you're not fucking around and have an actual routine. And that puts you higher than 99% of people on this board
Seriously, I just go to the gym and do whatever I feel like, roughly in muscle groups.
OHP is the only shoulder movement? wtf
also only 1 set of deadlifts?
lat raises?
incline db press?
face pulls?
I might be autistic, because I love planning and having a perfectly structured routine. Hold on, is having a routine not a common thing?
THANK YOU user. Will definetely take at least one, if not most of your suggestions. Are Kroc Rows the same as 1-arm bent over rows? And I don't exactly get what you mean by "abducting your shoulders" for the Lying Triceps Extension (actually, googling that exercise, skullcrushers show on the list).
As for the DB press, you mean with a 0º incline? Because I'm doing my Incline Press on the lowest position, which is not 0º but close. Aaaand, if it's a press with 0º, what's the difference between that and just doing more bench presses with less weight and more res?
Sorry for all the questions, I'm only all too excited that someone finally commented this routine. Thank you again, user.
Yes, I too find it weird that's only 1 set of DL... although consider that the last set is 5+, meaning that you do at least 5 and then as many as you can until one rep before failure (so if you would fail AFTER your 8th rep, you'd do 7 reps).
Having a routine isn't that common but I don't really know any "serious lifters". Some people have a loose routine that depends on whats busy at the gym.
I know a guy who can't understand that you can do other excercises. E.G. On one day he'll just deadlift til he gets tired and then go home.
Calm down bro I was busy. Routine is fine, could use more volume on accessory work for sure
Thanks brah. What do you consider accessory work? Anything that's not a "main" barbell compound?
For triceps and biceps you do two exercises. On days you work then I do 4 different ones, so a total of 8 diff exercises per over the course of the week. Your overall lack of any shoulder isolation is atrocious as well. You need DB press, lateral raises, Arnold press, etc.
>Are Kroc Rows the same as 1-arm bent over rows?
Very similar, but Kroc Rows usually allow some "english". I do it the Lee Boyce way:
> "abducting your shoulders" for the Lying Triceps Extension
Adducting, not abducting. It's the action of moving a limb closer to the median axis of your body, while abducting is moving away.
One of the movements your triceps muscle is responsible for is that, bringing the arm closer while flexing the elbow. On LTE you move your arm that way (pic related, while on Skullcrushers, you keep your arm fixed.
> DB press
It's a "Military Press" or Arnold Press, either sitting or standing; not Bench Press at all.
Sorry if I came off rude, I just hate brosplits with a passion.
PPL isn't really a brosplit because it's hitting multiple muscle groups in every workout multiple times a week, whereas brosplits typically hit each individual muscle group once per week (ex: working arms one day, back and chest another day, legs another).
I tend to do a full body routine, but you can do what you want. Just remember that the most important thing to do is to work everything multiple times a week, don't just limit a muscle group to one specific day.
I'm not sure why doesn't everyone just do full body workouts here on Veeky Forums? Sure it'll take about 2 hours, but if you eat enough you will get much faster progress
You're light on pull ups and chin ups. They are fantastic compound movements and also help your core.
Add some core into your leg day too imo. Do 3x failure decline weighted crunches, 3x plank, ab wheel for a while at the very least.
My friends and I actually did it on a Saturday. We experienced horrible swelling in our arms for 3 days, mainly in the triceps. We both noticed a recession in performance and size in the following month. Don't do it.
How dumb you got to be to actually follow piana's advice