> Be me
> Be manufactured chad
> Be also Wojak inside
> Be alone inside
Feels thread
> Be me
> Be Wojak outside
> Be also Wojak inside
> Be alone inside and outside
>hurt clavicle or something doing weighted dips - taking few days break from gym because holy shit arm hurts
>depression setting in as a result
>broke no fap again
>tfw no GF
>tfw oneitis has seemingly lost interest in texting after what seemed to be a nonstop conversation for like a month
I am one with wojak. At least the pain is gone, might give it a shot come monday so 5 days off by then.
Not gonna lie, if someone told me I'd be dead by midnight I feel like it wouldn't bother me. I think I can't live without lifting anymore.
Maybe you should have tried hanging out with her instead of just texting her everyday for a month
Honestly whats going on with nofap ? it can be fun when having potential sexual partners but else...
Also stay strong, you'll recover, lift and feel better soon brah
I did. 5 times a week we'd hang out for at least an hour for pretty much that month, that's not including time in class together.
More depressed about the no gym shit my man. The oneitis thing I feel like I've done all that I can. Already asked her out before I really knew her but I developed a crush afterwards and I feel she the same but she has some absent autistic dyel of a boyfriend which I think she feels is holding her back. The dude might as well be imaginary. I want to steal her away but not sure what else I can do.
>offer to take her home because she carpools with parents and would save her a few hours of waiting
>laugh and banter about whatever on the way. Conversation is easy all the time
>get home, park on her driveway. She seemingly doesn't want to get off as we just stay there and chat for like 20 more minutes.
>she gets a call - her boyfriend "no I just got home" - she starts giggling - "I got a ride"- "oh you don't know him" - she keeps giggling and acts all embarrassed - "oh yeah you think you know him? his name is user" - "whatever I'll talk to you later"
>I'm just sitting there making faces and smiling
I tell her he sounds insecure as fuck and she says good. After all that awkwardness she gets off and tells me to text her when I get home. and the rest is history until this past Tuesday where the back and forth texting ended - it is spring break too.
I'm trying to walk the line of waiting around like some orbiter or pressuring her to dump his retarded ass already before I move on in my mind.
The problem mostly vanishes as soon as I talk to other girls though but still fixated on this one in particular.
Maybe you been too much of the nice guy
>tfw rest day
>tfw also cheat day
>bake a small cake and eat it
>feel like shit
Nah, I watched out for this. You gotta pretend to be a bully every now and then I think. It's gotten me good results in the flirting game.
For example, she's a weeb so I'd call her out for liking the wrong types of animes - refer to them as chinese cartoons to get under her skin. She also lifts, I'd play on her insecurities just a bit by asking how her bulk is going or whatever but I'd follow that up with an ego boost of some sort.
>"*sigh* you're so mean to me"
>"nonsense I am nothing but nice to you!"
I'll probably just drop an ultimatum at the end of the semester and tell her we can't hang out anymore because I can't get over the crush.
>tfw rest day is also cheat day
>eat a whole cinnamon roll
I feel like a pig every time - gotta do it for the killer workouts that follow my man!
>be me
>be trapped behind an inpenetratable wall separating me from the others
>others don't seem to have that wall between each other
>besides, everything is futile
>dread and suicidal thoughs crush on me sometimes, lasting for several minutes
I know these feels so god damn well
Any chads out there, HOW DO YOU TALK TO WOMEN
I'll look over and grills will be eyeing me from across the bar, say hi to me when I walk by them but im too autistic. I was never taught how to flirt and literally have no idea what to say/do to get a girl from a bar/party to my apartment to fuck. I've been in college for 2 years and haven't kissed a girl. It's seriously a major factor with my depression, that girls are interested but I can't initiate. I need a guide, I can't learn on my own.
Heh just like me. Add to that the lack o motivation to get out of the bed everyday
You gotta find some commonality - even if you have to make one up.
Fine something on their person and mention it "hey don't mean to bother you but I noticed your phone case and I'm a big fan of X too!" then pretend to be autistic and tell her your name and ask for hers and just try to diverge the discussion from there.
In uni I always approach girls pretending to recognize them from some lecture, granted I was always in some class with most of these women. The question about whether or not she is in the lecture is just an excuse to START a conversation.
Also always approach with the mentality of making a friend, drop any of that living happily ever after bullshit while engaging.
You will get over her.
Fuck that social awkwardness, its hard sometimes. I got thought it little by little...
>lack o motivation to get out of the bed
I've been there. Ended with me not getting out of the bed ever. Than I took antidepressants, than I gave up bad habits and started lifting. Depression fears me for the most of the time now, because I'm stronger and high test. Darkness falls only when I'm tired and can't put out a decent resistance to my demons.
Also two other important things are :
> Having a common culture - so have a good knowledge of your generation culture and your target's
> Confidence
Okay but then how do you bring the coversation to "so wanna go fuck?" When im saying i need a guide, In need it layed out A,B,C. I know every situations different, but I know guys have developed their routine to get girls. I just want to know the routine from start to end.
>Okay but then how do you bring the coversation to "so wanna go fuck?"
Damn you're autistic. Most of the time you reach this point organically. Girls aren't a monolith and every tactic works 100% on every girl my dude. If you just want to get a lay then just make a tinder account, if you want to do it old fashioned way you gotta think of it like "how do I work this out to sleep with this girl a few months from now".
If you have any vestiges of R9K thinking drop it now.
*not every tactic works 100% on every girl
Op here, I'm also the one that talked about confidence and culture
A) good opener, confidence
B) Conversation game on point, culture, jokes
C) testing for opportunities if any
D) timing mastering
E) Dates
F) Date managing
G) ???
H) Profit
>start wanting back ex that i left
>build it up in my head over the course of a few months, I'm thinking she still has feelings
>finally ask her out for a simple chat, nothing more
>get rejected hard
I guess the saving grace was it got me motivated to lift
Nothing harder than building up things in your head then finding out the harsh reality
>If you just want to get a lay then just make a tinder account
You learned a valuable lesson. Live from now pretending she damn well never existed.
No? It's different priorities. If you just want to put your dick in something and move on then get tinder/pay an escort.
The other stuff doesn't just apply to wanting a GF or something but it seems like a lot of effort when it's just wanting a bloody lay.
Besides, being autistic on tinder can prove beneficial if it keeps her attention.
>first gf ever
>extremely hot
>comes to the gym with me
>wears a sports bra and yoga pants every time because she knows it turns me the fuck on
>spend almost every day with her
>hot sex almost every day
>goes back to her abusive ex that doesn't even lift
My point is that tinder is hyped up to be this thing where you can just make an account and immediately find someone to fuck. If you're not chad you still have to make her like you at first, take her out for a date or two and then hopefully progress to having sex.
Yeah i really am, I have no sexual experience in terms of getting the girl. Not to sound like im bragging but the only girls ive hooked up (2) have came up to me and were very upfront, taking away any work needed to be done by me.
My roommates friend will go to a bar and bring a girl back within an hour or two. Thats kind of the bar culture at my school, girls go out to get dicked. I dont want to try and develop a month long plan to bang a sloot. Just how to get them in my bed.
Thanks for responding though, a big thing is my lack of self confidence. I know i don't know what to say or do, so I wont even attempt to talk to a girl. I'll try to work on that.
Ouch that hurts bro. Fuck it you got a hot one, means you're OK for other hot ones
Fair enough, I guess I just wanted to make the point that expectations should be tempered. Failure rate is high even for chads but at the end only you keep track of losses and success. Chads just pretend they have 100% success rate.
Don't feel too bad. I sperg out on the easy lays like that because I find women that approach me seem to become instantly less attractive. It's irrational - somewhat cute black chick is trying hard to get into my pants and I keep stringing her along at the moment, trying to see how much I can push the ghosting asshole thing and see what comes of it.
Also I think you should be aware of two different settings, their's social pickup and the club/bar pickup. The second one you have a much smaller time frame to make an impression and win a girl over but you get more immediate results. The first one is the more every day making friends way that I prefer and alluded to earlier. Some guys exceed in one or the other or both.
But yeah confidence isn't a meme. Find some.
Lift like your life depends on it
Totally true, but it just feels like a small, low self esteem, motherly as all hell, fit asian QT's is a once in a life time kind of thing.
Put her on this pedestal in my mind and struggling from removing her from it. We create our own obstacles...
Yeah, it fucking sucks. Especially how it's hard to know if you're building things up until it's too late.
For sure
I do so, I bench without spot and I squat without security so yeah...
Veeky Forums is real
I bet you're high.