>just be trans, bro
Just be trans, bro
Look at the face on second place
>what the Fuck is this shit? Is nobody going to say anything?
I love it. I really do. You just know how much they can't stand it in reality but they have to prove how "tolerant" they are and bite their lip.
Well, guess I'd best go buy my wig, got medals to earn.
Does look a bit like him huh? Also that is a man, i don't give two shits what bullshit "she" has tried to sell, that is a fat ass man.
Hubbard. That thing isn't related to Owen Hubbard right?
That black woman is FUCKING PISSED
>my face when men start breaking every Women's World Records and you don't even see a biological woman in the top 100 of any list of female achievements
The trans movement might just turn out to be the best IRL troll movement in centuries
She looks Samoan to me. And yeah, she should be pissed. (((They))) just ensured she'll never be a champion in her chosen sport, ever.
That's literally just a mentally ill man with long ish hair.
>also men are now better women than women
>2nd and 3rd
The face of modern acceptance. No morals, no standards, no convictions. All in the name of fitting in.
Inevitably this sort of ridiculousness will lead to the end of acceptance for the insanity that is transgenderism. Thankfully
pretty sure she's Maori mate.
Lifting is a man's sport though. Men will never be the champions of bleeding and complaining, though. Women will always win that
Her skin is black. I didn't call her an African American because she's probably neither
How long before Athletic competitions are no longer "gender segregated"
2nd place is a samoan/polynesian mate.
Those people ain't got no time for retarded shit like this. Probs raging at how retarded this.
That color would go for yellow or 'dark' anywhere outside of the US.
This is the color black. That woman's skin is slightly tan, like a pale yellow-brown.
This is a fucking man. This is IRL trolling
>Female records in every sport are shattered by men who would at best, be amateurs in the male divisions
Actually can't wait lads
>Her skin is black
Simple answer in this situation- special class for trans athletes. It's not a sport where the competition needs to be present to set records, and it's no big deal if there's only two or three competitors. Who cares. Bam.
Literally all it takes now a days to be trans is a fucking ponytail apparently.
I feel like the meme's have become real.
Too bad you still have to meet a certain upper bound for test levels to be allowed to compete as a woman. I'd totally claim to identify as a woman just to own some female powerlifting comps with my mediocre as fuck lifts.
There's a war coming between feminists and trans people, I can sense it
>Who cares.
They would. The suggest they are somehow different than real women is a serious insult to these people (even though they know very well that they are not and never will be women).
google/search on reddit "cotton ceiling"
It's already going on, and the gist of it is that a lot of lesbians REALLY don't like trannies.
I'm American and I'm nowhere near this retarded.
>25 pounds
g e g
So nobody important then
That hair line
look at TERF(trans exclusice radical feminists) subreddits. These women are PISSED. Don't seem to have the psycho/killer vibe that hapa and asian masculinity forums have though. Some day there is gonna be an elliot rodger for trannies.
God damn I love psycho half Asian kids. They're like wizards but worse.
I always wondered why the LGBT community includes the T. I imagine if I were gay that I would find it immensely insulting.
All you transgender haters GET OUT. The year is 2017 and transgender people EXIST, you can't just deny them
This message is for you Laurel.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
The reason behind the T is because A) they're sexual/social outcasts just like the LGB and B) it's pretty difficult to not feel some degree of sympathy for the legitimate sufferers of gender dysphoria.
That being said it turns out that gender dysphoria (like most mental illnesses) tends to be comorbid with many other mental illnesses, and the mentally ill tend to be rather bad/unpleasant people to be around.
Tranny men are always so disgusting. Not that tranny women are any better creeping around the male locker rooms with their seeping mastectomy scars and all, but still.
I kind of want to do this.
Just dress up like Gaston, declare yourself a woman, and sing the Gaston song while owning the competition.
Nazi fags should just fuck off.
maybe we can take back powerlifting from the "girls who powerlift, dont hit on my BOIZ" club
>mfw SJWs can't say shit unless they finally admit that biological men can never truly be woman
It won because its white. Thats white privilege for you
Dude, that guy was actually thought to be a serious contender.
Their taking over.
Great argument faggot.
Try again.
>has no argument
>calls everybody a nazi because buttfrustrated
go to your transgender "girlfriend" and let him fuck your boipucci so you can feel better
She's from Samoa you dumb fuck, this was held in Australia
>Hubbard lifted a combined total of 268kg - 19kg better than silver medallist
Jesus Christ that's like the distance Usain Bolt gets between himself and last place.
That dyke on the right is finding this shit hilarious. Or she's just loving the fact that she's not the most masculine looking person on that podium and is going to go blow Chad and Jamal in her room later.
Yeah a lot of us really fucking do. I'm not exactly a part of any 'community' though, I'm just some guy who likes dick.
I identify as trans, I know that I am not biologically a woman. If you think otherwise, you are daft. Trans is different than cis, that's just the way it is. I would actually enjoy competing in a trans-female weightlifting league. I don't even consider competing against cis-females, though.
Matt Kroc probably could have easily shit all over the PL records in whatever women's division he went into, if he had actually decided to compete in PL as a "woman"
I was helping out at this competition, apparently "it" had to get its testosterone levels down to a certain point, but that still means its effectively been taking PEDs for over a decade (when compared to women). This cunt will probably end up in the commonwealth games, and a lot of people are really pissed off about it.
let's try to look at seconds and third order effects.
Will women
>1) grow to hate trannies and crush their movement, while being seen as intolerant bigots, thus destroying any credibilty of feminism as it is seen as anti LGBTQAK47?
>2) women will stop having any desire for any and all forms of athleticism leading to a further rise of fat HAES feminists and allowing what would normally be seen as a 4/10 becoming a 8/10?
tl;dr: will trannies in sports kill feminism or make women even more ugly/boring?
Assmad tranny detected.
You'll never be a real girl.
>hurr durr male female winning lifting competition
>ummm nothing wrong here
>muh nazis
kek, you living in the 1940's or what mate?
You mean actual women? "Trans-females" are male
the medals, dahnald
>American education
humans are far too vain and self centered for the second option to happen
>f fat HAES feminists and allowing what would normally be seen as a 4/10 becoming a 8/10?
No they'll simply give up on competing in pro sports completely and decide to go for being fit and or fuckhot.
This will have the domino effect of outright decimating the livelihoods of geared up female athletes and bodybuilders and even models and make women more aware of their natural beauty and potential and seek to attain it with a bit of hard work.
more like humans are smart enough to not ruin their bodies by making lard ass an actual desirable body type
confirmed for dyel
Thanks for clarifying that, stranger on a Philippine counterfeiting club forum.
I mean trump is president. Do you really still have doubts that memes are becoming real?
Oh jesus christ I can't read.
>3) scientist finally create the artifical womb. New ultra patriarchal society exist of only Veeky Forums men and women and extremly passable MtF trannies exist. Uggos and whales are executed, those spared live on in human zoos so we have living examples of how far we have come as a society.
What the hell is this shit?
>Athletes get to compete in wathever sex division they want
>Females sport get absolutely destroied
>Males sport will be intact
>mfw after year of hearing women bitchng about how men should take females athletes they destroy themselves by being too SJW
Will men finally be able to make womens hockey watchable?
would that eventually cause homo-sapiens to split into separate species as two extremely distinct types of male come to be? like sexual dimorphism within the same biological sex?
>sexual orientation
>sexual orientation
>sexual orientation
>mental disorder
Why is it included at all?
>the tendency of trans women to be excluded from the higher echelons of women's and queer spaces - specifically within the porn industry
Because only fucking weirdos that browse Himalayan finger panting forums want to jerk off to shemales
>women's hockey
I legitimately didn't know this existed
Any real feminist doesn't humour trans"woman". It's incredibly offensive to think you can just put on a dress and other feminine associated clothing/stereotypes and think that makes you a woman.
Any feminist who rallies for trans people is a fucking retard.
Those are all mental disorders user. The B is just people being utter whores that'll fuck anything or homosexuals that enjoy occasionally fucking the opposite sex.
>t. TERF
>1/10 try harder
Soon it will just be "feminism" when they realize that advocating for pretend women is dumb and only harmful to the female gender as a whole.
Just because you like to wear pretty pink dresses doesn't make you a girl. You're just a degenerate sissy boy.
>mfw it all works out
I really think that you're expecting too much self reflection and willingness to admit being wrong from the feminist movement.
People motivated and shaped by almost exclusively by ideology do not easily abandon it, facts be damned.
Yeah guys, you're right. She's yellow.
Sorry, retarded American, here. I'll just call her a chink and move on.
>lesbians not sucking tranny man dick is oppression
The correct term for maori is kiwi-nigger desu senpai
I can imagine the rage of niggers, sjw's and feminists the some white guy puts on a wig and a skirt and starts crushing Serena Williams in tennis
just looked it up, was worried it was an actual word which I didn't know. It was made up in 1992 by a (((feminist))).
It really is a shame seeing all my feminist friends support trans rights. Not only support, they get furious when I talk out against it. They're only letting in a trojan horse.
I see so many 6 foot trannies with a wigs and skirts enter the girls bathroom at my college and it's unnerving as fuck. They need help.
>xe forgot to change ips
There's a weird push to change intersectionality into something meaningless. Trans people can be spoken of as both men and women but obv the experience of a trans woman is different to a cis woman and the experience of a passing trans woman is different to an obviously trans woman and so on. There's a weird tendency to not quite go all the way with the individualism and fall into tribalism or over categorization. We are at the end of the day all very different people and you may well have more in common with a woman (trans or otherwise) than the next man, amd that is part of intersectionality.
>men grow up for 20+ years on high T levels
>develop with high T so their skeletal/muscle structures are larger and stronger
>go on estrogen and T blockers AFTER the development is done
>say that it's fair to compete because their E and T levels are the same at this point in time (if they even reduce their levels at all)
>A woman isn't a dress, a wig, heels, and clown makeup
Wow bigot I'll call the antifa on you we got a nazi here.
Speak human, this is not Tumblr
I have no idea what CSI is unless its Crime Scene Investigators, which makes no sense, so i assume its some dumb sjw lingo im unaware of
I'm a fag and a lefty and intersectionality is the dumbest god damned thing to have ever happened.
What does being a tranny have to do with being gay? According to them they're not gay, so why do they feel the need to dominate our fag causes?
I'll happily support trans people, as a couple of my friends are trans, but this intersectionality shit has to stop.
It's like the Women's march. What does being a woman have to do with being a muslim immigrant? Where is the shared experience there?
Fuck intersectionality.
>implying intersectionality had any meaning to begin with
pic related is (((inventor))) of the word.
It is 39 years old
It won by NINETEEN (19) KG over second place
What a joke, hopefully this will turn women against trans people
i've heard transexuals have similar brain compositions and nerve connections to their desired gender. is this true?
The best part of the women's march were the hostesses desu. One of them unironically advocates for shariah law, and the other one sexually assaulted, tortured and murdered a gay man for pocket change in the 80s. Role models desu.
> xe doesn't know how to keep track of posters.