How am I doing Veeky Forums ?
bad. just give up now and go to /pol/ and complain about your women getting blacked.
You are looking pretty good. Keep up the hard work
This is one of those "mother dies in sleep" pics isn't it.
This is my first post ever on Veeky Forums, happy to get such a cancer comment as my first reply, faggot
Pretty good brah, lookin joocy. Keep it up. Don't forget to work your social gains or you'll end up posting here forever.
Ayy thanks bruh, my social gains are fine I had to be funny to get girls as a fatty
Welcome to Veeky Forums newfag
3 months? Haha ok, i'll bite, what's your routine?
Is 3 months hard to believe ?
I run a P/P/L 6 days a week, I do very high volume with mild intensity, seems to be what works for me
HAHAHAHAHA first post on Veeky Forums and he put on a trip. He probably thinks that's how you make a Veeky Forums profile or something
ive been lifting for 7 months and you look better than me. wtf.
All gotta start somewhere x(D)
Could be genetics, could be diet
I've always thought what you did in the gym isn't nearly as important as the other two, for me anyways
Its probably because hes lying
Did like a month of calisthenics before joining the gym I guess? But yeah three months in the gym mate
Don't listen to all these faggots. You're doing great. Keep it up
Ayy thanks man, appreciate it!
Probably a missleading picture with crazy lighting and sick shoulder pump, here's a more realistic pic
bad. just give up now and go to /pol/ and complain about your women getting blacked.
Is it acceptable if I go to /r9k/ and complain about my ((imaginary)) trap gf getting blacked instead ?
dont listen to the other guy
come to /pol and check us out, we hate niggers, spics, jews, asian women, and only accept whites
as a white man you should come be redpilled in our arms
Great. Keep going.
Do I really look white ? Mother is Irish but my father is what you /pol/acks would call a sand nigger
Pretty sure this thread just got detailed by pol