Natty vegan grills make the best gains
Natty vegan grills make the best gains
404 boobs not found
But steroids aren't vegan
Love the suicide cuts on her wrist
Why the fuck do vegans always profess that they are vegan? When would anyone consider wearing a shirt that says "Carnivore". It's literally the exact same thing.
She won't be vegan after I force feed her my cum
The fact that most people in the world are not vegan, but are omnivores, and no human is a carnivore, that's impossible.
Steroids aren't vegan OR natty
Yeah, she's not hiding her crazy very well at all
because they need to tell everyone how special they are
Isn't injectable testosterone made out of soy or something?
>no human is a carnivore, that's impossible
This is true but you get my point. It's just a diet, there is no accomplishment being made. Especially since humans have been herbivores since the very beginning
>Natty vegan
but being a vegan isn't natural
You're a special kind of retarded aren't you?
wow the girl in the sweater must be jelly af the other one is jacked!
pecs are the new boobs
You made two mistakes.
1.They are not natural
2.They are not vegan..because steroids are animal based.
lmfao fitness expos.
the whole fitness industry is a fucking joke
gym culture is degenerate
>the girl in the sweater must be jelly
>the girl in the sweater
Dani is a pro fampai
I tried googling this but I got fuck all. Can you source this at all? To me it seems like it would vary depending on the compound.
Those scars aren't 'down the street', they're 'across the road'. Daddy didn't pay enough attention to her.
If Veganism was so great you wouldn't be shilling this b8 so endlessly.
Sage all Veganism threads
They both have dead empty eyes.
I thought those were veins lol
You mean omnivores since the beginning, as eating insects was another thing humans would eat. If we were herbivores since the beginning, our physiology and gastric system would be what it is now. We have things that promote the capability of eating any source of food, such as both canines, molars and incisors in our teeth.
Do roids make your skin age? Female bodybuilders always have that weird rough skin shit going on with their face.
It's more the contest dieting and tanning that does it, but it can.
aestrogen is responsible for the soft, silky skin in females. testosterone reverses this making them into men
not op or a vegan but cry more about it instead of just filtering/I veg threads while 99.9℅ of the threads have nothing to do with it
found the vegan! ! !!!
pls stop embarrasing yourself vegans
Disgusting looking "women"
Don't they realize no man likes a manish looking woman like this? THIS IS NOT FEMININE.
Shes been cutting you permabulking lard.
she looks like lee priest with a wig and makeup
dw they only date fat guys
not autist like yourself
what about Veeky Forums/tg/uys who happen to autiste a little on the side?
Synthetic test is derived from yams or soy. Carriers are usually GSO.