What fucking ab exercises can I do that aren't some faggot bullshit bodyweight calisthenics routine? What machines can I buy to isolate my core instead of daft shit like planks which works your arms more?
What fucking ab exercises can I do that aren't some faggot bullshit bodyweight calisthenics routine...
Front sqats
Machines are for faggots
>Isolating your core
There's literally no reason to do this if you actually lift.
>he fell for the deadlifts and squats are enough for abs meme
An wheel
Meant ab wheel.
Hollow rock, correct hanging leg raise, Janda sit ups
>People actually believe this.
can't I just use a dumbbell?
i wish this were true
i hate working abs
if you are mister fantastic you can.
>he fell for the meme
Genetics x failure
I almost never use machines but fuck that if i don't use the weighted crunch machine for abs
Other exercices are shit
Leg raises
If theyre too easy get someone to add a plate to your shins
>being so weak that squatting doesn't work your abs
You guys are either fucking retarded, weak as shit or both. Probably both.
ab roller works abs really well, that said, you need to cut like a mad cunt if you want really nice abs.
who /plank/ here?
ill hold a weight behind my head while doing crunches on a yoga ball. but bodyweight exercises arent bad, ive actually grown to prefer them. like hanging leg raises, or the best ab workout: roman chairs
squats and deads work your lower back way more intensely than your abs. that creates an imbalance if you're not doing something elsew for your abs
You're retarded. The best core exercises are bodyweight ones. Ever try hanging leg raises or dragon flags? You can weight them too.
Planks, russian twists, and an ab roller. Holy shit using an ab roller absolutely destroys my entire core.
How does that even make sense? If they were weak, wouldn't squatting still work their abs according to your logic?
how hard are dragon flags? i want to try now that i looked them up, but dont want to look retarded failing to do them
nvm, i continued the video and it went into starting with bent-legged and moving up
I do them on my rest days, but they are the best other than ab roller imo.
Fork putdowns
Fukkin kek
this is a stupid post, Dmitry Klokov does ab isolations, so do Mariusz Pudzianowski, Dan Green, Brandon Lilly, Hafthor Bjornsson, Lu Xiaojun, the list goes on.
I guarantee your overhead strength is for shit. Once you start pressing >185 or so abdominal strength becomes a huge limiting factor that can't be corrected just by squatting and deadlifting, even if you're doing heavy front squats.
Not everyone does direct abdominal work but it absolutely becomes useful after a while depending on your athletic background. Unless you come from boxing or wrestling or do a lot of strongman type shit like log presses and farmer carries you should probably be throwing in abs at some point.
>faggot bullshit bodyweight calisthenics routine
you're retarded
>Hanging leg raises
>Decline crunches
>Cable crunches
>Cable woodchops
>Dragon flags
>Ab wheel
>Weight every exercise if you have to
>Exhale hard on contraction for every rep, hold it on the top of the movement
enjoy abs
just start bent-legged
How are you supposed to do standing cable crunch? Do I brace my core and do the reps? Do I focus on only round my upper back, or do I basically try and suck my dick and bend over fully?
>standing cable crunch
Everybody knows you have to do them on the ground facing Mecca if you want any gains
I bet you cant even do the simplest bodyweight exercises with proper form.
Ab wheel is calisthenics.
Just kneel on a yoga mat in front of the cable machine and do your crunch that way. Or just use the ab crunch machine, it's just as effective.
your form is all fucked up. If you're activating your core during a deadlift or a squat, your abs will get hit. If it's working your back more, you're not lifting with a neutral spine.
Easiest way I've found is a sharp decline angle bench where you do situps but hold yourself in a perfectly horizontal position for at least 5 seconds per situp. Do sets of 5. When that gets too easy, up it to 10 seconds in horizontal or add weight.
Are farmers walks good for abs and calves at all?
hahahaha god I can only imagine just how shitty you probably look if this is what you think
tbqh I work more my abs doing this motherfucker, then doing any isolation excercises. It's my favourite cardio machine
I had the same issue with the million reps of calisthenic routines and finally started using the crunch machine. It works well and unlike some other ab exercises it doesn't fuck your lower back. You can go as heavy as you want.
im assuming by calisthenics routines you mean baby shit like situps, flutterkicks, russian twists ect.
you gotta do the harder shit, dragonflags, L-sits, V-sits, toe to bar hanging leg raises
or just do weighted shit like you found.