Hey Veeky Forums, let's have a conversation about approaching women in the gym. I don't know about you, but it really pains me when I get mired, and do nothing about it. I don't really have an in. If I see a guy who's just wearing a cool t-shirt that's an in to talk to them, but with women I don't know what to even bring up. Do you just have to be social with everyone? Anyone have any experience?
Approaching women in the gym
You fucking don't son. The gym is for lifting heavy things up and putting them back down and nothing else. Chase tail somewhere else instead of disturbing other people. Girls are always getting hit on, give them some damn piece when they want it.
Don't. They gym is for working out.
I always get annoyed when women approach me in the gym and I'm sure most of them feel the same way even if you're 10/10 Chad.
What a gigantic orbiting faggot you are.
Don't. Leave them alone
I know that, but I know she's perfect and I can make her the happiest if she'd just give me time for a chat
That's a short sighted way to look at it. Imagine you're in university for example. "You're here to learn, not pick up women." It can be applied to so many locations, and you're really just narrowing down your options. I've had that mentality for a while and it does more harm than good. Kind of a "if you don't try you can't fail" thing
If you see signs a woman is interested in you, she wants you to approach her. So if you like her too why wouldn't you take that opportunity? Assuming you're a single straight man in this case
>I can make her the happiest if she'd just give me time for a chat
If you're attractive girls will approach you. I'm actually sick of it and have started wearing headphones to pretend I can't hear these pathetic sluts as they ask if I can 'help them with their form'.
Thank god for yoga pants and instagram.
Girls don't go to the gym to be hit in. This is what causes those dumb ass girl only gyms.
If you go to the gym you only workout.
There are two exceptions.
1. The girl approaches you.
2. You already know then.
Otherwise try to meet them after class.
Follow them home if you're that desperate.
Yeah, they do.
They go to get hit on and look good for guys.
The one's that don't go to hit on or scope out girls.
Then there is that tiny sliver of the proportion that actually goes to workout. No one talks to them or even acknowledge their existence.
Sorry, not proportion, population.
And now that I think about it, that might be the wrong word to use altogether.
Every place is for something else, and you shouldn't ever bother girls.
That's right, isolate yourself in a bubble user because girls - hate - attention and if you ever talk to them you'll upset their feelings.
Oh sweet christ... shut the fuck up with this shit.
Just help that sperg approach people properly instead of telling him to further socially isolate himself in a setting that makes complete goddamn sense for people to socialize in.
And if you tell me people don't socialize at yours then you're either lying or a social retard youeself.
For the OP:
Talk about the same normal shit that you'd talk to the cool shirt dude.
Don't think of them as girls and just enjoy the interaction for what it is.
If they don't shut you off and engage back then it's fine.
>Imagine you're in university for example. "You're here to learn, not pick up women."
wew lad that metaphor tho! not at all completely the same sorry to say. better imagine a girl studying for the test in a library and you interrupting her session to test the waters for getting your dick wet
the truth of the matter is, is that men are predisposed to reading signs of interest in a woman.
its fine to poke around a bit, smile, say hi, casually recognize her presence, and up the ante if she's pushing it forward...but the whole "initiate a conversation because you WERE MIRING YES YOU WERE NOW TELL ME YOUR NAME CAN I HAVE SNAPCHAT PLS is a bit overbearing in the situation.
the whole deal requires some subtly and reading it well that only few possess. but c'mon, the whole "omg look my soulmate I know its her must talk must seize opportunity she'll never come back"...needs to end. chill and do your work. she does her work. let it evolve naturally
Where are you guys getting all these rules from? Did you just set them for yourselves? Most girls are too shy to approach a guy. Doesnt mean they don't like you. It feels like I'm talking to highschool me right now.
One of my relationship started with a guy who approached me at the gym, he was a 5'4 and I am 5'5. I was wearing headphone at that moment, if I was I probably would have told him that I was busy. What ever you guys do, don't go talking to girls with their headphones on, they don't want to be bothered. And even if you did go up to them, and they took it off to talk to you. You would know by their body language if they are interested or not.
I wasn't wearing headphone **
explain why some girls go to the girl wearing a g-string that can be clearly seen through the outline of their yoga pants?
explain why some girls are at the gym wearing make-up and doing shit that barely works up a sweat?
Explain why when you go to the gym sometimes a girl will slap you on the ass and say, you got any plans later?
Why? If I see a girl I find attractive I don't take out my earphones to make myself more approachable. I don't see why a woman would either.
Not that guy, but girls wear thongs under yoga pants because regular underwear shows an imprint on the bottom. Also doesn't bunch up.
but you must have found him attractive even when he approached
In the ladies change room I just hear so much girls bitching about how a guy approached them while wearing ear buds and they hated it, I mean I wouldn't stop from doing it but I also don't like it when guys do it to me too.
Funny thing was, I didn't see any of his face when he approached. He was standing in a weird lighting and all I saw was his silhouette. So I just gave took his number. He was an alright looking dude, but had nasty ass personality.
>imagine a girl studying for the test in a library
They have test in the library now? Thank god, I can stop dealing with those sketchy Chinese dudes on the darkweb.
There's a brazillion problems with your library study analogy. We can start with 'you are allowed to talk aloud at the gym', move on to 'most girls - most people, period - are not working out so autistically that you cannot speak to them', jump to 'workouts have rests between sets that are natural opportunities to ask what's up', slide to 'many gym activities are improved with a partner's help' and finally touch down on 'if you're too scared to interrupt her during the workout, wait until she's buying a Luna bar from the vending machines afterward'.
Everything I'm saying is under the basis that she found me attractive first. It's pretty easy to tell if a girl is interested, and if I see she isn't, no big deal, I wouldn't approach her. But if she IS into you, I find it hard to belive she wouldn't want to be approached just because she's wearing earphones. And it's not like you'd talk to her in the middle of her set or anything
One time a girl smiled at me at the gym and my immediate reaction was to give her a look of absolute disgust. In the gym I'm in another mode and I assume women that are serious about the gym are the same way. I figure it's a bad idea talking to them under those conditions.
However there are a bunch of sluts that go to the gym all whored up just wanting to be approached. It's easy to tell the difference.
Oh ya, if you KNEW that she was into you then that changes the whole story. But like normal random occasion where you have no idea what she is thinking and don't know that person well then it would be difficult.
>shit personality
Not surprising. Manlets always overcompensate.
That's what I'm trying to get across! So many people have this mentality "don't talk to women at the gym you're there for gains and that's it" If you see a girl is into you, then go for it right? All those guys would love to have a girlfriend to lift with, but set up all these barriers for themselves for whatever reasons
It wasn't just the height that made him salty.., he was just extremely crazy had an extremely bad parenting since childhood an was never taught proper mannerism.
>If you see a girl is into you, then go for it right?
Right. There's nothing wrong with that and you would know if they were interested for sure. Guys here are usually pretty salty about it, they probably just had no luck picking up women literally everywhere and being negative about it
Like a few others who replied to your question i also believe that you should leave women who are really working out alone. I mean we all know those "fit chicks" with tons of make up, yoga pants and what not who only do an exercise to show of their various body parts (this is just my experience, all the women with heavy makeup and styled hair are just at the gym to get attention).
But there are also those girls who don't put on makeup and simply don't give a shit and do their workout.
The thing is you want to hit on women in the gym and this is where i think lies the "problem". Talking to them is not.
I'll give you an excample how i've experienced talking to girls in my gym.
first girl:
I was doing bench while this girl set herself up in the squat rack. I just finished my set and just let my eyes wander around while listening to music (i just sit there like an autist and continue with my workout). As i look over to her i see her nearly falling on her ass cause she pushed over her heels. She racked the bar and i took my earbuds out and so did she because we were looking at eachother. I just gave her a few tips and told her to apply pressure over the whole foot. She tried again with my advice, i checked her form (as good as i could cause i'm a dyel). She didn't break form, braced correctly and didn't fall over. She thanked me, i said no problem and we both continued with our workout. Now everytime we see eachother we chat a little and that's it. But at this point i don't believe she would be offended in any kind if asked her out, because i just let her do her thing and not try to hit on her all the time.
second girl:
The second girl talked to me first. I was doing weighted dips while she was doing overheadpress. A former neighbour of mine also goes to this gym and we recently met again.
I don't think you understand. OP, nor any other guy who's replied to the OP gives a shit about the women who are all hardcore and haggard looking at the gym.
Their look and their "I don't give a fuck I'm here to lift/run/whatever" look says.
Do not approach, ever.
There is no "maybe I'll talk to her another day or outside of the gym" moment popping up in his head.
It's more like "ew" and "nah man, nah" anytime he sees her.
>see girl mirin at the gym
>think nothing of it because we all look at everyone else between sets
>catch girl miring me again
>smile at her
>she smiles back
>walk up to her when she just finished a set
>"Hi! Are you a fitness model or something? You look great!"
>"hihi no"
>have small talk
Note that whatever you say is irrelevant; the key is not to spill spaghettis.
Personally, after the initial short conversation, I will resume my training and not escalate things further (ie: asking for her number or whatever), because I know for a fact I will run into her again within a matter of days.
When I see her 3 days after as I'm walking in the gym, I will simply nod and smile at her and not engage into a conversation. While training, I will check her once in a while to see if she's mirin.
Another day, if I catch her mirin me, I will then proceed to talk to her, and maybe try to go into more personal subjects in order to build rapport. Still won't ask for her number though
At this point, I will proceed to go to the gym at a whole different time for 10 days or so. The reason why I do that is to avoid her and keep her confused/thinking "does he like me? He didn't ask for my number... maybe I'm not hot enough for him, etc.."
Then when I go to the gym on my regular schedule and run iinto her, I will engage conversation like "Hey Julia how are you doing! bla bla bla yeah I haven't been here in a while, I was busy at work" bla bla bla
>Hey are you free saturday? I won this gift cettificate at work for the new fancy burger restaurant that opened, and I could use a cheat meal
If she denies, I will simply say "alright no problem" and continue my training.
If she accepts, I will then go and purchase a gift certificate and bring her on a date.
PS: the reason why I do this is because;
1- I don't want an awkward, pushy 1st conversation, get denied and awkwardly.run into her every week after
2- I like to play the "mysterious" independant guy
3- I have slight autismo
>"do you mind if i work in with you on the cage?"
>"can i give you advice? you have to go lower on your squats to activate your glute muscles"
>if she has perfect form, just give her positive motivation like anyone else. if you're black, you can prob get away with slapping her ass between sets.
Just don't fucking approach at the gym, especially not the girls with headphones or doesn't look for eye contact
I never said hitting on them. I save flirting for when I'm a bit more comfortable with a girl. You know, after getting to know her a bit. I'm just bad at initial small talk
>Went for a manlet
Your too good for this world Cheekie.
Anyway, this problem can all be solved in any non commercial gym. Once everyone gets comfortable lifting with one another, it progresses from there.
damn son that ain't slight, you have a whole lot of autism going on
>planning this much how to pick up a single cumdumpster
>shiggity diggity
In between my set he asked me if he could do a quick set himself and for me it was no problem and we chatted a bit and he said something like "man my shoulders would pop out if did dips with your weight (i just put on +20kg, like i said still dyel)" he then went on and i wanted to continue as well when i looked over to the lady in pwer rack and she then said "i've watched you a while and i also have to say you're making good progress". As i mentioned above she is one of those women who actually work out (maybe a 7-8/10, for me shes a 9/10). I also complimented her and said she's one of the few girls at the gym who are actually doing stuff and not swinging their asses around. We then joked a bit and also continued with our workout.
Now when we happen to meet eachother we talk a bit about gym gear and this and that (new personal records, and all that shit).
Like i said before talking to women in the gym is ok, there's no problem at all. But instantly trying to hit on them is a no go (except they chat you up first and clearly are hitting on you). Talk to them, get to know them and then i think it's ok if you want to meet her elsewhere.
Like a few annons said in this thread. If they have earbuds in, let them be. If their bodylanguage clearly show that they are not in any way interrested, let them be.
My advice is just be a normal person. Take a normal chance to chat her up, but then leave her be. You'll meet again and again in the gym and eventually chat more often, then go for it. Otherwise i think let everyone just do their workout. Hope that helped, good luck man
What started off as good advice slowly transitioned into a train wreck
sorry maybe i missread a few things here. But maybe it helps a little how i approached a few girls in the gym.
Well that's the thing; I don't go for cum dumpsters, I go for girls that seem like legit girlfriend-material. If I want cum dumpsters I'll simply go on Tinder
Dont' listen to this person.
Approach dolled up chicks who are barely working out or doing please look at me workouts and conversing with friends or others. If you're a "chad" go for the ones who are taking selfies of themselves they want arm candy and to show off their new catch that goes with their fit lifestyle.
And the less hot ones that take "selfies".
You know, pretending their taking pics of themselves but they are really taking sneaky pictures of dudes that they're going to use for nefarious purposes later.
They're easy fucks.
Oh sorry i clearly missread the purpous of your question.
Well if you get mired and so on i think it is pretty easy for you to talk to them. I mean if maybe you can spot a flaw in an exercise they are doing you could kindly offer your help or give a tip. But not in a way like "hey gurrl, you're doing this all wrong". Try like i did and just say "hey i saw you struggling with that exercise a little bit, maybe if you try it like this or that" and so on. Just be normal and kind. When she takes your advice and gets better just ask her next time how she's doing on that exercise and so on. I believe this is a very good approach and it also make's you seem like a genuine and nice guy in my opinion.
The girls i was talking about get hit on a lot in the gym, but they always seem comfortable around me and chat me up sometimes first.
I hope i could help you in a way man
Doing that whole 'avoiding' routine for 10 days or so is so fucking beta dude. You should truly reconsider your existance you colossal faggot.
Dude, you're not going to find that in a gym. Probably ever.
You won't interact with her enough to even find out her first name, and even attempting to find out in that environment would get you labeled a creep.
They'll be more interested in fucking a random gym stud then getting into a relationship with a random gym monkey who's probably been leering at her for months. And if you fuck up your approach she'll actually feel threatened and uncomfortable around you.
this is a good way to stay virgin
Whatever, works for me
It's not hard mate. There's a 9 at my gym who I really fancied. After I'd seen her there 3/4 times I went up to her and said "hi, just thought I'd come and introduce myself because I seem to see you here every day". After that you're in and can say hi to them whenever you see them. Read the signals though and dog be too clingy. Don't say hi every time.
You are a homo if you don't want women to talk to you. Either that or severely autistic
OP here again. So a lot of people in this thead seem to place women in one of two categories. Hardcore gym goer who shouldn't be approached under any circumstances and basic bitch just there to show off, look pretty, and find a boyfriend. You know there's middle ground right? Is it really that crazy to assume that a girl can go to the gym to have a good workout, and if she sees someone attractive, would possibly be open to a relationship? I mean that probably describes at least 80% of the men on this board
Just flex a 'cep and that'll give the ladies all they need to get their juices flowing
That's some pretty solid advice my dude thanks
girls mire because you looks like a freak, she will always ALWAYS ALWAYS talk to you if they are interested.
t. i have a 9/10 male friend who has never had to talk to a girl once, he is ottermode dyel, i am 6'2 jacked and need to always approach because avg face
You could just not be a creep and workout. You know, what the gym is meant for.
It's a bit more than that - if you're going to the only decent gym in close proxy to your home you don't want to make that place awkward by sperging out on some tasty chickas - just treat the gym like your workplace i.e. Don't shit where you eat
>Hardcore gym goer who shouldn't be approached under any circumstances and basic bitch just there to show off, look pretty, and find a boyfriend.
No, the basic bitches are there to get an ego boost by being stared at by guys that they probably feel are out of their league and find sidedick/fwbs. They go to more open casual safer places to find boyfriends.
>3- I have slight autismo
wew lad
i cringe everytime a guy tries to talk with me at the gym, doesn't matter if it's chad or a r9k guy
just fuck off
and 1% of the attractive women who lift. All attractive girls are taken, if they are single it's because they have children or are crazy.
No not at all like i tried to say here
i mean the second girl is an avid gym goer and really fit, but not by any means is she muscle girl bodybuilder.
The first girl for excample i see her maybe 1-3 times in 2 weeks, she's an average looking nice girl. I believe if i wanted to ask her out she wouldn't be pissed or anything.
The issue here is that those 2 categories you mentioned are just so present in the gym that most of the guys here hardly notice the normal girls.
Like i said, i just gave friendly advice to one girl and for the other one it was just an exchange of compliments.
Sorry if i could not help you out breh
women don't stay single for longer than a few weeks at most, they always line up their friends so that they can date a guy before they dump a guy.
guys are always single, because they only want sex and companionship especially with stupid immature girls is highly overrated.
women and men are not identical, stop forcing this libshit meme. Women are biologically inclined to pair bond so they have security for offspring. Men are biologically inclined to fuck as much puss as possible, so their genes pass on.
Think what you want, but that's how I met my current gf.
Did I mentionI'm very good-looking autist?
Better have been the milf on the left user.
No you didn't.
If it was all about destroying as much pussy as possible then the very notion of relationships, of ownership of a woman's heart and virtue and romantic gestures that men are known for would not exist.
I was going to post this earlier in the thread but everyone said the same thing so I didn't but this thread is still going so I'm just going to say you don't approach them in the gym. Wait for them to approach you. Many women go to the gym just for the attention and to be around guys. I would say 3/10 women in the gym are there for this purpose. These are the ones that are most open for gym dick. Women usually wont directly approach so look for their clues. For example, one time I walked in the gym and started doing barbell curls. There were two girls "lifting" on a bench nearby. When they noticed me curling, and when I noticed them, that is when they decided to stop lifting and go move to another area. However, when they walked behind me they paused for about 5 seconds and one of them brushed her arm against mine. I didn't say anything because I am not trying to smash in the gym like a thirsty scrub, but that was an easy invitation to start a conversation. Girls hover around in the gym so much that I can tell when they want attention or are actually just lifting. But I am also swole as fuck, if you are dyel you will get significantly less attention.
I know men and women aren't identical, but after spending more time around women, I'm realizing that we have a lot more in common than I thought.
Nah on the right
>inb4 manlet
You don't.
the only reason they're mirin is because they crave attention, not because they're generally attracted to you.
I had a girl ask me out then drop me after a couple of weeks for some bullshit reason, later found out that she only hit me up as an ego boost cause her bf broke up with her and now they're getting back together.
focus on lifting, women are a waste of time.
Acquire gains, disregard thots.
>ownership of a woman's heart and virtue and romantic gestures
these things did not exist, until the Victorian era. Shakespeare was a libertine homosexual who wrote romantic ideal in his plays with deep irony, he had Romeo and Juliet both kill themselves for no reason.
By the 1700s the ultra beta males in society could not invent, explore or trade so they became writers of fiction. They looked back at Ancient Rome (women often had affairs, multiple lovers, orgies) Ancient Greece (sex was never monogamous, bastards were often adopted) Ancient Egypt (female women gods were worshipped) Ancient China (concubines, princesses often slutted around, unwanted babies were drowned) and they said- oh boy this is no good, let's create something a little more Christian.
And then the puritanical nobility, the sense of chivarly and honor (which did not actually exist during the medieval period) was reinvented, there was a great whimsical reminisence of the past and the idea of the knight in shining armor and the chaste princess in the castle, all gross oversimplifications which would never bear under any scrutinity.
People were fucking forever, and women often took multiple lovers ESPECIALLY during this period 1700s-today when women were growing in terms of power and freedom in Western Europe and then America.
I'm not saying romance doesn't exist of course it does, it's the brief courting period when you meet someone new, and the novelty of it coupled with attraction makes you fall in love. It lasts a few months and then it goes away because the novelty wears off.
Historical romance exists also....
You equate masturbatory fiction and fantasies of the past and pure rank idiocy to the actual deeds, and actions and lives of people then and now.
Grow up.
it was basically a re-imagining of history, by very weak men, to paint themselves as much greater than they were. If you're very clever, but physically diminutive and incompetent in sports, fighting, leadership, commerce- you can come up with a system of getting laid. You convince women that what they really want is only what you can give them, poems, love letters, stories, romance. This works, so it gets incorporated into society, women just like men love a good story. But when the story fades, she will still want Chad's dick.
Take any major thinker, philosopher or great novelist of the past 300 years in the Western cannon and just go to their wikipedia page and read about their early life and personal history. They were all basically cucked, and this is something that is somewhat obscured, because nobody wants to accept the truth that most women want only the top 10% of men and vice versa.
Because a mature civilization would teach their young to settle and compromise (eg. China) whereas an immature one tells their young they can achieve anything and the sky's the limit (eg. American celebrity culture).
Think of how many millions of young men and women are obsessed with improving themselves artificially, by gaming the system our genetics has put in place. It's very insidious, just like religion promises you salvation in the afterlife and an explanation,
diet, exercise, makeup, cosmetic surgery, all promise you an increased genetic quotient if you just fuel their various industries.
yeah, because people are rejecting the programming of society around unnatural (monogamous) ideas. It's becoming ruthless as fuck now, and that's how it always was before the Enlightenment and spread of Christianity. As Jesus Christ fades, so do those ideas of purity, chastity, loyalty, virginity. We hedonism now.
this motherfucker went from how to be normal to a 30 point plan on breaking into fort knox. this is what happens when education makes men think like women, straight up crazy town.
Height isn't really a big deal for me. What I hate about short men is that they often nag about it.
I'm pretty sure that it's not that black and white.
Hang near the water fountain if you catch someone miring while you drink some water, and see if she comes over?
Otherwise don't approach or you'll come off as the gym creep.
Back to /r/theredpill with you
You equate love stories spouted by losers to the real lives of men and women in the real world?
Goddamn, grow up.
Holy shit, this is the most bizarre theory I've seen. I'm pro-polyamory, sexual freedom, etc., and broadly agree that romantic ideals of purity are just Christian morality, but I never thought I'd see such opinions alongside puerile TRP "cucked", "beta" garbage being used to push equally-stupid ideals of "alpha males". You've made my day.
which real lives revolved around monogamy? Arent divorce rates in America above 50%? Isn't cheating a huge problem in relationships?
what are we talking about
shoo shoo redditoo
People lost sight of the true nature of love and togetherness. This was mostly pushed by people who make money from the destruction of families and close knit communities.
But it is the main problem.
People in this very thread not only don't know how to talk to each other, when they do they act as if it's a fucking game of life and death.
The men and women are clueless when it comes to interacting with each other and are even working with notions of deep hatred or a misunderstanding of the others essential nature and their own hearts.
except i'm using cucked here to literally mean cuckold, because these guys were having their wives gangbanged at parties. alpha male is an idea about a man embodying the platonic virtues:
>prudence, justice, temperance and courage
>Prudence is a person's ability to judge his own actions as appropriate or inappropriate.
became, don't do these things we tell you are bad
>Justice is the ability to act with fairness and without bias toward others.
became, revenge, eye for an eye, uphold the law.
>Temperance is the ability to act with moderation and self-control.
became, don't drink alcohol, don't swear, don't, don't dont, etc.
>Courage refers to emotional strength and a person's ability to confront his fears.
became, sacrifice yourself like an idiot, because Jesus did.
sexual fidelity was not seen as a virtue until long after. And the words prudence and justice were hijacked to mean something else, just like how cuckold and alpha male have been hijacked by the PUA community, MGTOW and all those other gaylords you lump me in with.
Everyone in this thread has a vagina.Never take hunting advice from a deer.Do what you gotta do,I see average looking guys talking to girls all the time and it's not the end of the world and the girls never look anxious even the most shy ones.
Fuck off with this shit,I see it all the time.90% of them do shit exercises with the lightest weight possible and then rest for 5 minutes looking around for cocks.I think "hey,can I get your number" kind of cold approach is bad,I agree.Talk to them like you would talk to your gym bro about exercises and nutrition,get to know them at first and see how responsive they are.
>the true nature of love and togetherness
We only disagree on one thing:
Sex is not love. It can be an expression of love, but so is apologizing, preparing a meal, listening, and dozens of other things. Female fertility was understood for thousands of years and methods to avoid pregnancy date back to 5000 BC. Sex as an expression of dominance, a recreational activity, and a rite of passage has always existed in human civilizations. Family units would not have been a nuclear mother-father-children, it would've existed more as a community of adults with children, without, the children, and the elderly.
Family is more important than sex, because family is blood, and you can shed as much semen as you want, but when you run out of blood you die. The people who destroyed the meaning of family with sex are trying to destroy children the same way. It's far more efficient to have individual atomized units you can control than a complex hierarchical structure between a group of self-selecting individuals which is very resistant to your external interference. Same reason the US government fears cults so much. When people group together and sacrifice some of their individuality for something bigger it's a massive headache, because they become a special interest group, they can organize, they can become litigious or incorporate or pool their resources, now they are a power broker and you need to treat them with caution.
Far far easier if you just have the system and then the person. The person is small, isolated, weak, the system is monolithic, big, connected, and can crush any individual - No one is above the law, etc.
Youre a literal beta cuck. Consider being a twink.
My encounter at gym.
>see a thick hnngggphh black chick booty n tits doing legs.
>she seems focused on workout so i continue my workout
>see her another time squatting heavy next to me
>inbetween a set i say "woah you squat a lot"
>proceed small talk and shes smiley
>when ever we see each other we talk, shes super friendly and smiley every time.
>too bad shes married at 23 with a kid.
Point of story, dont play games like a female. If you want to approach a girl, do it non autistically, be friendly and if she seems into you ask her out.
Otherwise nothibg wrong with making gym buddies
Post your gf, I posted mine
>hey babe, that's a nice water bottle
>what's in there, lemon and blackberry?
>I glanced over between sets and I was wondering
>if you had considered how the collapse of the extended family as engineered by powerful corporate interests was diluting the experience of love in the 21st century and how we as individuals would be able to revive classic virtues that made enduring commitments possible despite the ways in which we've been shaped by negative influences
A better question is why don't women work out early? I can only go to the gym early in the morning and the only other people in there are dudes. There are literally no females in the gym until like 11. I want a test boost too goddamn it
Here's a thing. Stop being a betacuck, man up, be confident and talk to her if you like her so much.
>I can tell you've been coming here a while. Can you tell me where the toilets are? I need a shit
women don't have any concept of "comfortable" or "practical" clothing.
Sure, if they're at home they wear sweatpants and large tshirts and bulk on ice cream while farting, but as soon as they go out in public, their nr.1 priority is "what am I going to wear that makes me look attractive while doing this activity".
Nice back but holy fuck get some legs.
nice user
this. i wouldn't ever want the line to be showing. thongs are comfy if they fit right and have no excess lace stuff along the sides.
God ur stupid . Most people can't even tell im a girl when i go out because I'm in functional riding gear. You just don't notice girls unless they're dressed like sluts is the reality
I'm a girl and find that nasty af. Shut like that gives you yeast infections. I don't wear things in General either.
>grouping all girls into the same old stereotypes
Yeah, sooooo refreshing guys. How about you stop getting distracted by all the attention whore sluts so easily?
Girls don't want to be bothered in public doing jobs, workouts or commuting etc.
At best it's an annoyance for them, at worse sexual harassment.