Hey Veeky Forums new here. My wife's son doesnt respect me and im thinking of lifting to fix this. What should i do? Bench press? Pullups? I'm a total newb at this and just want to seem like I'm more of a man to him.
Hey Veeky Forums new here. My wife's son doesnt respect me and im thinking of lifting to fix this. What should i do...
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read the sticky, cuck
Put another son in her womb
Im assuming youre currently smal and skinny. Do SS+GOMAD
This. It's the ultimate dominance move.
You're literally fucking his mom, who does the little shit think he is
kek this
Im just gonna say it, you're fucking pathetic bro. Sit down with the kid, find common ground, and learn to enjoy each other's company.
Don't be a fucking autist that's trying to assert dominance. Is this kid having sex? If no, then boom, you win. If yes, well then he's too old to acknowledge you and you gotta deal with his shit.
This a-roony. Also talk to him like he's an adult no matter his age and just level some shit down with him. Find some acceptable ground rules for a relationship. Trying to make him think you're alpha with pullups is a guarantee backfire. Even kids can smell an overcompensating cuck.
try one-handed snatches
I don't want to dominate him, i just want him to see me as someone that can teach him how to be man better than jamal can
Leave dope in his room, make an anonymous call to local pokey. Problem solved, keep banging them ovaries son.
Do drugs kids think druggies are so cool
Digits command you to do drugs and frame the little shit for it
Rub your balls all over all his things, pillows, favorite cup, Mom's lips etc.
Then every time he contacts one of these objects make sure you shout out How you like them nutz son.
why the fuck are you raising jamal's kid lol. abort ship, this whole relationship is a bad idea
You should probably just not talk to yourself, or to him, ever again.
rape him to show him you male dominance
Then wtf are you doing trying to get into the gym? Read a book on parenting, and stop using Veeky Forums, it's time to fucking adult.
We don't have sex, she goes elsewhere for that. I was her best friend during college, and she kept getting dumped and walked over by guys, and then when she got pregnant and the father left her, I figured I'd step up and do the real man thing, so I married her, so that she would always have comfort and support like a woman should.
nice b8 m8. I r8 it an 8/8
This is an ancient meme. Get with the times, man, it's CURRENT YEAR.
>My wife's son
Go ask /pol. They're the experts in this, you worthless cuck