Everyone says to eat 1g protein per 1lb of lean body mass.
How bad am I gimping my gains if I only eat, say, half of that per day? Do I lose 50% of my gains or is it like a diminishing returns thing where I only lose a tiny bit of gains?
Everyone says to eat 1g protein per 1lb of lean body mass.
How bad am I gimping my gains if I only eat, say, half of that per day? Do I lose 50% of my gains or is it like a diminishing returns thing where I only lose a tiny bit of gains?
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I dont, I wegih in at 220 lbs. at 5'8" but im maybe around 20% body fat. But i got muscle for sure.
I gave up on trying to consume that much everyday.
You are way more than 20% bf
post a picture
You don't make max gains.
It's the same as dirty bulking, you have to get your calories some how.
fats, protein, carbs
Too much fats and carbs,(lacking in protein) you gain very little to no muscle and just gain more fat.
Too much fat and protein, (lacking in carbs) making gains but getting exhausted faster, but hey still making solid gains and loosing fat. SHOULD BE DOING THIS
Too much carbs and protein, (lacking in fats) dude how the fuck are you doing this? Nothing but protein shake and fruit? I have no idea how your body is running right now and if you're on this diet for a prolonged time, you might be dieing.
What would you say is a good diet in your personal opinion?
I read a really well written article that states you only need 0.6g per pound, but to do 0.8 just in case of genetic problems or dietary oversights.
Bayesian bodybuilding has the info.
you only need 1g per kg of bodyweight
why would you need 1g per pound, they're different units of measurement
also natty you can only synthesize so much muscle in the 48 hour period after working a muscle group, eating too much protein just wastes it
I disagree with you saying that people should do keto. You of course need a well rounded diet with all macros because they each serve a purpose. Fats are good for regulating hormone levels and for processing some vitamins, carbs are the body's best general energy source for doing anything (physical activity and regulating bodily functions, fiber included), and protein of course for repairing everything in the body and building muscle.
Taking away one of the three vital macro nutrients will in no way produce optimal results.
is it a scientific article? what journal published this? how many times has it been cited?
All papers on it are "0.8-1.2 g per POUND"
You are the first person to say "per kg"
Check yourself before you wreck yourself
20% @ 220 is steroid area for someone who is 5'8"
t. 20% @ 180 and 5'7"
He never said people should do keto.
False. Your body doesnt need even that. It functions just fine with like 30g of protein/day.
Does it mean that its perfect for building muscle? Absolutely not.
And anyways Its not per bodyweight, Its lean muscle mass. What the fuck for does fat need protein? Your muscles use it, not fat tissue.
If you are obese motherfucker holding 50lbs excessive fat it doesnt mean you need 50g more protein.
Anyways 1g per kg is definitely not enough for optimal muscle growth.
There's a fuckload of citations to credible studies. Take a look for yourself.
>"take a look for yourself"
>doesn't provide article
whats the best source of carbs if you want to eliminate grains from your diet? Potatoes?
Nutrition is a crazy topic. Theres hundreds of videos and books out there i recommend you check out. Like shit your ancestors ate 6000years affect how you develop. Shit your dad ate the day your sperm was produced effect how nutrition effects you. Epigenetics are pretty deep.
Safest answer in regards to protein is get more than enough. Better safe than sorry.
But the truth is some people dont need it as much as others might. Also depends on your goals and experience.
Personally i need to start my day with like 60-80g. It makes me feel so good. I usually just eat a burger for breakfast. After that i might not get anymore protein throughout the day and still feel fine, i just gotta get that protein rich breakfast. I blame my grandma cause aparantly she raised rabbits and thats all she would eat growing up in rural europe.
I remember when people said you needed 2g per pound and nearly choked to death on my 4th chicken of the day
vegetables and fruit
I found a bunch of literature about lectins in food being poison or some shit. Is this all blog-spam to sell me stuff, or is this a thing I should also worry about? It said to not eat potatoes or tomatoes.
Cook them and its fine idiot
>start my day with like 60-80g
>large egg has 6g
mf what's your breakfast?
the literature literally said that the lectins in grains don't go away from baking so all processed grain is poison.
Search Bayesian bodybuilding protein you fucking retard.
>implying 20%
>implying you're 26.9FFMI
Look at your body right now and tell me if your amount of muscle mass is something that only few genetic outliers can achieve naturally and is otherwise not achievable for natties. Tell me your lifts are as good as they get and you won't be getting stronger.
Thought so. You're way fatter than 20% kiddo. Cut right now.
About the closest you'll get to a clear explanation.
Eric Helms is a Nutrition Scientist and researcher who has conducted studies in the past and on top of it a natural bodybuilder. He knows theory and practice and has a lot of experience.
>according to fit i should eat around 200g of protein every day
>fucking 7 or 8 chicken breasts a day
>"Too much fat and protein, (lacking in carbs) making gains but getting exhausted faster, but hey still making solid gains and loosing fat. SHOULD BE DOING THIS"
>should be doing a diet that literally makes you feel like shit at the expense of looking slightly better
fucking Veeky Forums man i swear
The 1g per 1lb of bodyweight is only relevant for people who are not fat. When you're above 15% bodyfat, you should calculate it to be 1g per lb of LEAN bodymass.
Let's say you're 6' 200lbs@20%
Your TDEE is around 3100kcal. Around 160lbs of your bodyweight is lean mass, so you're supposed to eat 160g of protein every day. That's just above 20% of your daily calorie intake. You seriously want to tell me eating 50% carbs and 30% fat is somehow low carb? Will this make you feel shit? No of course not. Chicken breast is not the only food that contains protein, pretty much everything you eat aside from pure oil and sugar contains protein. You won't even notice that you eat like 80-100g from grains, legumes and other protein sources. Frankly, do you even lift?
>Frankly, do you even lift?
He doesn't. There's no helping idiots. Let him 70g of protein a day and make no gains.
me in the CBT
The magic number for getting optimus maximus gainz is EXACTLY 1 gram per 1 pound... Really makes you think
bumping, waiting for these 2 user's answers, i'm i'd estimate i'm sitting at around 8% BF at 88kg. picture is shit, i'm way more shredded than it shows tbqh
my diet is very carb heavy and i'm honestly not eating more than 80-90g of protein a day. i don't track shit, but normally i eat an oatmeal or something in the morning, a chicken breast and rice/potatoes at lunch with some vegies, also like to include a little bit of beans/legumes/peas but not too much. some more carbs in the afternoon before gym, chocolate preferred. after training, i eat a protein bar, usually ones that are around 25g protons and 40g carbs, and then when i get home i eat like eating a can of tuna, or some other equivalent protons, with some more carbs, usually potatoes and rice again.
according to you, i should be eating what, 150g a day (which i'm obviously not), otherwise i wouldn't be making gains?
Only carbs and protein? Dude, that's my diet! I eat spaghetti and chicken all day erry day. Done it for half a year. Making decent gains, alot of energy
at work right now but here's another shit picture
You don't even count your macros, why the hell are you even arguing?
>not making gains
You are surely not making gains at your 8% bf, yes. You are ripped and you look good, no question, but you really do not have a lot of mass.
I am not one of the two here, but I am sure there is nothing wrong with simply getting a little more protein in. That said, looking at your meals that you have listed, it seems like you are getting protein with every meal - so there shouldn't be anything wrong here.
yes pham, i don't count macros, but it is obvious that i don't eat as much protein as these anons say i should be eating to make gains. yet, i've made gains and continue to do so. i'm currently around 88 kg but gram by gram i'm getting towards 90kg.
yes, there is nothing ever wrong with eating more protein, i would benefit from it as well, but Veeky Forums sometimes makes these ludicrous statements and it's honestly quite annoying.
You don't track shit so we can't even really argue the point you're trying to make. Whatever you're doing, it works for you, but that doesn't mean it's good advice. This is why we conduct studies and shit to make sure whether something applies to few people or to most people and studies have shown over and over again, that high protein intake works.
protein is a meme created by people who sell the powdered version.
People overestimate the benefits of protein and underestimate the benefits of calories in general.
1g per pound of lean muscle mass is optimal. If you half this, you'll still make decent gains.
>those people that maintain their normal diet and add in a 100kcal protein shake thinking they will make gains
>yes, there is nothing ever wrong with eating more protein, i would benefit from it as well, but Veeky Forums sometimes makes these ludicrous statements and it's honestly quite annoying.
I don't listen to most advice on Veeky Forums. There was a questionnaire recently and only like 15% of all people here are seasoned lifters (3-5 years), and more than 50% have lifted for a year or less.
It's like saying you're not going to make gains on a bro split, compared to full body training. Studies proof hurr durr.
Well, studies show that gains on full body are superior to brosplits but it doesn't mean you are not going to make gains on a brosplit. You might be progressing somewhat slower, but you will still grow. Time and consistency is far more important.
sounds to me that you are easily eating ~150g of protein. you are just very bad at estimating it because u dont track shit like u said urself.
case closed all i needed to know.
I think his point is that people shouldn't overexaggerate the importance of protein that much, especially when someone already eats plenty.
I don't think that he disagrees that some more protein can only benefit, but I think he disagrees that eating 90 instead of 150 will make your gains complete shit and non existent.
It's a slight edge if anything.
nah, it's quite a bit less i think
cup of 150-200g oats with yogurt - around ~30g
1 chicken breast - ~30g
chocolate - depends on what kind i eat but usually around 6g
protein bar - 25g
can of tuna/other protein - ~30g
so all in all, i'm probably eating around 120g of protein overall at best, seeing that i'm kind of inconsistent and may be getting less protein and more carbs some days. basically, i'm eating probably 40% less protein than i should be eating according to the other anons, yet i'm still making consistent gains and feeling good.
exactly what i meant, thanks bruh
What's the shelf life of ingested protein?
Like, if I have tuna with cottage cheese for lunch, but don't work out until the evening, does that go to waste?
No. You literally don't have to pay attention to meal timing.
What if I have 80% of my calories in one meal? I usually eat before and after working out too.
>Anyways 1g per kg is definitely not enough for optimal muscle growth
This statement is supported by the following studies:
Should be okay.
Is Whey in protein shake form a good source of protein? It's currently the cheapest stuff I can get atm and I am on a budget. Also is there a limit to how much whey you should eat?