fuck you fit,i thought it was a meme and now im addicted i just spent $80 on sips. how do i stop myself?.
Iam a monster
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>i just spent $80 on sips
Will that even last you to the end of the month?
>step 1: recognize 80 dollars is nothing in the grand scheme
>step 2: throw that shit away and avoid all stimulants for a few days let thats shit get out of your system
2 a day will last for 25 days
i dont have a job and that money was for food
do people genuinely enjoy monster?
does anyone know where i can get this mickey mouse comfy jumper in this photo?
I feel you, i have beeen jewed into the trap too.
There is no escaping the sip
>he thinks it's just a meme
>it's no meme
i just want to eat man, ive lost like 20 pounds since i started sipping because of the caffiene
is that supposed to be a lot? dont drink sips for thirst. drink water instead
1 sip a day AT MOST and that will last for 50 days. 1 sip every other day and we are looking at around 3 months.
fucking nothing m8 if something you did a good not buying them 1 by 1 for $2-3 each time
thats $100-150 instead of 80
and i only had $90 for food next week
>tfw 2 for $3
>tfw I prefer Red Bull
It's a bit more costly :[
Bro how do you fuck this up?
That black and blue one isnt ultra and its the worst monster in existence.
Wheres the read?
Wheres the blue?
Yellow is better than orange.
>That black and blue one isnt ultra and its the worst
>they aren't the same thing
>missing the point
They arent (((sips))) cause it isnt part of the ultra family.
And even more importantly
It tastes absolutely horrible.
Have you tried it?
i like the taste of all monster thats why i have such a problem and spent most all of the money i had set aside for food on carbonated caffeine water
>slept like no hours last night
>grab a sip to power thru my gym sesh
>my car wont start
>sitting in my house feeling both tired and wired at the same time
>feel like death
>buddies want me to go out drinking with them for st paddies day
im afraid for my life.
>the same thing
Oh user.
S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7
Sip threads have been disappearing fast this week. Janitors got back on that sips jihad. Stay safe sip boys.
I haven't been on Veeky Forums in a while. wtf is a sip?
Ignore the jannies
>Quick Rundown
This is literally a monster shill thread. Ignore.
Pick two.
>on Veeky Forums for more than a year
Pick one
Britbongs can you buy them in cases too?
Only ever seen monster in 4 packs in my supermarkets
Sipping has been a thing for years. It just wasn't a meme until last year.
Maybe it was a thing on reddit, but I havent seen it once before last year
got these off amazon
No I mean using monster ultra as a pwo. It's just a meme now because someone mentioned it on Veeky Forums in a goofy and repeatable format and some morons insisted that it was shilling, resulting in like twice as much meming. That's what got it off the ground, and why it's lasted so long. Opposing it just sustains it.
Did Monster create the perfect viral marketing campaign by posting a few threads on Veeky Forums?
Well they had YouTubers drinking the shit like it was water and Veeky Forums loves it's ecelebs even if they won't admit it. Don't really need to do much after that
2 4 $4 babay
Only because they haven't discovered Red Bull yet. Fucking teenagers
Guys, I just ate 2 packs of turkey jerky and drank 5 /sips/. I literally feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. But there's still one /sip/ left in the fridge. Should I go for it?
It doesn't even matter at this point, but no.
i dont care desu
what are the good flavors? i had like a metallic blue one becuase of you faggots and it was good. i want more.
> how do i stop myself?
You don't user. Your body will do that for you when the stroke and/or heart issues kick in.
red bull tastes like ass
There is only one way to stop the sips
that's how it starts. a cautionary tale: it doesn't end with the first sip. i led the same kind of life sipping and blowing through my work, workouts, love and social life instances with little regard for sleep until i ran out.
>spent a month in rehab (had to be weaned off in increments of half-sips per day like a fucking dog, orderlies intentionally slipping us up so our sips were wasted and we returned to the sippy shakes
>lost grip on stocks and investments venture
>wife left me
>dog dead from carbonation
>wife's son wont even share a sip and fastpitch erratically around me anymore
careful with those sips. they can be both the alpha and the omega
I'm not saying this shitty forced meme is a Jewish trick.
This is purely a coincidence.
imagine the top secrets sips that yid has access to
Enjoy your heart problems.
>redbull falseflagging this hard
CloMo looks like THAT?????
i like the taste of ass
lightweight baby
kekked three times