>240 calories
>24g of protein
Why aren't you clean bulking on this right now?
>240 calories
>24g of protein
Why aren't you clean bulking on this right now?
This shit is actually so fucking good
Shut up, Max.
>only 40% of the calories are brotein
Nice try man
>put a scoop into your SIPS
Didn't one user go on a halo top diet, only eating 3 tubs of halo top a day and nothing else, and end up with migraines or some shit at the end?
I fucking love halo top, the only ice cream I ever eat since finding it, but I wouldn't recommend eating it in bulk.
because a protein bar is cheaper and has more protein
Because they dont sell it in my shitty country
halo jew lmao
It's a miracle of modern science, but by no means should you subsist on it. It's perfect for knocking out a dessert craving on the basis of once or twice a week, but no more.
P sure that was a chick from some jewish lesbian-tier magazine who did that... not someone from Veeky Forums
Because eating the entire thing will fuck your macros up...
Im skeptical, how does this stuff compare to regular icecream? Because I had arctic zero and that shit left a real bad taste in my mouth literally and figuratively
Does anybody know when they are releasing this in Europe?
>miracle of modern science is putting a scoop of whey in regular ice cream and selling it for a higher price
>nobody in my city sells this
Damn why don't they bring this shit to Europe?
In the meantime I've decided to try and make myself a whey ice cream, wish me luck.
All magazines are Jewish lesbian-tier
Do they have it at Publix?
Tastes like tapioca pudding.
AKA Good.
Yes they do.
because it's like $5 per pint
Salted caramel is so far the only actual good flavor. Strawberry is in second. Birthday cake is absolutely shit tasting. It tastes like diet ice cream. Haven't tried the chocolate yet.
My fellow publix niggers
I just bought an ice cream maker so I can try to make this shit myself (cause I'm sick of paying 4$ a pint for what's basically a scoop or so worth of protein.). It should arrive later today. According to the Interweb, you can apparently do this with just almond milk and whey powder. I shall report back with my results.
Cause I make my own
I think they're confusing the guy who thought GOMAD was only drink a gallon of milk a day and the magazine thing.
Mary Berry has a good icecream recipe with whipped eggwhites and cream. You can make it by regularly mixing the cream thing in a container in a freezer though it's a hassle.
Im lucky because my wegmans carries every flavor they have. I've tried nearly all of them
They all taste decent, but imho the best ones are
1. Red velvet
2. Cookie dough
3. Peanut butter cup
Also, a lot of them just taste odd. Like the birthday cake one has a weird chemical aftertaste.
fellow florida user?
recipe? :^)
>less than 50kcals per serving
That is a pecker serving tho
where do I buy these
they don't have it costco
They're in my Costco. They only had the Vanilla Bean flavor though, which is pretty good. If you're near a Whole Foods, they also have them in a variety of flavors.
>Clean Bulking
>Eating a bowl of thickeners and stabilizers
Shit tastes bretty good, especially birthday cake.
You get a slight aftertaste that makes you aware it isn't real ice cream, but shits cash.
Found the guy that knows literally fuck all about ice cream
accurate list
I've tried just about all of them (thank you based Kroger) and the Chocolate Almond Crunch is the only really reprehensible one I've found so far, everything else has been pretty fantastic. I'm partial to the Salted Caramel and Oatmeal Cookie
>not buying fresh ice cream from your local creamery
might as well eat shit
It's about a third of a serving, I just couldn't be arsed adding more for the photo
>50g Casein
>50g Erythritol
>200ml skim milk
>500ml water or nut milk of choice
>300g strawberries or berries, nuts, seeds, fruit or whatever of choice
>2 tsp vanilla extract
>2tsp xanthan
Beat/whip air into the casein in water til it turns fluffy, mix the rest of the ingredients and blend for a few to combine. Freeze for 2 hours+ and serve
I actually like this shit but if you're bulking go for some Haagen Dasz man. On a cut or maintenance it's good to curb cravings.
Local Kroger has them 4 for $10. Stocked up, vanilla and strawberry are pretty decent desu
It's pretty good.
I don't even know what this is ;A;
T. A guy named max
Oatmeal cookie is my go to, that one is so fucking good.
Any UK bros know anywhere I can get this in Scotland if at all? Not seeing anywhere that sells it after a quick google.
Thanks for the rec famalam, ill grab one of those next time.
>nobody mentioning the only real rival to Red Velvet
Do you only eat chicken breast?
>40g of sugar per pint
Fuck yes. This one and the chocolate one are my favorite.
The way you said this makes me think I'm not supposed to be doing the thing I'm doing
Swedish company NJIE just came out with these things.
GOD TEIR (literally just good ice cream)
Red Velvet
Peanut Butter Cup
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Cookies & Cream
Good Teir
Mocha Chocolate
Vanilla Bean
Birthday Cake
Inferior Versions of Other Flavors Teir
Mint Chip
Black Cherry
Oatmeal Cookie
Chocolate Almond Crunch
Seasalt caramel
Still less than regular ice cream
>red velvet
>liked by anyone other than fat office secretaries
that's like eating a chocolate bar and saying "I don't eat ice cream because chocolate bars exist" you're comparing apples to oranges
The calories have increased in some of them but its because they've changed the recipes to make them taste even better.
I know people hate reddit but there was someone from Halotop answering questions in a 1200isplenty thread.
The erythritol cause Mudd butt for some people.
>never heard of these till now
>turns out all my nearby grocery stores have em
is it worth it to buy this shit? I need something to kill my ice cream cravings.
>Really want this
>No way they sell it in my podonk hick florida town
>Publix has it.
smoked and ate a whole pint with some graham crackers earlier.
and i'm still hitting my necessary protein and fiber while staying at a 500+ deficit. so ez
the peanut butter cup flavor is fucking top tier. Want to try the pistachio and s'mores next
Expensive, and it is closer to frozen yogurt than ice cream.
dude publix runs the fucking game for subs. especially their chicken tender subs. they've mastered subs and fried chicken
>EVER doubting publix
Sure but why do they cost so fucking much.
This is what it does to me.
Pretty good.
>a dessert craving on the basis of once or twice a week
>craving dessert that often
Not gonna make it tbqh
i take a tub of this,
throw it into a big bowl,
add 9 scoops
add 2 cups whole milk
add 4 drops vanilla extract
add peanut butter
mix it together and throw that shit in the freezer
gains season baby
>Why aren't you clean bulking on this right now?
Because I'm cutting on it right now. Just bought two pints today. Eat half a pint for dessert after dinner some nights.
Haven't really found a bad flavor. Best if you leave them to sit for a few min to soften up a little.
can confirm this shit is pretty good, not amazing but pretty good. there is a brand of low calorie icecream called Enlightened, I get it at Sprouts (a wholefoods like chain). Shit has the same calories but tastes way better than Halo Top, the frozen hot cocoa flavor is 360 kcal and 28g protein per pint.
Publix for the premium stuff, Boars head deli meats and produce
Aldi for the rest
>frozen hot cocoa
yeah, I use it to kill sugar cravings. the red velvet and peanut butter flavors are the best, smores, oatmeal cookie (surprisingly), and mint chocolate chip are good, Halo Top is miles better than that Arctic Freeze shit.
chocolate icecream with marshmellow swirls. but yeah, lel, that is the name of the ice cream - Frozen Hot Cocoa
Based publix is goat. I gym in the morning, done at 9am. GUESS WHAT TIME DEM CHICKEN TENDERS ARE DONE?? 1 lbs chicken and half an ultimate on multi for breakfast.
thank you so much for letting me discover this, just got the chocolate flavor and it was so good
Skip pistachio. Probably the only bad flavor Ive tried, besides lemon.
the fuck you say m8? that shit was liquid frozen nectar of heras tits.
There's a Sprouts in my town, gonna try this shit.
Fuck yeah, go tampa and publix