Hey guys, im 21. White. Good shape. Sociable and have lots of friends. I am a virgin. Seriously is it too late? Ive only ever made out with a girl once when i was drunk.
Hey guys, im 21. White. Good shape. Sociable and have lots of friends. I am a virgin. Seriously is it too late...
You're actually more likely to have a long successful marriage now, assuming you aren't a total autist sperglord neckbeard basementdweller.
Racist, oppressor, white devil
Do you have a victim mentality?
Nah. I'm 21 and only had sex once. I should be getting laid way more though. I should be Chad honestly. Veeky Forums is probably responsible for the lack of sex
Omg is that pic real :O
That poor guy lol :(
Stop it please.
you wish you were there and lick it don't you
Hold fast, user.
9 more years to enlightenment.
Uh? No. Definitely not bleh
Eating dried and crusty semen off of a dirty shirt is like eating cold pizza. There's really nothing trashier
is this trappys new Veeky Forums persona?
Too late. I lost mine at 20, now I'm a neet fuckup at 28
90% of the people that make these threads have a mindset like "i dont get it. im not ugly, why arent women just throwing their pussies at me".
You may be white, sociable, and friendly, but do you have confidence? Do you dress well? Do you have good hygiene? Do you have some fucking deformity? Are you too clingy and overthink every situation with women?
Just get over yourself man, im not the most handsome guy, but confidence goes a long way.
I think so
>Do you have some fucking deformity?
Gotta blast
No. I wish I could talk to her though. Bet she'd have some decent advice for me and my fitgoals :)
what are your goals? drain as many dicks as humanly possible before 30 then suicide?
No I want to get fit and healthy. Strong and sexy :)
All a part of the overarching goal of living a wholesome existence.
...though a boyfriend wouldn't be bad, either lol.
Post pics
That's Livia Cavalcanti, the ex-girlfriend/oneitis of Rafaello, the mentally ill autistic hobbit from the favela posting under the name "Trappy-chan".
He stole her pics and in some sort of perverted roleplay, no doubt stemming from repressed homosexuality, convinced certain posters that Livia Cavalcanti was a) tranny and b) posting in the powerlifting thread on Veeky Forums.
Hope this helps.
That hair is a deformity.
People keep saying his but I honestly don't know what to believe. Everything is a joke and everyone is a troll here on Veeky Forums, to the point where truth and fiction are basically indescernable :/
hi rafael
>Seriously is it too late
Do what I did
>browse an escort service site like Eros
>find a verified escort (one with her own site) that you find attractive
>check their reviews like on The Erotic Review
>make sure they provide a GFE (girlfriend experience- kissing, emotional connection, etc.)
>contact them
>bone them
>lose v-card
Literally once you've gotten your dick wet, even if it's by dubious means, talking to actual girls IRL becomes so much easier because there isn't any lingering doubts in the back of your mind about sexual performance or anything of that nature. Completely takes all the pressure off of you, especially if you bone a legit 8/10+ your first time around.
It's the truth. The actual Livia is not a tranny, nor does she know anything about lifting nor does she have the same kind of command of the english language as "trappy-chan".
I expect he will return again some day, just as he did as "haino" before disappearing again then resurfacing once more as "trappy-chan" (why anyone bought it is beyond me)
Livia studies Biomedicin, for fuck's sake.
bullshit. my friend did escort and he still has the same issues. from his own mouth
>i know she only did it because i paid her
>it's not the same
I think it works if you're extremely low sentience/low IQ
can't believe people think that PAYING someone to pretend that cares and loves you is the same as the real thing
Well honestly I don't care about any of that. Whoever they are, I've been told they have a great understanding of trans fitness. Hopefully they come back so I can pick their brain lol
Also getting back to the (off topic) topic: why do guys place so much importance on their virginity? Girls do this too but in a completely different way which is no less crazy.
Having sex does not change you fundamentally as a person. It's really not a big deal. Get over yourselves :/
someone with mental issues like yourself won't understand it
Will you be my gf
[spoiler]also vegan if that helps[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i think your posts are cute[/spoiler]
>do you have confidence?
>Do you dress well?
Do you have good hygiene?
Do you have some fucking deformity?
Are you too clingy and overthink every situation with women?
what now im doing everything right where are my whores. ill just get back on tinder
>overthink every situation with women?
y e s
Stop posting on this board please :) lol
I was a virgin until I was 25 and a half.
I lost my V card few month before hitting 26. Now i'm freshly 28 and I had 8 partners, which happened when I got fit aswell.
Well, now I have fucks there and there, mostly on week-ends night catch up. Also had 2 regular booty girlfriends but I'm still autistic and trying to figure how to behave with girl I'm more interested than just fucking. So far unsucessfully kek.
Keep going. More sport, more gym, more confidence.
>Trans fit
I've totally destroyed the natural functions of my body but hey at least I'm
>Trans fit.
Get help buddy. Trans people is just highly advanced gay body dysmorphic disorder.
Im gonna be 20 in October. Is there still a chance of finding virgin gf? I don't have to tell you that im a virgin myself right? It's just my ultimate love fantasy is fiding a virgin and both of us losing our virginites to eachothers, sure our 1st sex would suck but later on we'd get better at it. I know it's some cheesy shit but i blame disney and my grandpa for telling me stories how he and grandma met.
female virgin in todays society will be hard to find. most women lose it at very early age. blame the media and all the sex talk everywhere nowdays
>yet another thread derailed by attentionwhoring trannies
This is why everyone hates you. It's not a /pol/ conspiracy, it's because you're a goddamn insufferable faggot.
Veeky Forums is homo board you newfag
>Very early
Fuck off Bible belt. That's a biologically acceptable age to lose virginity.
Don't worry if she's a virgin. Does she:
>Have a job
>Have real life goals
>Have real life hobbies
>Is honest with you about the relationship, about everything important
These are better indicaters of morality than an intact hymen. I mean there's a limit, a run thru roastie is a red flag don't get me wrong. But, 3-5 partners isn't bad.
Looks more like snot
Epic, bro. Just EPIC.
>3-5 partners isn't bad.
Jesus in what kind of shithole do you live in? Here when a girl had 2 she's laready being considered slut.
>biologically acceptable
>appeal to nature
its time to became an alcoholic man, if you can't get pussy sober, you need to drink everytime you go out, just like i did before i realized girls are dumb as fuck
Just becasue you have low standards and lost your V-card to a slut it doesn't mean that user cannot find his virgin waifu. Instead of encouraging him you're trying to bring him down in order to not feel like a loser that you gave one of the most precious things lovers could give eachothers to some slut. Lmao
Where is this? Utah? Starting to have serious relationships at 15/ they don't work out. By 20 you should have 3-5 adult relationships under your belt unless you've fallen in love with your future partner by then. Which most people haven't. Some people have good for them.
>Implying sex in and of itself isn't always an appeasement of natural urges
I agree that appealing to nature is an over used argument. Just not in this case.
Assumptions all around.
I'm with my high school sweetheart to this day. I'm just a realist and know that this isn't the norm and that I have a lot of quality friends male and female who've had a few serious relationships that didn't work out through no real fault of their own. They aren't promiscuous sluts on one night stands they just got burned by love a couple times.
>By 20 you should have 3-5 adult relationships
Jesus fucking christ.
At most that's spending a whole year with a partner each. Math much?
>new partner every year
I forgot people don't know jack shit about commitment.
kill yourself autist
>others can't have standards!
This, I can't believe how readily people of either gender abandon relationships. Do you think the absolute perfect person is going to fall into your lap, be single, and also like you? It's game of give and take asshole, learn to compromise a little
>pol virgins cant have standards of pure aryan waifu assigned to you by the government for breeding purposes!
No. 16-18 yr olds don't. That's why you shouldn't be hard on a 20+ year old with 3 past partners. Who they were then isn't (or shouldn't be some failures are) the same person they were in highschool.
And you are?
Nice projection there i don't even go to that shithole.
>anybody who has standards is angry sad virgin
Lmao, how's herpes treatment going?
This guy m8. My main point is there are better indicaters than absolute virginity.
>butthurt angsty virgin: the post
>assblasted STD carrier the post
Don't worry next one is gonna be clean im sure of it.
Lol he doesn't wear his penis wraps. Good rule of thumb even if you find your ideal "virgin. " You should still wrap up the first few times because ya know people lie.
Holy shit you fucking autists. It's normal for young people to explore different relationships. This isn't the 50s, you're not supposed to settle into a lifelong loveless marriage with the girl next door.
It does fundamentally change a person, though. Women's partner count negatively affects them.
Why'd you include me? I've been arguing that point the whole time.
/r9k/ is that way
Sorry, misclick.
There's "having standards" then there's being a regressive virgin who wants a Stepford wife because you literally do not know what a relationship with a real woman is like. And I say that as someone who is still in my first relationship, which has lasted for over 5 years: I'm just not a retarded TRPer who thinks a relationship has to be a lifelong commitment.
Meant for
same dude
we were all born to be alcoholics
>wanting a virgin
I never understood this meme because I didn't grow up in alabama
>threads like this again
Like i say every time if you don't mind your gf not being a virgin don't be an ass and respect that some people want virgins, and if you want virgin don't be an ass to people who don't mind non virgins. Otherwise all of you faggots are insuferable.
just find a girl and be forward as fuck. Once you get laid you'll forget all about muh pure virgin waifu. Eventually you'll find a great girl for a longterm relationship but it'll never happen if you're stuck in a bubble.
So because someone wants to be with, or get married to a virgin (bad idea in my opinion), suddenly they're a fuckin /pol/ nazi TRPer?
Relationships in our society should be (and normally are) aimed at being lifelong. If it's only about fucking, then keep it about fucking. Why enter into a relationship and share resources?
You're both autistic as fucking hell.
Minimalist kek
homo, not tranny
that's bullshit but I believe it
You cant find a virgin girl past 16 if she isnt a muslim with hc muslim parents
Hahaha ewwwww!!! xD
What kind of retard logic is this?
Ive met a few girls who were single and virgins at the age of 20
Why were they single and virgins? because they aggressivly rejected every dude who approached them
They lied to you, all girls are whores
>have lots of friends
thats what you think
You virgin anons might as well learn to sleep around because the virgin girls are extinct. We're in an age of promiscuity.
Sorry but no
girl i was dating confirmed it, she just wants attention from her friends so rejecting all dudes means she can stay single and while
Also very few girls are whores, sadly
They act like whores because guys want sex and acting like whores gives em attention
what about the pics with the dick in panties that trappy posted? that was in the same bathroom that livia has pictures of
I actually knew a chick that was alright looking and a virgin at 21 but its rare asf and she basically turned into a moderate cock whore shortly after.
tldr: yeah, pretty much this