>salam alaikum, i heard you aren't lifting 5 times a day you dirty kaffir
Salam alaikum, i heard you aren't lifting 5 times a day you dirty kaffir
Islamics have high potential because 50% of there population are inbred therefore retard strength comes into play.
allauh akbar brother!
How do I get explosive gains like you did?
that guy's brazilian
lift 5 times a day, fast and play halal vidya
You sure you didnt you mean eat you fat cunt?
No way he can gain that much though eating. They ain't allowed beef
>Not allowed beef
Are you fucking retarded? This board gets worse and worse by the day, full of newfags who don't know shit. /Pol/ destroyed Veeky Forums.
Dude, he's Iranian. Even if you didn't know that, look at OP's post you fucking jabroni. Muslims aren't the brown people that don't eat cow.
I'd shoot you
Lol shut up lard ass
hahahaha kek
>newfags who don't know shit.
Shitskins really aren't a worthy subject of interest or discussion.
He's only 5'2 though
That is even retarded for /pol/
They are supposedly the enemy.
Know your enemy.
(Pro tip: they aren't the enemy, it's the banks)
>they might might be a close third after the profag movement though
>those untrimmed fingernails
Jafar pls go and stay go
>(Pro tip: they aren't the enemy, it's the banks)
>>they might might be a close third after the profag movement though
I imagine this guy being a mid-tier boss during the Race War