Hahahaha. Just made this but lust is something I really struggled with and still struggle with. I'm talking like struggled with it really hard earlier this year. Being a Christian isn't about being perfect but it is about knowing someone who is greater than sinful things. I'm so thankful for the grace I've been blessed with for all the stupid things I've done and what not.
Hahahaha. Just made this but lust is something I really struggled with and still struggle with...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Being a Christian isn't about being perfect but
trying your damned hardest to follow all the rules
I started a lifting club through my church called Preacher Curlbros
Who /muscular christianity/ here ?
God wants us to be fit
I try to self restrain myself of simple carnal pleasures a d lust. But I fail. But I try. I would never cheat on my wife ever despite how bog o get. And I would say Im.a man of principle. But fuck Christianity you stupid faggot.
crossfit fag
I'm a baby christian and lust is my number 1 issue.Generally I'm not looking around the gym at other people though
Me too user :)
>But fuck Christianity
Why are you so hateful user ?
sounds like you're running from what you know is true bro
>boners are bad because my kid-diddler priest tells me he read it in a book written by ancient desert people that has been translated and re-translated for thousands of years
oggle those cardio bunnies you mong, it's what god wants
>join gym
>receptionist isn't a nun
>can clearly see her forearm and ankles
Why do they allow such sluts to work in gyms ?
Also unrelated but last night l saw (while browsing this "christian" board) a half naked female, needless to say l hid and reported the thread, cannot believe such primates would post here.
>lust is my number 1 issue
I'm pretty new to getting back into Christianity but lust is the farthest from my number one vice.
>it's what god wants
No, god wants you to create a family with a QT cardio bunny and to only oggle her in the privacy of your own home.
Not the same user.
But yes, that is the essence of being a christian. Molding yourself mentally into something aesthetic. It takes lots of restraint and frustration.
>acting like a pisser for no reason because some people choose to follow a set of rules (none of which hurt you) that you don't follow
I don't think that's what he meant,and you're kinda misunderstanding the bible.
In christianity God made a road for us to be happy it's not like an highway where you get off you cannot get back, it's a path where you leave but can always get back to
Are you claiming to have some kind of divine insight into the unfathomable mind of our perfect Ultimate Creator and Dear Leader?
You're fucked in the head dude, how can you even call yourself a Christian?
>some kind of divine insight
nah, it's written in the books m8
Pretty sure you can saythat God doesn't want you to fuck around without coming of as a false prophet
Forget lust for now, work on pride/vanity.
Better yet, this is a fitness board, so how about you let people combat sloth without making this about you?
understand that your purpose in the gym is greater than some stupid cunt's ass.
God didn't make a road for you to be happy.
The people who interpret and profit off of "His" text laid out a road filled with hallmarks of their sociopolitical ideals that conveniently make the masses easier to subjugate. Then peddle the road of subjugation as that of happiness to their donators.
How do you know what God wants?
>It was written in a book
There is a lot of crazy shit written in those books, most of which has gotten pretty damn far from what those desert people intended a few millennia ago...
I'll admit that there's some sensible moral guidance scattered throughout the New Testament, but most of that is just ripped off Socratism.
While you only ogle at home she is still getting ogled at the gym.
>she is still getting ogled at the gym.
that's fine as long as she only oggles her husband.
I actually misread it as "proactive" and laughed my ass off at the phrasing. It kinda makes sense, she's being proactive in her promiscuity.
it's all g man, jesus died so lads who bust a nut can repent
>you should just break all the rules and say sorry when you're done man
Who the fuck is this guy? I met him at the Arnold but only because some fat Latino got hyped as fuck as soon as he saw the guy and his dog
dont straw man me, you wouldn't be repenting with your line of logic
if you think to repent is to simply say sorry you can enjoy burning in hell fag
>implying there is a hell
>implying that anyone would rather be in heaven if hell really did exist
are you genuinely this autistic
at least learn about the religion you're shit talking before you spout the shit you got off family guy & leddit, you aint gonna be chilling in hell
I grew up Catholic, I'm pretty familiar with the religion.
And hell isn't preferable because of the fun brunch activities they have planned, but because of the company you keep there.
>eternal seperation from the source, the being that enabled your existence
>a nice place
Mike Ohearn
There is a very slim chance, that if heaven and hell do exist, that hell is just a constant hedonistic party zone but got slandered to fuck by the nerds in heaven
Just playing... devil's advocate
You obviously grew up with a learning disability, do you genuinely think you would be socialising or even acknowledging other souls?
enjoy suffering for eternity (or at least till book of revelations if your that kinda guy), but hey at least you'll be in the same plane of existence as ur degenerate celebs you worship so much !!
You mean Extremist Christian. My family is Muslim and even we're not this fucking retarded, so would all my other Christian friends. I.e. none of the women wear headscarves and crap, my niece is on a national championship cheeerleading squad and wears normal cheerleading stuff etc. You're an Extremist Fundamentalist Christian. The white equivalent of Extremist Muslims or Extremist Jews.
We're on borrowed time already but once we get the bad end it will be endless hedonism? That's a little too optimistic for my taste but it sounds nice and all.
Seminarian here, recently got all my seminary bros to start lifting too. Bringing masculinity back to ministry one step at a time
Take a little bit of critical thinking (you might have to borrow it from a non-Christian friend) and then, taking your fairy tale afterlife of choice as complete fact, think about the kind of people who would be in either place.
If you do that it's kind of self-evident why the Christian concept of afterlife is so laughable.
>wants to diss others for their religion
>is a member in the worst religion to date
Go ahead and leave Islam. Then talk shit.
Nothing you said is untrue, and good for you and all that...
But why is this a thread?
I'm kinda with this guy. It seems like you've made a thread all about yourself and your struggles. Pride is probably what you need to be watching out for.
I think it's kinda funny that you believe that you'd be hanging out with others. And that you think they'd want anything to do with you.
Community, conversation, and fellowship are good things. You won't find them in Hell. It would probably be more like solitary confinement.
>tfw I follow my own set of rules, morals, etc
Well, from a Christian perspective, consider it like this: You were literally DESIGNED to lust after hot women. The human race literally would not be able to "go forth and multiply" any other way.
Each rep is a prayer for our Lord and Savior
"Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come." 1 Tim. 4:8
Let's keep it in perspective, bros.
Let me answer that for him. This is the mind of God:
Prov. 5:15-20
Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well. Should thy springs be dispersed abroad, and streams of water in the streets? Let them be for thyself alone, and not for strangers with thee. Let thy fountain be blessed; and rejoice in the wife of thy youth. As a loving hind and a pleasant doe, let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love. For why shouldest thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a foreigner?
> Marry young, if you can, and be happy.
> Don't share your wife and be a cuck.
> Don't go looking for other women to satisfy you.
> Be satisfied with your own wife at home.
Ayy what seminary. I'm going to St Louis once I get my undergrad. LCMS
Any protestant anons here?
Why are Catholics chill irl, but fedoras on this site?
I don't know which denomination I should be.
mom kept switching churches when I was growing up.
>tfw not religious
I wish I had God in my life
It's never too late to accept Jesus into your life user.
I'm personally Non-Denominational.
You're literally cucked by stoneage mythology and actively try to supress your sex drive because you think it is a sin.
You are an idiot.
>i know what non-christians think better than they do
goddamn i can't believe i really believed that shit when i was an xtian
>helped create the modern age
What are "provactive" clothes? Do they improve your gains? Where can I get them?
yeah it's so funny
>god hardwires you to constantly think about and desire sex
>he created you, so he decided how strong your sex drive is, who you're attracted to and if you're gay or whatever
but despite making this pretty much the number one subconscious desire in all of humanity,
>if you ever do it without a special church permission slip, you get tortured FOR EVER
what a just man that jesus is huh
God already is in your life, He made you and literally sustains you every day. It is His power that causes the sun to rise each morning.
What you should do, if you aren't, is obey his instructions.
> don't be an ignorant, rebellious child. obey your loving father in heaven.
>discipline and mindfulness stopped mattering because we invented the internet!
yeah totally, that's how it works.
just because you can't see past the noise and dumb shit built around the religious ideas, doesn't mean the ideas themselves are bad. You're just too stupid to see past the superficial stuff.
>tfw agnostic christian
>he sustains you, he makes the sun rise
you know i'm always impressed at the length god goes to to hide his involvement behind layers and layers of physics and chemistry, to the point where it almost seems like it all just runs itself according to a set of clearly defined laws, and doesn't need his involvement at all! haha but that would be ridiculous
>obey your loving father in heaven, who loves and cares for you so much (except for when he sends tsunamis and droughts)
>because if you don't he'll literally torture the shit out of you for the rest of time
you christians love to say that
>muh morals come from god
but if you held your own god to the moral standards you held other people, the standards he supposedly set, you'd see he's the most profoundly cruel, stupid and capricious conscious being that had ever """"""""existed"""""""
but hey, that's just, like, my opinion man
Pray and ask the Lord to guide you to where He wants you to worship, He'll send you to the right place. A solid knowledge of Scripture certainly helps in that regard, in terms of finding a Church that actually preaches the Word. Stick to a mainline denomination desu, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or some of the dissident conservative Protestant groups, the ACNA, the NALC, LCMS. Prayer is most important though.
I respectfully disagree with the third sentence, but strongly agree with the first two. Worship with a church that was founded by Jesus and the apostles, not founded/corrupted by man-made doctrines. They exist, they are out there, but are few and can be hard to find.
>Worship with a church that was founded by Jesus and the apostles
Catholic or Orthodox are the only serious contenders here.
It is not an accident that the relationship we have with God is compared to a "Father" and "Son". If you were a child and *completely* dependent on your father for support and you believed him amoral and "the most profoundly cruel, stupid and capricious conscious being that had ever """"""""existed"""""""" then what would you do? You have a couple of options.
1. Run away and reject his support/protection/guidance and try living by your own standard.
2. Accept that you are a child and don't know everything and perhaps your father knows more than you and really isn't as bad as you think he is and stay home.
What if your father WAS cruel and stupid and capricious but submitting to him was necessary to continue to receive the support you needed to live? Would you submit, or chose to die? Before you say, "I would find another father", consider there is but one God and there is no other. Where do you go? I choose to submit, but I also believe he loves me, even when things are rough (tsunami, drought, illness, tragedy, etc.).
>>because if you don't he'll literally torture the shit out of you for the rest of time
Hell is described as "torment" not "torture" and is literally cast out of His grace. Heaven is described as a great and beautiful city with high walls. Hell is outside those walls and you are never allowed in. If you are cast out, there will be eternal regret and torment over the opportunity lost.
Why are people so upset Trump might not let immigrants in? Because everyone outside wants access to the beautiful city. Heaven is not a place you will be able to immigrate to. You are filling out a living application for citizenship to heaven RIGHT NOW. It does no good to complain about the immigration laws. If you want in, you have to qualify.
well if there were evidence he existed obviously i'd submit to him, purely out of self interest, but my issue is not so much with "you shouldn't believe in god if he exists but he's evil", it's more "how can xtians believe what they do about him, and still say he's good and loving?" even if he were real and i did submit to his power, i still wouldn't believe he was moral if he were anything at all like an abrahamic god. luckily there isn't any reason to think he's real, so it's moot
I wish I could find happiness in religion
>raised in the church
>18 years
>mom was constantly volunteering her kids for church events
>never really bought into anything they were selling
>the people were wonderful tho
>kind, generous, volunteering for community service type shit
>congregation would pool money to send kids to New Orleans to help clean up after Hurricane Katrina
Truth is I don't care about what happens after I die and I don't need a higher "being" of sorts to give me purpose. I think most people choose religion because they're terrified of what happens in death so they hope and believe in some magical place to cope and it ends up consuming them and becoming the center of their life. They don't remember how to live life any other way, so they just keep being "devote".
I was lucky to grow up in a great church though. The sermons were funny and the pastors were good people. Tried finding another church like it just for the community but gave up the search.
Still volunteer sometimes tho
why should i think any of what you just wrote at all corresponds with the way things actually are tho. and no, the new testament and subsequent christian teachings are pretty fucking explicit that hell is true and absolute suffering, not just "regret". look i was a christian for the first sixteen years of my life and i have nothing against it, almost all the experiences i had with christians and the church were positive. i just can't convince myself it's true any more, and believe me i had a year of not admitting to myself that i knew it was bullshit when i would cling to every shred of comfort or evidence i could come up with that supported my faith
I was like you once.
now because the people you describe are better than the drug addicts and losers that my life is filled with and I want to be better in life regardless of what happens after death.
Here is my guess. You have never been a Christian. I presume for the first 16 years of your life, your family took you to some church but it never personally took root in your heart and owned the faith that your parents may have and that is completely normal. At least you have been exposed to that life which is more than what many have been given. You won't get into heaven on your parent's merits anyway. Be thoughtful about life, seek wisdom and someday you may see the value that your parents see in it and come back - I doubt you think they are stupid and yet they see value in it.
goddamn, christians just can't resist telling atheists they know what we think better than we do can you? no, i was a "family christian" i.e. not that bothered until i was like 8, then for 8 years after that got very into it, very involved in christian groups at school, bought apologist books etc, and actually the peak period of my faith was when i was at boarding school so my parents had little to do with it (desu mostly my mum, my dad dgaf really but he goes through the motions for her).
I don't think my mum's stupid, and i don't think the majority of christians i've known in my life are stupid either, but it's possible to be very intelligent and yet nonetheless convinced of something obviously untrue. i'm sure i have some, or even many such beliefs, when it comes to stuff like politics that i'm not even aware of, but i try every day to find them and root them out. thinking like that in fact, being thoughtful about life and seeking wisdom, is exactly what led me to realise how ridiculous the whole idea really is
you sound more like a muslim than a christian
don't be such a fuckin prude
I'd spit in his face and make sure he dies alone.
Its what I have done, in fact. You have no argument.
I can't believe some of you are actually this retarded
Go enjoy life user. This is all there is for you.
Holy kek
Shit form on her left leg I'd eat that box tho
Because I'm going straight to hell afterwards, and you're feeling sooo sorry for me, right?
You Christians are ridiculous, m8.
As much as the sense in the coined term you used i'm feeling you but i'll still pray at the end of the day.
So fug u
Fucking LOL at LITERALLY being a christfag. If you ACTUALLY believe in god, or think ANY normal western adolescents believe in god in 2016, FLUSH YOURSELF.
I love how countercultures used to be pro atheist, but now that almost everyone actually IS atheist, you start ACTUALLY believing in god. Seriously? GOD? IN 2016? Lmfao. End yourself.
You do realise that the only reason ANY woman claims to be Christian these days is to get over the guilt of being assfucked by Chad and Tyrone right? NO WESTERN WOMEN GIVE A FUCK ABOUT "GOD". LMFAO.
You (presumably) went to school in the West. I know you haven't spoken to a woman in years, but SURELY you must remember how people at school were? I'm from Britain which is probably LESS atheistic than where you're from, and I cannot remember a SINGLE non-Muslim girl who believed in God. And yes, we did discuss it, in R.E class etc. Your religion is fucking dead.
You do realise that literally NOBODY believes in god these days right? Not even old people lmfao. The funny thing is you KNOW it's true, but I suppose you need a reason to explain your virginity and "muh Christian purity" works well for that. Lmfao. Absolutely pathetic.
Fuck off
Pic related, it's you