how do i archieve these lines?
How do i archieve these lines?
Permanent marker
not being a fatass
Open Paint, select the red pencil tool and draw the lines. Do not forget saving!
Leg fucking raises. I swear this thread is here every week
bump until i get a non autistic answer.
all yours my friend
I've had these sense I was flabby.
>tfw I have "those lines" and I'm a fatass
maybe you should stop replying to your own thread then?
OHP, Squat, Deadlift, Chinup, Bench.
Pretty much all I do.
Honestly, if you have the low BF%, some quality and consistent yoga. Specifically yoga targeted for posture.
Add dips. Your chest is lagging.
lmao u look like shit
>those insertions
Better reroll stats at the character creation screen
underrated giggle m8
post your picture
I did add dips before, but it just caused an earth-shattering amount of sternum pain when I started to get heavy.
I mean, I have a lot of things lagging. Traps are my worst feature for sure. I pretty much am 99% shoulders and abs with everything else behind.
When I cut, everything else just gets so flat :(.
Genetics, low bf, oblique training
lmfao brah do you even lift?
U look great. Maybe add some heavy barbell shrugs for trap development? Snatch pulls also work wonders
>mfw this is me and someone screencapped my post and made it a thread
Im so flattered OP
does your dink work bro
Where does this meme come from? Test increases your libido.
This. Side planks are a good way to get started.
most likely due to people destroying their estro or not controlling their prolactin levels and getting deca dick
Dumbbell leg raises in a bench
shit i only own 10kg dumbbells
>reverse image
>about results
thanks for the tip user.
Damn brah thats some shitty insertions
Im sorry
Deadlift, Squat, Overhead Press, Dips and Bench press, Chinups eveyday. Chinups make you look good.
Bone structure and low body fat.
Low body fat and not having worthless genetics.
I also found squats and heavy ass deadlifts helped make them more prominent.
Nice pic. Mind if I save it?
idk, i always had them, even before lifting. you're probably just gay
safe to say people who have this have the genetics for it?
is this even a real human bean?
Lift weights
im shredded all around except my v line is almost non existant unless I flex
whats with the type 1 gyno?
It's called an adonis belt and I have a prominent one even at 25% yes.
any exercise that has your body in full extension. such as the standing ab wheel or dragon flags. leg raises also work
Mirin hard as fuck my nigga