How Veeky Forums do you have be to get with a girl like webm related?
>body type
>lift stats
How Veeky Forums do you have be to get with a girl like webm related?
>body type
>lift stats
270 at 9% body fat
4/5/6/7 stats.
Don't do it brehs. Unless you're muslim, shit will not work out.
>Be white american-italian with slight olive skin and dark curly beard
>Meet some egyptian-muslim girl at airport (lel) while waiting for a plane.
>Chat it up, find out we're from the same hometown (this is in another country mind you) and university
>Walk together from the plane to the baggage claim, part ways
>Month later, we meet up at uni again several times. Eventually get balls and ask for number to go out
>She accepts, gives me her number
>Text a couple times,then she has midterms
>Once her exams are over, ask how they went
>No response for several days, try again, no further response
>Try calling as a last option, find out phone line has been disconnected/cancelled
>Find out her cousins saw me with her, and they dug up that I wasn't muslim
>Never see her again
I even went full autismo and tried being in areas I knew her classes were. My non-muslim paki neighbor mentioned how some muslim parents will whisk their daughters from areas if they're caught trying to date outside the religion and force them to marry someone.
She was so attractive and interesting too. It's even more ironic that I had always hated muslims, but found middle eastern women beautiful
Life is so cruel
As a Muslim, I know how you feel. If you were a Muslim, chances are this would have happened to you as well. Lucky for your kids, new generation is much more open minded. Subconsciously trying to appeal and blend into West.
Lol she is probably floating in a river chopped up in a suitcase right now
lol didnt read
fuck off musloid
and you, you're an embarrassment to the Euro/Italiano race. Fucking pathetic weakling.
There's something odd about all non-caucasian women for me. Asians smile too much and have odd humor, blacks and arabs are too noisy and blabber a lot, and it turns me off. Nothing wrong with them, but me. Only caucasian works. Is this genetics? Might just be conditioning, because from young age I mostly grew with caucasians. I had a half-asian girlfriend.
Who let the /pol/ dyel in?
There's this T H I C C Muslim chick I work with that has probably one of the best bodies I've seen and a decent face. But I rather not ask her out since I asked a Muslim grill out once and got rejected for being not Muslim. Also beginner lifter too soon I don't have a fit body.
Also I rather this not happen to her. She's really nice.
>He doesn't realize middle-easterner =/ muslim
If I could convert her with my cock then by all means its no different from Spaniards fucking Aztec women. Besides, Alexander and his Macedonians took Persian wives like a champ, and Caesar fucked an Egyptian,
You sound like a pussy, maybe that's why she ghosted you?
Thinking muslim girls are any different to other girls is like think Catholic girls are ffs.
kill yourself shit skin
I thought I was among brothers
>all those hijabs walking in the background
>i can see her hair
Fuck off roach no Muslims on Veeky Forums
White boi is mad.
trips say you were wrong
now fuck off back to your war torn shit hole
Fuck you too white bitch, May Allah caste a thousand rats upon you
it doesn't scale like that, the only guy i can think of that can strict press 180 deadlifts 500kg
>I had always hated muslims, but found middle eastern women beautiful
i know that feel
Most are not allowed to date, and if they are caught with a non-muslim happens.
Yeah you're right. Basically white women are the way to go
You just have to be the only on who doesn't go off to jihad.
he already has. millions in fact
t. europe
Pmsl. I've seen hijabi bitches blowing dudes in parks. This is like saying Catholic school girls are innocent.
lol get standards AFCs,
Yes but did they get caught?
You need to up your standards if a barbaric desert rat is the best you can do op
Christian here.
If you follow the Quran, you're blinded by a false message. Besides, the only reason you're muslim is because you came out of yo momma's pussy in a muslim country. This was never a choice
Come to the light brother, Jesus died for your sins afterall so it's okay you were a muslims, everybody makes mistakes
Le kettle et Le pot.
You both a shit.
Ever think hijab wearing girls take advantage of their clothes?
Go pick up a chad a jamal or a bobby dadbod and suck a few dicks or get absolutely RAILED while the guy their plowing has almost no idea who they or nor will anyone else be able to tell who she is if they are caught?
All they'll see is a woman in a hijab giving what looks like a world class bj or her howling like a banshee while getting her snatch decimated by some rando dude in a semi public place.
There's little to no difference between strict Islam and strict Christianity since both are Abrahamic religions. They share like 90% of scripture dude..
not an argument
Not arguing with you brah. Laughing at the dudes who think somehow muslim girls would be less thirsty for Chad/Jamal cock than any other sloots. Sloots gonna sloot.
Muslim here.
If you follow the Bible, you're blinded by a false message. Besides, the only reason you're christian or catholic is because you came out of yo momma's pussy in a christian or catholic country. This was never a choice
I shall now call hijabs "slut protectors".
Im Muslim my current gf is Israeli Jew. I had to go meet her family January this year in Jizzrael. I have no issues with Jews, but when i went there the place looked like an absolute third world shit hole , so much for muh civilized place in mid east. I just hope someday if when we have kids i would never have to send them to that shithole. If you dont want your kids to end up going to a Muslim shithole then avoid muslim girls.
I tbought you'd say that.
My family is atheist, I chose Christianity because I once considered killing myself, but somehow began reading prayers and felt something unique which I had never felt before. God saved my life.
The Bible is an old-ass book which has been translated several times. It's pretty much garanteed it lacks several pages or even whole books (chapters).
But the message of our Lord Jesus Christ can't be missed and it's the only thing that matters in the Bible. And it's all about love my brother. And love is something the world desperately needs in 2017
Why would you want to date a muslim? That doesn't make sense.
>Subconsciously trying to appeal and blend into West
Yeah right, more like trying subtly to conquer the West