strong jaws on girls
yes or no?
Strong jaws on girls
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Better than no chin, so yes.
depends, if she's hot and it's proportionate then fuck yes
>tfw ought to marry a tall slim strong jawed woman for the sake of my sons' genetics
>have an unquenchable thirst to breed short thicc bitches
It's a universally good feature.
Sorry for shit quality
muh dick
Ideal woman has a strong jaw, is 6 feet tall, muscular, and has an 8 inch penis.
why did you make this thread again?
iktf bruh, also checked
because lookism has invaded Veeky Forums and their obsessions will now plague the board
rofl r u gay? why would you want her to be muscular
>the joke is that penis is ok!!!11 xDDDDDDD
NO! Veeky Forums with your fetishes for obese """high test""" fatties and now manboys. You sicken me.
benis notwithstanding, why on earth would you not want a girl to be muscular
>strong will and self control
>similar interest to you
>up for doing outdoorsy shit
>less likely to get fat with age
>will give you strong sons and raise them properly
>will enjoy laffin at fatties as much as you
and of course
>sexy as fuck
i don't know why you decided to include a selfie with that post but w/e
those are rare as fuck, women are lazy, especially when they're good looking and when they can ride it out without working out.
Too bad fit girls are only into fat guys.
>Obviously fake titties
That's immediately 3 points off. 7/10 is the best I can do.
yeah, definitely
fuck yes
dress er in purple, paint her mug green and presto- you got yourself a classic spidey vilain
What about guys with strong jaws?
If you don't have a strong jaw as a guy, you should kys.
Strong jawed man + strong jawed woman doesn't always result in a strong jawed son.
See Henry Mortesen.
>Henry Mortesen
He's fat. Nobody knows what his jaw looks like.
There's always a chance it can = a super strong jaw.
See Rumor Willis.
I don't even consider girls with moonfaces/no jaws for relationships
wtf is wrong with her face? it's like the distance from the bottom of her chin to her lips is 2 inches too long?
I have no clue. I swear to god the first time I saw her I thought she was a fucking shoop. Remember those eps of conan where they had the fake children of celebrities and they would merge them together?
That's what she looks like.
Holy shit, sauce?
Why do you keep reposting this.
We get it, you like women with jawlines. Good for you. Stahp.
t. jawlet woman
become a power lifter
genetic jawline is a lie created by jawlets
>written correspondence, never seen
>sends pic of triple chin cleft chiseled to greek perfection
welp, time to burn down apartment and assume plant status in faraway land before chin-sempai finds me
ideal female form has a strong jaw
rumor has a massive chin, a chin is different than a jaw. are you retarded?
and 4 horns
and hoofs
responds only to sit, lift, attack and fuck
>that's not a trap it's an ambush yada yada
salty af lol
Who is she. She's fucking perfect
You click on the arrow next to the post number.
You select "Image search".
You pick "google".
You find out her name.
Nice moustache.
Are you 12? She's the one and only, Adriana Lima.
Even with the mustache she's perfect, goes to show how important face structure is.
thank you. this is amazing
It depends
only for procreation
Couple of questions
Should I keep my tongue at the top of the mouth at all times, or just when swallowing? Because I've just noticed I actually do move mine there when swallowing but normally it's at the base of my mouth and not blocking the throat.
Can you improve crooked teeth by improving face/jaw shape? I think I have an okay-ish jaw but my teeth have been getting worse since my braces got off, and I know I hang my mouth open so that's something I can definitely improve.
I've been considering getting some of those clear plastic brace-type things, would that fuck with face shape further or could I do the exercises he prescribes along with that?
I chew gum a fair bit, is chewing actively like that good or bad for this? I know he said chewing more helps, but obviously most gum is soft as fuck.
stop with this thread you fucking mongoloid
>current gf plays basketball 5-6 days a week
not built but super toned everywhere. just top senpai.