/plg/ - Powerlifting General

/plg/ - Powerfisting General

For the discussion of subjects relating to increasing our tenacity of buttfucking and I guess our totals.

FUCK OHP edition

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all theads must be Panzer approved

this thread isn't

delete this or action will be taken

frist 1!1!!1


how will we know if one of us dies ?

we wont

(btw your property has been seized)

Wess, LightningBrah, Bigmon, Ricu. All dead. All from that video/chat player thing from a few years ago. part of some secret skype suicide club. it was fucked up.

Woah. Ebic!

gonna run smalab

what can i expect

squat 525 raw 565 with wraps

done 2 days of the intro so far and it's p ez since im so used to volume

Is dumbbell bench pressing helpful for improving bench or should I just keep benching a barbell?

It can be. Depends on your bench form and your weaknesses.

Form is ok from what I can tell and my weakness is the bottom of the bench((like 95% of people most likely).

I was stuck around 3x5x85 for ages and then I changed to phraks Greyskull and that helped heaps. Doing a full pause at the bottom has had a big effect as welll. I'm asking because I spent a fair bit on adjustable dumbbells and I haven't touched them in ages.

It's less a matter of good and bad form and more a matter of how you've decided to bench. Different bench forms will change what carries over best.

I don't go for a crazy arch(you can still slip a hand under). Leg drive only just recently clicked after ages of trying to get that nailed down. I found bringing the bar straight down more effective than the J you see some people rave about.

Doing week 5 of c6w and it's bench day. Hoping to get 100x5. Had to deload in the first week because I was recovering from an injury.


Repostan from last thread:
>elbows, forearms, knees, and low back are killing me after not lifting for a couple days
We /GDE/ famalam


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Does anyone have a pre-workout recommendation?

Currently using Nitroflex and need to reup soon, but I want something different.

Already used Mr. Hyde and I liked that, but don't want to switch back to something I've used already.

caffeine pill 4 cent per workout and does the trick

I get this shit. When your body's at rest all your muscles and soft tissues start tensing up because they don't know what to do with themselves.

Foam roll and lacrosse ball that shit.

>Time for Insulini and some juniors from my country to lift
>Goodlift is down
Fuck IPF, I'm with SPF now

Just failed dismally lads. Got 2 reps. I am going to give it another go tomorrow when I am not running on 2-3 hours sleep.

What would cause this part of my back to get sore during a heavy bench? I'm thinking it could be because I am not laying down straight enough.


Hi lads and old friends and new friends and ladesses and gender fluid beings

long time no see no talk to hugs no choco milk

if I want to add 30kgs(around 50lbs) to my squat in 2 months what programme should I be looking at?

My current plan is to spam volume for the first 3 weeks and then 4th week a deload week, 5th to 7th week to focus on numbers and the final week to push it

Who of them is virtus?

No one, actually, so I'm confused.

Hey old fiend, I'd suggest smolov, or even just sessionly maxing if you want? I managed to add 20kg to my deadlift in 8 sessions (4 weeks) by maxing out twice a week and adding 2.5kg at a time. This kinda progress does dry up though.

Your plan may work too

Hi Sparrow. How are your (previous) injuries?

>Hey old fiend

> I managed to add 20kg to my deadlift in 8 sessions (4 weeks) by maxing out twice a week and adding 2.5kg at a time.

when you say 'maxing out' do you mean you do a shit ton of volume that you're fried by the end of the session or do you mean that you strive to hit that 1rm every session by adding 2.5's?

Thank you in advance!

tbqh if you're plateauing at 85x5, a PL program is probably not the right thing to do (assuming you're not like 60kg or so). Do some volume work in different chest exercises to build a base.

Hey facebrah!

(previous injuries) The last injury I can remember was last year where I pulled a back muscle when I was pulling 150 kgs for 3x3
> and it was 3 weeks out from a competition too, thinking about it makes my palm all sweaty

I think I over exerted my left elbow yesterday while benching 70kgs for 4x5, today I'll be doing some light work with box jumps and sprints because it still feels wonky

I'm good! How are you facebrah

I'm notoriously retarded so perhaps you shouldn't take my advice, but what I did specially was max out and hit a new 2.5kg 1rm.

And important thing to mention is that I did Jefferson deadlifts as my primary mover, which was less fatiguing on the lower back, BUT my conventional deadlift moved up linearly as I progressed my Jefferson. So I had effectively added 20kg in a month to my conventional.

Squats are a lot different and you probably could handle a new 2.5kg PR twice a week with them, only for a short period probably, but long enough for 30kg definitely.

I used a LOT of ammonia to get through that period btw

I'm okay.
30 kgs seems a lot, what weight are you currently at?
Your plan seems decent. Increasing frequency and incorporating some moderately heavy singles in week 5-7 can do you good, I think. It could make it more bulgarian-esque, which tends to help quite a lot in the short term.
Try some light, high rep band curls and extensions.

more info on this

That's a really good bench lad

I was plateauing at 85 but I pushed past it months ago. If my retry tomorrow fails what would recommend for replacing upper workouts volume and exercise wise?

Achey knees
Low sex drive
Poor sleep quality
Insatiable hunger

Be mindful of recovery, maybe you'll survive

>I used a LOT of ammonia to get through that period btw

always very reserved about ammonia, though it always piques my curiousity
kbloo uses it a lot in his deadlifting with his back arched and round af

How was your form? Did you focus on mantaining a good back or did you go fuck it and went mong

gonna look into acquiring some NH3

really happy with it, but I can't help but keep thinking about what I used to bench and be disappointed with what I'm doing right now

What did you use to bench? And what happened to it?

can we get a RIP Swede.

That's good to hear!

squatting 110kgs for triples, deadlifting 128 for triples, benching 70 for 4, although a little shaky on the bench ( poor lat strength and triceps)

>Your plan seems decent. Increasing frequency and incorporating some moderately heavy singles in week 5-7 can do you good, I think. It could make it more bulgarian-esque, which tends to help quite a lot in the short term.

Perfect, thanks for the confirmation, gonna go do some high rep band curls and extensions now

What are the lovely sparrow's thoughts on trappy-chan?

used to be able to hit 77kgs for 5x5
*insert laughing crying em0j1*

am 10kgs lighter so I should just nut up and stop being a little bichass kent, b gr8ful

gonna roll out now
b good

Jefferson deads were mong, cause it didn't really matter, however I go to a lengthy effort to pull conventional with a healthly back angle.

I pop ammonia like candy so perhaps this isn't the best thing for you, but maybe you don't need it at all. I found I did but who knows.

>I'm okay
How far are you with your stuff for friday?

Goodbye my friend

>lovely sparrow
oh u

love (her) (him) very much and I think (she) (he) is very knowledgeable and knows what (she) (he) is talking about
trappy lays out scientific evidence of what trappy's talking about

hope trappy still posts because in my previous lurkings trappy explains in detail why training things occur

DId you test your 1RM at that time? What was it?

Doesn't seem like too much of a difference, I'm sure you can get it back in a few weeks of time.
Oh and you also said you are lighter, so you probably have a better bench wilks than before anyways.

Question about 28 day intermediate bench meme program. I always do really well on the first 2 weeks getting 9+ rep on the MR set but I get absolutely smashed by the first day on week 3. Should I just not change my one rep max and just keep the weight constant

Good luck and feel free to report back.
no bully
>How far are you with your stuff for friday?
Far away.
Currently applying for a couple of jobs.
One of the jobs I'm interested in expired the 12th, but according to LinkedIn there were fewer than 10 applicants and the advert is still open. Think I should give them a call?

Oh god, you missed it all, didn't you?
Trappy was, as numerous anons have always suggested, never an actual trap. It was a guy posing with pictures of his ex gf.

>he doesn't know

Do you fail any reps on week 3?

>Far away.
Full on pessimistic over there, haha.

Amazing to see how it's used all over the world. Also here, in combination with XING (which is probably bigger here).
Sure as hell give them a call, you have nothing to lose.


>you have nothing to lose.
my face
Think the only reason it's so popular is because there's no good alternative that all the people and companies can be fucked to move to. LinkedIn does not feel like a good system at all, imho.
Never heard of XING tho. Specific to certain professions, like Shipping Cluster, or more like LinkedIn?

How are you on week 4?

Late reply but yeah, it started working for me too. At first I couldn't access goodlift.

But where is Virtus?

>my face
Nah i don't think they will take away your trip!

But seriously, there is no shame in it and if anything they are faulty themselves for leaving the thing open.

Yeah, XING isn't international like LInkedIN, it's probably just known here in Germany.
I don't think that it was meant to be for a certain profession, however, as far as i have seen, it is mainly used for IT-related stuff. Anything from a Software-Engineer to management.

He was on, squatted 270 I think.
Also the scoresheet shows the -83 now but it showed his name on the -93

I've only completed one cycle do far. Missed some reps from week 3 and my bench pretty much stayed the same

But he's not on the scoreboard?
Try what you said for a cycle, then. Your work capacity is probably poor, but it should come around rather quickly.
And they didn't use common words, so the ad was hard to find.
Thought you were Danish tbH.

>But he's not on the scoreboard?
Yes he is
was group number 2(the good -83s and the bad -93s), Virtus is in group number 3 with the good -93s.

Yeah just go for the call and get that shit lad.
Danish people are cool so I am OK with that.
Somehow all guys I happened to talk to from playing some good old Warcraft 3 maps were Danish and super cool.

dianabol and vyvanse

>British Salman Khan is competing
Thought we had another friend competing there for a sec.
Which group are we watching right now?
It's just too bad that they have that language. I mean, they barely understand each other...

>Which group are we watching right now?
Looks like they just started group two

sparrow join the discord its cool now


The group with Virtus and Haraldsen (who Isley tricked his Bronze medal from) are up after the next three benchers, I think. Opening with 165 and 195, respectively.

Fleksnes bestnes.


Link the stream you disgusting jävla sweeds

go to goodlift dude

I think Insulini is benching soon

If you follow them on youtube, they set up the streams days in advance and you can turn on notifications, jævla däne

ty bror

>Being this mad that based Gustav Hedlund will win with 50 kg over second place

Vel ein fåvæ

I'm so tired but have to lift

Should I train when I feel this shit

Gonna bench


How good is 270kg dadlift for rocco insulini?

Whats his PB?

175 for 2nd attempt. Can he do 180 today?
About that, IIRC.

Wtf that weird ass setup. I thought blocks were for midgets that could barely reach the floor.

>easy 195kg opener
>still not taking classic seriously
How can other countries even compete?

Lat oss fagna siger!

Our very own Orangutanman (rip) lifts with Haraldsen, actually.

Maybe he has a back/hip issue.
Shaky lockout tho. Probably won't see a PR today, think he's done 205 two years ago?

>How can other countries even compete?
>Projected total (720,5) (4th place)
Easily, it seems.

Reminder that norwegian lifters are irrelevant, because they will get stripped of their medals after the event.


Pointless post.

Fucking Rocco, 180 GET

based rock-man

Just don't reply to finnish posters

No need to bully, it ain't my fault Gustav opens 50 kg higher than Knut in the deadlift.

Fucking hungry lads.

Dubs and I eat this whole tub of yoghurt

Pointless post, typical swede tactic of opening with your max and then missing all subsequent attempts

How can you eat Yogurth when you are hungry, I would have to puke and have stomach pain

His max is around 320 kg though.

Pointless post

Better be a kilotub.

It is
Idk, I have a strangely resilient stomach. Nothing bothers me except strong onions
