Delayed onset muscle soreness

I started lifting this Monday, it's Wednesday now. I did some squats (just the bar), some military presses (just the bar) and then some deadlifts at 40 kgs.

Yesterday and today I can't even seat myself on the toilet without leaning myself on something. Tomorrow will be my second day on the gym and I'll do the same exercises, just replacing the military presses with benching.

My goal is to build up some strength and later focus on getting a good-looking body. Am I doing this right?

Of course you're gonna be sore, you are 'stressing' your muscles. Eventually you'll either:
a) get used to it
b) stop getting sores, and just feel discomfort
Don't give up, we will all make it

DOMS will almost completely disappear after a few weeks when your regularly lifting

You'll get them bad again if you do a much harder workout than usual or you stop going for a few months

Completely normal

Noob question: "Doms means that your muscle was micro-damaged and Will be a tiny little bit stronger next time"
Is my trainner full of shit?

yes, DOMS will pass and you can lift with DOMS. Dont worry about it.


DOMS is nothing to be scared about. You can workout normally if you got it

>"Doms means that your muscle was micro-damaged and Will be a tiny little bit stronger next time"
yes, DOMS is a sing of doing something your body isnt used to(higher intensity, different reps, a variation or a new lift) or something you havent done in a while. which is why bros are always sore after leg day, because they rarely do it.
DOMS have nothing to do with progress.

Thanks user Sempai

As a different user, entirely agree regarding DOMS being a useless indicator of workout efficacy.

However he's kind of right about the damage and the getting stronger. By placing stress on the muscle as a stimulus, you start what we call supercompensation. The body repairs the damage, and starts laying down tissue to help you handle that stimulus better next time. Over long periods of time you accumulate more and more changes which improves your capability, both neural and muscular. That's part of why you have to keep increasing weight or volume to progress - new stimulus to promote supercompensation.

DOMS can be frightening the first time you experience it. Depending on the pain you can even think you "broke" something.

But trust me, if you keep at it someday you'll miss the pain...

>But trust me, if you keep at it someday you'll miss the pain...

You don't experience it anymore?

I've been lifting since I was 13(inb4 manlet), 22 now, and I still get DOMS. Maybe you don't workout hard enough, or perhaps your training isn't of much variety.

But, most likely, it's just your genetics. I'm aware that some people stop experiencing DOMS, and I'm baffled every time.

the truth is that it is YOU that isn't working out remotely hard enough.

you stop getting DOMS when you increase your workout freq to about 3x per week per muscle group

DOMS is a sign of a DYEL shit program, such as all programs where you only hit legs (or other groups)

Nah, I train every single day, for at least an hour, but typically 2. I give my blood, sweat, and tears in the gym.

Perhaps it's because I'm not a strict bodybuilder fanboy. I train for strength as my primary goal, then perform bodybuilding movements until my veins feel like they're going to pop.

can you read?

>increase your workout freq to about 3x per week per muscle group
It doesn't matter how long or often you train. If you train each muscle group only once per week, your training is inefficient and you'll get doms.

>I train every single day
>I train for strength

Pick uno

So I'm doing PPL I've switched from stronglifts 5x5 and the DOMs were fucking insane. I'm now in the gym 5 times a week and the DOMs aren't kicking my ass as hard as they used to. It means my body is getting used to the workouts right? I love DOMs

DOMS is singular, not plural

I'm doing PPL I've switched from stronglifts 5x5 and the DOM was fucking insane. I'm now in the gym 5 times a week and the DOM isn't kicking my ass as hard as it used to. It means my body is getting used to the workouts right? I love DOM

Is DOM short for Dominator and he is your boyfriend?

Are you an idiot?

I'm doing PPL I've switched from stronglifts 5x5 and the DOMINATOR was fucking insane. I'm now in the gym 5 times a week and the DOMINATOR is fucking my ass as hard as he used to. It means my body is getting used to the workouts right? I love the DOMINATOR

Hey man I'm just wondering if it's a good thing or not. Like if I'm working myself hard enough because the DOM is going away. And if it's a good thing it's going away or not.

I remember getting Doms. I hated it. Now I miss it.

DOMS is more about innervation and vascularity. Both of these things are important for later muscle growth, but the dominant thing going on is not the microtear quiesent stem cell thing.

Muscle tissue growth, when that is dominant, will involve hitting a certain muscle group hard around once every two weeks. Hypertrophy bro. You are nowhere near ready to do this stage.