Is this natty?

Is this natty?

dunno but Im nutting rn

Could be

100% roids

Is believe him if he claimed natty. That physique is possible with a heap of work.

Probably not
large upper traps is good indicator whether he is on roids or not

I look better and I'm partially natty so yea

>partially natty

what did he meme by this ?

Did steroids but stopped.

I see, good for you for having the willpower to get back to natty after steroids.

Did you keep your gainz?

That wasn't me you cuckboi

Actually am pretty sure he is.Hasn't he been lifting for almost a decade?

What larger upper traps are you talking about?Are we looking at the same picture?

didn't say he has large upper traps faggot

But you did...

That user didn't. Read again. He said "probably not"

He was implying that since that person didn't have very large upper traps, he could very well be natty

the stupidity of non-lifters on this board pains me, of fucking course he is natty

>do roids
>take a picture one day after stopping the cycles
>half natty here guys ;)

what makes you think natty results would increase over time? the fug m8

natty results in terms of aesthetic maxes out after less than 2 years, after that only option is fat fuck and strong mode or dyel

in the OP it reads
>Is this natty?

quotes him and responds with
>Probably not
do you even context buddy?

Lifetime physique I don't see why not. I'm sure if you saw him in natural daylight, not pumped and without flattering angles you wouldn't question it for a second.

I look like I use steroids watching myself in the gym mirror after a workout and when I get back home I'm DYEL.

>natty results in terms of aesthetic maxes out after less than 2 years

holy shit either u have no idea how to train or u are 1st year 'red pilled' lifter.

im stuttering when trying to find words.. like how fucking stupid can u be? u really think a 2 year lifter training for 'aestethics' looks the same as 10 year lifter who also has been training for 'aestethics' the whole time?

jesus christ what the fuck how can anyone fall into this meme?

I second this, guy has fuck all traps. Shoulders are a lot better but disproportionate.

what said
keep in mind that this picture probably was the best one he took; best angle, best lightning, flexed

pictures like that are always an illusion of the 'best possible'

>tl;dr: Yes this can definitely be natty.

Boy are you in for a rough ride if you stay natty for 10 years.

Enjoy wasting a large part of your youth for no results.

Holy Beautiful

Not true

i have more prominent traps than him even though I never train traps

i'm not saying I look better than him, he definitely has a much bigger chest etc.

I think huge balloon rounded delts are the easier and more accurate way to determine non-natty status, no traps

>Is this natty?
>Probably not

>He never said he wasn't natty

looks about 5'6 so yeh probably..

Also anyone who doesn't think this is achievable natty anyway, even at 6' is deluded.