Itt: Weirdest exercise equipment that you've come across, be it retarded or functional

Itt: Weirdest exercise equipment that you've come across, be it retarded or functional

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So is that supposed to help the retards who don't have the mobility to frontsquat properly ? ah.

KEK this dumb fuck even forces the fucking head tilt with that shit on. Why God.


Bane masks.

This shit is a gift from the gods. It's the fucking ultimate core exercise.


It's to replace zercher squats and remove the potential for bruised arms

>when you use the squat rack so much you become the rack

Lots of retards will insist these are useful to more than just those about to move to the Himalayas.

First time I saw one of those I was really confused. It also happened to be October so I was legit thinking he was dressing up.


Can't explain to these people how the masks do not change the partial pressure of oxygen and they're just restricting their breathing which has no lasting effect since it isn't a true oxygen deficient environment...

lmfao my gym has one of these, its bigger and curves up tho

I believe they might be effective but I feel REALLY uncomfortable whenever i see someone wearing one of these, though one of my biggest fears is suffocating


I don't have a picture, but it's a sort of rugged elongated metal rod that has 2 larger cylindrical end caps, of which you stack varying weighted disks.

I couldn't figure out what it worked, because it didn't have the pictures showing that.

they are not effective.

Seems like an excellent way to get a face full of fiberglass when meathead tries to rack a few hundred on it.

This always makes me laugh

They look like they're in a great weight room, though

they only reduce the amount of air not the % of oxygen in the air.

0:44 i lost

This thing. For farmers walks.

I kinda fucking wish my gym had one

The effect is the same. Restricted breathing = less oxygen in your lungs = high altitude environment. Still retarded though.

What is the point of these? I saw some guy at my gym wearing one about a month ago and I was so confused.

Poor troll attempt

I un-ironically like this a lot

Lol no

I use one for my farmers walks. Doesn't mean it isn't a weird piece of metal.

I think they're supposed to improve endurance. Like they mimic breathing at a high altitude so when you're running without one at your normal elevation it's not as taxing.

It's an interesting idea, but you're asking to seriously injure your neck of back with this. One of the advantages with barbells is being able to gtfo easily when you fail a lift.

Why don't you just ask someone to choke you out with a belt or something?

Getting an erection in the middle of a gym would be embarrassing though

It's for neutral grip shrugs.


God damn, nice legs are so rare.

smith machine

Best ab exercise. You can also add plates on your back to make it harder. do you keep them from falling off?


>his gym doesn't provide duct tape

This dubstep is selling this tsunami.

Every time lol

I thought it was a meme until I tried squatting with one. It's the real deal, bros.


it'll make you a big guy.

that fucking neck training thing

Also It's for neutral grip deadlifts

Don't forget jump squats

That's a weight plate tree so stack your weight plates on.

I thought it was a squat plug that could be used by multiple people at once

Thats a huge buttplug

I bought this exact one from Amazon. Holds dumbbell weights really nicely

for them



user used troll!

>It hurt itself in its confusion

What muscle group does that target?

all of them and your anus too

Nigga is about to throw the xenomorph out the airlock.

Wait, what? Is it just a ridiculously huge and weird leg press?

Well the point of adapting to high altitudes is developing more red blood cells to move what little oxygen there is more efficiently... so maybe it does that.

It looks like the guys at the hammer strength warehouse just bolted together a bunch of different parts to make a fucked up contraption

What is wrong with people. Just lift weights for fucks sake
