Why do physically stronger people tend to have right-wing views?

Why do physically stronger people tend to have right-wing views?

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less time to think critically like the weaker nerds


Because self reliant people are less likely to lean left.

Precisely. The right normally will have dominant members of a society because they have a much higher degree of agency.

The richer, stronger, more succesful individuals will normally ascribe more responsibility to the individual and will lean right.

The marginalized, the weak, the oppressed, will typically seek out protection and advancement in numbers and will lean left.

Leftwingers develop sociopathic tendencies like lying, narcissism etc to cope with world.
They will delusionally justify their weakness as ok, intelligent, civilised and rely on deceit as a social strategy.

Physical strength have nothing to do with politics though, most of my Veeky Forums friends are left leaning

Politics r gey , lift and fuck more sloots is the real answer

Pfft haha no.

Because left winging people don't understand the real world. They have no touch.

Do you find that fulfilling? I've been there and done that and I felt completely empty. It came to the point where I realized I was basically acting like a nigger with white skin.

Fit people don't even care about politics, only retards from /pol/ who don't even lift shitpost about it.

is the source for this that epic study that measured bicep size not accounting for body fat or actual physical strength?

Have you seen latsbrah?

You have NO control over real politics, you vote for people who pretend to care while taking the big jewish dick

Please tell me how fulfilled you are

"B-But the r-right wing"

Trump will make things worse by angering the left and this'll end up in a civil war or something, destroying the western world

>Trump will make things worse by angering the left
Angry low T betas. Scary.

I wasn't saying that I feel fulfilled now because of politics, I was just asking about your lifestyle. You sound like a nihilist.

to put simply, 'meritocracy'

in the left camp we have lovely SJWs and "welcome refugees" and also people who 'fought tooth and nail' to have transgender people compete in the olympics (weightlifting, wrestling)

It places an emphasis on victimhood and demonizes anyone with any semblance of success or financial prowess as 'evil'

Wanting to virtue signal their 'nice'ness and how better than thou they are

Right-wing people on the other hand believe in possessing strong self agency
>why spend 2-3 hrs in the gym, instead of watching amy shcumer on netflix and protesting the streets for illegal refugees or what was that, day without women lol

there are people that've posted stories about once being a nerdy/ left person, but once they started taking care of themselves and lifting, their nerdy entourage started becoming bitter and jealous about his progress

It's not that difficult to explain really
It's the left that comes up with all these pussy-tier ways to make themselves feel better about their laziness
'fragile male ego'
'fat acceptance'
'gender fluidity'
'attack helicopter trans dimensional being'

>tfw you're secure enough in your masculinity to not constantly try and tie it into bipartisan politics
feels good

>muh individualism
Nice bourgeoisie libcuck politics you have there, shabbos goyim the both of you.

Its partisan you stupid low T cunt.

are you a curt doolittle fan as well

yeah, i've been there hard, fucked more than 10 girls a week and was kinda tired of it, so i tried to settle down, got a better job, a gf that is cute and really loves me but guess what? i'm 24, 20 fucking 4, i don't fucking want to settle down or to waste my youth, i want to do crazy shit while i can, i want to fuck all kinds of girls i can, fuck a midget, fuck a landwhale, fuck a retarded girl, fuck a natural redhead, fuck a amputee, drink with my friends, jump on my car and drive to a random state to party and meet new people

It's bipartisan you daft faggot

>Governor Schwarznegger
>Governor Ventura

Because rightwing people tend to value strength, hence the physical exercise which leads to strength

No it isn't its partisan. When you have to tie everything into your politics its PARTISAN. Bipartisan is independent of partisan politics eg the bill had bipartisan support.

Yeah probably this.

Physical strength doesn't cause right-wingness, right-wingness causes physical strength

The left/right shitflinging is bipartisan, because both sides are doing it.

o b j e c t i v e - a e s t h e t i c s

I choose the left image, please

No its partisan. Sigh. Look up partisan you fucking dumb shit.
The reaction that the person arguing with you is your opposition is a characteristic of partisan faggotry.
Leftists are completely partisan in attitude protip: why people get sick of their shit.

>Insulting other people

>The reaction that the person arguing with you is your opposition is a characteristic of partisan faggotry.
The dude was literally calling anyone who disagreed with him low test, lmao.


No he was saying leftwingers are low test

>insulting other people

merely asking whether he reads curt doolittle posts

partisan faggotry

You said Trump is going to anger the left, he said low test betas, scary.
The left specifically people that get triggered by Trump isn't everyone.

what am I a partisan for?

Higher test/lower oest. Less empathy.

Ashkully higher test is linked with more benevolence and empathy.

Its the other way around, right wings tend to be stronger

Over compensation... Easy. Conservatism is generally rooted in fear and change equating to bad things.

More military, more nukes, more flexing nuts cause I need to mask my inability to cope with reality...

I know about 6 Trump supporters and of those 6, 5 are spooky skeletons. Granted the last one is huge and athletic, but even he only chose Trump reluctantly, because better than Hillary

I know ten Hillary supporters and they were all poz trannies.

>You said Trump is going to anger the left
you're getting two different conversations mixed up
>le left is low test
>how am I being partisan?

The low t comment was in response to the angry left comment. Noticing leftists are numale cucks isn't partisan. Its an observation.

What do being against gay marriage and not believing climate change have to do with "ascribing responsibility to the individual"? For that matter, when was the last time Trump assigned responsibility to anything other than Fake News?

Get ready to eat your words, Drumpfkin.


>so they can be strong enough to fight nazis
>implying they weren't
>implying most nazis are stronger than leftists
Slow clap.

I'm so spooked ;_;

>Just wanting to be left alone makes me a shabbos goy

Whatever you say, rabbi

Best thing about fucking an amputee is the carpet burns on her face matching her knees when fucking her doggy style.

same reason you are more likely to see someone that has right-wing views or is physically stronger own a hummer

they tend to be less intelligent, too
>tfw too intelligent to lift

Excuse me I workout in the library

The only people who think these viewpoints are "right wing", are those who believe the media narrative. Vast majority of the right acknowledges climate change and is fine with gay marriage. The right is focused in individual responsibility.

>Noticing leftists are numale cucks isn't partisan. Its an observation.
what about all the low test NEETs on /pol/? Both sides have people like that, you're being partisan.

About as much as strawmen have to do with arguments.

>destroying the western world

I'm not being partisan just because I think numale leftards are wimps.
Answer my fucking question what side am I? What am I partisan for you downie cunt.

I find those who are aesthetic tend to be more liberal and those that are disgusting meat monsters are conservative


Leave it to gingers to join ISIS, be pozzed lefty faggots or both at the same time. Fucking hell.

>Vast majority of the right acknowledges climate change and is fine with gay marriage
Even if this is true for the voter base (which it probably isnt) literally every single 2016 Republican candidate doesn't, so the point remains

>thinking hating your own race makes you strong
This is what leftypol cucks actually believes

The average leftist thinks letting a nigger fucks his feminist gf is a noble act, soamming cuck porn on an anime board is fighting white supremacy and lifting weights is for stupid people.

Which one is latsbrah again? Is he the one who looks like a roo?

My views are probably far left and after coming back from a 6 month break my baseline is above 4pl8 on deads and squat. My arms got fucked from the break though.

You can be right wing and pro gays rights. You're assuming if you lean to one side you agree with everyone that side tends to believe. That's not how it works. I am right leaning but am pro-choice and pro gay marriage. Although I don't support transgenders. I don't even acknowledge it.

Anyway, you can be on one side but still agree with the other side on certain points. Having an open mind is important

> antifa
> en stolt...?

Are these guys in Norway or Denmark?
I'm pretty sure I can beat those 6 guys, but never seen anything like this in Norway

They've achieved something in their life, so they're firm believers in being responsible for your own fortune. Dems on the other hand tend to feel that things just are the way they are and things can't just magically be changed through sheer will. The right thing is to find a middleground that leans more toward the right. Most things in your life can be improved in your life, doesn't matter if you're a manlet, a nigger, a fat neet or a degenerate. You can always improve. Of course there are certain situations that cannot be changed. You will always play the same main cards you were delt, since you can't change that, but at least you can be a buff manlet, a well educated nigger, lose weight, find a job and a be someone who doesn't promote his degeneracy and keeps it mostly to himself.

Hes the fuckin huge Blonde Swedish Fascist guy.

he begs to differ

They all look disgusting m8.

Cuckservatives hate the environment, not right wingers

Because they're macho. And being macho means not giving a fuck about anyone but yourself.

Both feel superior to other groups of people

Alt right tend to be beta cucks just like the left

Libertarians tend to be high test

Theres no such thing as alt right.

>a civil war

>war happens
>politics get reset
>people on both sides who were shitting up politics get fucking free-domed from their bodies
>either the left wins and "the one percent" filled with kikes dies blacks and whites are separated for the black populations safety reducing crime to practically nonexistent in white areas and negroes get to police themselves.

>or the right wins and more agency is given to the people which means the kikes bankroll is cut and everyone who is a drug addled fat fuck dies and the rest live on with less crime due to no gun laws and people being able to protect themselves

there are literally no downsides

>angering the left and this'll end up in a civil war
>anti-gun lib fags isolated on the coasts
>pro-gun wide spread wing nuts
sound like it won't take long.

>the left wins and "the one percent" filled with kikes dies

That's not how you spell "leaves the country before anything serious happens".

Leftists are dumb as shit anyway. Every Commie country it goes down like this.
Leftists "intellectuals" trigger a revolution.
Leftists get cucked by working class essentially right wing people.
Entire thing becomes a mirror image of rightwing authoritarian country. Originsl Leftists are dead.

>I'm not being partisan just because I think numale leftards are wimps.

No it doesnt.

who are you sparrow?

I guess because facts and reality are often politically incorrect.
And in todays times this is considered right wing, even if it was normal, more centric and reasonable in the past.
Times changed and with it the definition of things shifted.
Everyone who uses basic reasoning and is intelligent, open minded and there for ignores stupid political viewpoints (moving away from idealogy and trying to stay as unbiased and close to facts and reasoning) will have a hard time in todays society. Which is kinda sad.

>if you notice lefties are all unfit beta cucks you must be partisan.

Trump has said he will make no changes to gay marriage and openly support LGBTQ rights, are you fucking retarded.

You are beyond saving. Your position is one of irredeemable stupidity, and you are incapable of seeing past your biases.

>if you look at a leftwing rally and notice the numales have skinny arms
>you are irredeemable

He fell for the propaganda. A lot of people did and do.

Conservatives (ought to or traditionally) love the environment, right wingers hate it. Think Hank Hill or Goodman's character in beta house. Conservation is like extreme conservatism or traditionalism.

A lot have appropriated the brand name or label though I grant you.

D-don't g-generalise t-thats i-ignorance!

Because they're insecure.

Lol the biggest conservationists are conservative and rightwing.
The idea that anyone hates the environment and is deliberately trying to kill it is juvenile greens garbage.

>Lol the biggest conservationists are conservative and rightwing.
That's not true, although I did mispeak on saying rightwingers hate it. Rightwingers in general hate it because muh business, but there are rightwingers who are conservative and for the environment in the same vein as my fictional examples.

It is true literally everyone that actually gives a shit about the environment is a conservative.
Even studies have shown the biggest group of outdoors enthusists like hikers are white conservatives.
Then you have the fact many conservatives are passionate outdoorsmen and women and want pristine natural environments.