Shit I never knew just straining a muscle creates a bunch of scar tissue

Shit I never knew just straining a muscle creates a bunch of scar tissue.

Does that mean the muscle is forever weakened? Your max potential drops whenever you strain a muscle? Fuck fuck fuck

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well that how it works user, sorry to break it to you

i don't think so, maybe only for some extreme cases, but normally muscles repairing themselves are stronger each time. other thing for joints

Not really no.
Scar tissue in muscles isn't that big a deal.

Is scar tissue after an injury for life? There forever?

>muscles repairing themselves are stronger each time

You sure you're not thinking of bones?

Well what would max potential mean if you never strained to get near it. You could say you are degenerating with each moment of bodily use past 20, so why push to improve yourself?

Dude this isn't just straining muscles, this is how muscles grow. That's all it is. You work your muscles until you create micro-tears, then it heals slightly larger because of scar tissue. You guys have already been doing this for years and there's nothing wrong with it.

scar tissue can be alleviated with deep tissue massage and other measures like shockwave therapy, and it hurts but it works, look up dennis wolf deep tissue massage

Go see a physio and get a massage ya melt

>then it heals slightly larger because of scar tissue
No. There are quiescent stem cells in the muscle tissue, and under certain circumstance where the muscles is damaged they wake up and start making more muscle tissue.

I just strained my lower back for the fourth time(work), are you telling me I will not be strong?

Pretty sure I strained my abs doing ab wheel. Tried doing a plank today a few days later and it hurt pretty bad


what the fuck do you think progressive overload training is, man?

Does it produce scar tissue?

if you look at the image you'll see that the scar tissue doesn't actually add any more myofibers

I would like to know this too.

That's not a real muscle. It's just an explanatory drawing about one type of strain. It also would cause the stem cells to start making myeloid tissue, but the damage is so extensive/concentrated that scar tissue is also formed.

I would imagine that kind of strain is basically your muscle misfiring and remaining in tension rather than the type in the OP pic but you never know.


Often if you break up scar tissue it causes scar tissue to form again. This is a problem with stuff like adhesions or keloids.

Received wisdom and general advice would range between no it will never disappear to don't get your hopes up but ime scars can remodel extremely well, and nearly anything can be improved at the very least.

I still can't get a conclusion from this thread.


Scar tissue will lower my mobility and make the muscle less flexible right?

It'll heal, it just takes time.

Unless you really, really fucked yourself.
Then you're fucked.

Probably. This can be mitigated/corrected. Like you can stretch or break the tissue and get mobility back. Over time scars tend to constrict and.shorten though.

I-I'll just decide to believe this post.

what the fuck kind of broscience is that?
did you get your doctorate from devry?

There is no broscience there, it's standard stem cell stuff.

> standard stem cell stuff
sounds real sciency, i dont think i'm smart enough for this high level talk

t. Medfag

ok here we go, we first have to difference what is a muscle raptue and what is a Stimulus in muscle grow. If a muscle ruptures it is a rapture of multiple muscle fibers in 90° to the muscle force direction, which will indeet cause scarring. But after the healing this only results in more weight of the muscle so it´s only negative in stregth/mass index not strength overall. Ok now what happens in Taining, there are 3 distinct types of strength gain, increseig the frequency and synconisation of musccle activation, increased numbes of myosin/aktin strains, and more muscle Zells. low Training intesety will mostly increase the amount of the 2. while at high intensety u will rupture the zellmembrane and leak Plasma in intermediate zellspace if one of the zellcores also leaves the zell (they multiply) it can trigger the fomation of a new zell.

this is very shortend and simplified, if u want more read the source (it's geman find a taslation or learn german, it's the best book out there)

Horst de Marées Sportphysiologie

That's not how scar tissue works

Oh great.

I strained a muscle two weeks ago so now my body is fucked forever.

Fucking hell so I'm deformed for life? I can't deal with this.

I've strained a muscle in my arm since October of last year and I've been out since then.

When you develop scar tissue which you will if you strain it, it becomes less flexible and more weak. You are also more likely to relapse which is my case btw.

What happens though is the surrounding muscle tries to become stronger to compensate for the scar tissue and that's why they say you should go to a physical therapist.

In my case I went it got better I left it got worst so I'm thinking about going back

So I have to do physical therapy for the rest of my life?

I doubt it, I'm actually looking into changing doctors because I'm starting to feel he is inadequate. Hasn't even took an MRI.

How bad was that strain? Are we talking grade 1 or grade 2 actual rip?

>If a muscle ruptures it is a rapture of multiple muscle fibers in 90° to the muscle force direction, which will indeet cause scarring. But after the healing this only results in more weight of the muscle so it´s only negative in stregth/mass index not strength overall.
Not only one mode of healing will occur. In the lab to induce new muscle growth in lab animals you'd normally inject a toxin like Taipoxin into the muscle. So you get a large amount of damage to the muscle, but because the membrane around the muscle is intact, the stem cell niche remains intact and they contribute to healing just fine. If you have something where the niche is damaged like through burn wounds or stab wound etc things are not so good.

>while at high intensety u will rupture the zellmembrane and leak Plasma in intermediate zellspace if one of the zellcores also leaves the zell (they multiply) it can trigger the fomation of a new zell.
This is just plain wrong. Skeletal muscle fibres require innervation to be viable. This is why we get DOMS on a new movement, there's a complicated cascade involving the proinflammatory molecule bradykinin that results in far greater amounts of NGF, CNTF, BDNF and similar in the muscle. So if it is possible for a myotube to have its own innervation it'll remain a separate muscle fibre. Otherwise it fuses with adjacent muscle fibres causing the muscle cells to have multiple organelles like nuclei and mitochondria. The organelles do not just burst out and make new muscle fibres ever, you've mixed up two different pathways of myeloid tissue formation as far as I can hope, and come up with bullshit.

Primarily quiescent stem cells, satellite cells dormant in the basal lamina, proliferate and then form myoblasts which in turn proliferate before differentiating into muscle tissue. You can find this in Developmental Biology by Gilbert, an old edition detailing some of it is on the NCBI bookshelf.

I dont think there is a single elite athlete out there who has never ever strained a muscle. Stop panicking guys, jeesus. Just train safe and dont get any serious strains.