Kyphosis (shoulders rounded forward)

>kyphosis (shoulders rounded forward)
>forward head lean
>anterior pelvic tilt
>muscles tight and painful constantly
How do I fix this?

Sleep on your back

same familia, work your back a lot, stretch everything on your front side, work hamstrings.
I gained 2 inches of height by doing this

Go to a chiropractor.

Pinch your shoulder blades together. Walk as though you have a string at the top of your head holding yourself up. You'll have to walk manually for a few weeks but it's worth it imo

>You'll have to walk manually for a few weeks but it's worth it imo
>You'll have to walk manually

walk on your hands, obviously

Like you have to be conscious of your walking, retard.

>Like you have to be conscious of your walking
>conscious of your walking
>calls me retard

how new are you

When you walk everyday, do you constantly think about how you're walking? Do you think to yourself "okay, got that foot down. Now lift the other one. Oh, gotta straighten up my back too." Chances are you don't, and that's because you're walking on auto. If you're gonna fix that tilt of yours you gotta start thinking about how you walk, and just in case you're too stupid to understand, the part about putting one foot in front of the other was just an example.

Actively correct them all the time until it becomes normal.


tfw walking automatically all these years

>how new are you
Newer than you

relax your autism it was a joke. And considering I have kyphosis I always consciously walk to correct it.

Exercises are shit for fixing posture. At least compared to simply learning how it feels to be in a proper posture and simply remind yourself throughout the day to correct it. It will become natural after 2-5 weeks.
Exercises dont work becUse using 1 hour a day to fix it doesnt do shit when you spend the other 23 to fuck it up.

>Newer than you
we can all see that m8

Thx man I only hope to one day have as good a physique as you. Please post it so I can admire it.

>Still walks with automation

are you a nigger? do you actually not know what he meant?

Its a joke you autist. What is up with this thread and all the autism?

This. I have APT but I keep it in check by pushing the pelvis into the correct position even though it still naturally rotates. Also, for APT: strengthen your hams, glutes, and abs. Stretch your hip flexors and lower back

It's from those old greentexts
>you are now breathing manually

I know dude, again for the 3rd time, it was a joke

mate, how are your teeth?

They say keeping your tongue at the roof of your mouth is good for posture and also jaw gains. I wouldn't know otherwise though because I thought having your tongue at the roof of your mouth was natural, didn't know some people keep it at the bottom.

having a underdevelopped maxila causes mouthbreathing because your nose holes are too tight to get a decent amount of air.

Also your teeth will not fit in your mouth and dentists will advise you to get wisdom teeth out.

There is a relation between teeth and back bones.

Getting a palatal expension may help you greatly.

>pic can help you locate your weaknesses.