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Health #408
You'll never make it if you don't have wide shoul-
Why are girls doing so many meme exercises?
TFW 22 years old loser
Anyone had a hair transplant in here? I think I'm gonna be looking like Elon in 3-4 years
Tfw i'm a twink top and love bottom muscle studs
Can I get a quick rundown on this man?
*at the gym*
Lanklets can't get any gain-
Got this idea
Why are all dudes on steroids so retarded? I've never seen an intelligent person use any other than hgh for sports
When will small girls be in again? thicc has been a trend for a while
ITT: Tasty recipes
Have any of you tried hanging out with women only?
Why hasn't Veeky Forums started boxing yet?
CBT: Hungry skelly edition
how many of you liars actually bench your own body weight?
It's me again . I have no idea how to lose weight at all...
Calories in Calories out is a myth
How much do you Deadlift?
Am I correct in thinking that 1pl8 is just the bar?
Sometimes is Better to Skip a Leg Day
Kriptonite Thread
Why didn't you already get a sliding genioplasty Veeky Forums ?
What's the biggest, most viscous animal an optimum human male could beat in a fight?
Motivational music
I have a few questions and because the qtddtot is not very active anymore i will ask them in a new thread...
You get locked up in Prison
What are some good exercises for sex?
Dear Veeky Forums I hope you have a great workout and something good happens to you, no matter how small. That is it
Ill always be fate because i live 8 miles from a gym
At what successful 10 rep bench press do you consider out of dyel
Hey Fit
*blocks your path desu*
Women are as strong as men. It's just societal factors that keep them from being competitive in athletic endeavours...
My gym offers bouldering and its really fun...
That guy who wears a superhero shirt to the gym
Since there's no info about this on the sticky, I would like to hear experiences of Veeky Forumsizens
Fallout 5: You Hair
Redpill me on /chest/
Where the fuck do you buy pants if you aren't a leglet?
How come black people get jacked faster than white people?
Has anyone ever dated a black girl that's not African American? There's this new thicc girl at my gym...
Oneitis blocked me on snapchat. What physical stats do I have to get for her to notice me?
When will they learn?
Who's getting /thicc/ here? Discuss thicc specific inspirations, routines, nutrition, etc
Runner bros, how did you up your leg strength?
What are some good ways to improve testosterone? I'm a good example of someone who has low-test...
How the fuck he is natural? Or does he just lie with a straight face?
/Fraud/ thread - high test edition
Veeky Forums, I downloaded tinder just to bang pretty girls
Long term relationship or banging random sloots?
Squats and deads are the essential mass builders
Post your fucking traps
Dear Veeky Forums
Lifting isn't taking away the crippling loneliness anymore
And this is our sons room
/fat/ Fatty General
Keto while at uni?
When I bend my knees I feel pain under the kneecap (where it is soft). This prevents me from doing squats properly...
Why don't you want a thinn gf, Veeky Forums?
Rest day becomes rest week
I accidentally posted this on /tv/ but whatever
What lifts do you guys use to release anger?
Is this the natty limit?
Veeky Forumsbro in japan
Just starting
New Clarence Kennedy video
Miss deadlift PR
If I use 2.5-5mg of anavar for like two cycles, will I lose my gains if I never use it again...
Do ab exercises cut belly fat?
StrongLifts 5x5
Just lift and be confident bro
Jawline Rate Thread
Women only gyms all over the place
Supplements and Vitamins Trickery
/hm/ fag here, just letting you all know that we perve on all of you
Pan frying chicken with regular olive oil, just how bad is it for you?
How you holding up /fit?
Who Here Lifts Their Pain Away?
Sup Veeky Forums
You lift all morning
Veeky Forums hobbies
I need a vacation. What are some Veeky Forums approved travel destinations? Some places that have stuck out in my mind...
Rate my 1st ever meal prep:
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Do track cyclists have the ultimate physique?
So my roommate is exactly what you would call a Chad:
How do I commit to anything?
ATTN: all manlets
Progression Thread
>tfw last sip of the day
Be hoenst, do you guys drain the fat after it finishes cooking or pour it over your carbs/etc
What do you think of Lena Dunham now that she's fit?
Post face gains
How does he do it, Veeky Forums?
I'm thinking of buying some equipment and starting a home gym
You are now aware the Hodgetwins are a full time food review channel pulling in 300k views
PPL Routines
How come there are never any black women in the gym...
Anyone else hindered by having a job when it comes to fitness?
What's for dinner Veeky Forums?
Are you jealous of these Chads?
How do I attain the pinnacle of male physique?
People of Veeky Forums, How do I become a Chad?
The fitter I get, the more I become attracted to trannies
Just watched the new Beauty and the Beast movie here...
Will I get inferior results if virtually all of my daily protein intake comes from whey protein?
Black male
How strong do you have to be in order to lift yourself up?
Who Here is a Non-Manlet/fit/izen That Cab't make the "Move"
Hello Veeky Forumsizens, what is your height and weight, and how much can you squat and bench?
Veeky Forums Food Thread
Just got a job working at the grocery store 8 hrs a day and now I have two problems
What's something that a guy can post in his tinder bio that's the equivalent for girls posting this?
What are the things around his knees?
Just achieved every number in pic related except I'm leaner and got a bigger dick
Why do women feel like they need to purchase things to lose weight? Why are they so gullible?
Why do right wing betas retarded men tend to be Dyel and obese ?
/fat/ Fatty General
What went wrong?
How do I stop being attracted to girls in yoga pants?
Is he /our guy/ despite being almost a normie?
Read sticky
Why do women not know how to lift?
ITT: Shit you never expected after making it
I have never had a girlfriend in my entire life
Progrees Thread
Explain this
ITT we draw paint pictures of exercises and try and guess what they are
Reminder that master chief is a MANLET
Is this the idea fit female body?
Going to the gym when you're under 5'11"
*block your path*
How do you say no when friends want you to drink alcohol?
Got a tinder girl's number asking her to get drinks. She texted saying she wants to get food instead
Bro Splits: yes or no?
>that person at the gym
Is it true that dating a black woman increases your bodies' testosterone production?
Is true that if I don't focus on getting girls and rather focus on improving myself, at some point, after some years...
What mode is this?
What do you lift for Veeky Forums?
Tfw rejected for the first time in my life
What do you think about lifting while fasting?
Whenever I leave the gym after doing back work, I feel like I haven't done anything. No pump, no DOMS...
If I'm 5'8" can I get a body like pic related by doing calisthenics?
Anyone here go to the gym without a gym bro? I went today by myself and it was boring and awkward as fuck
ITT: losing fat general
Gym girl desk greets me with "hi, how're you're doing?"
What are your current 1RM on squat, bench and DL?
Man I miss highschool
How do i into this mode?
Is 405 lb deadlift respectable?
Hey Veeky Forums. My gf has convinced me to get a dog. My only concern is how this might affect my gains...
Hello Veeky Forums, femanon here
What does a good natsoc exercise routine include?
Since 30% of americans are obese and 70% are overweight and obese...
This is what peak perfomance looks like in 2017
Routine rate thread
List some Veeky Forums-core anime
Who here /feet the way nature intended/
/fraud/ Steroids general
How often do you guys shower? does it even matter if youre not sticky and smell bad?
Why has thicc become a trend since social media started? before social media, it was barbie and thinn but with normies...
So I'm benching 100kg now and my chest still looks like absolute tits
How the fuck do you fuckers get up at 5 AM and go to the gym without being a fucking zombie the rest of the day?
Every dyel in the gym deadlifts, squats, benchs, ohp (all the "good" excercises)
Veeky Forums aesthetics
Think about going vegan
What are you honest thoughts and opinions on jason blaha?
Morning gym elite
Losing weight
Goalbody thread?
At what point does getting bigger yield negative returns?
Deadlift form
Sprinter vs long distance body
Excessive force by bouncers
S I P B O Y S + S L O O T S General Thread
How do I eat more?
Bulking is a god damn hilarious joke
You barbell liftin'
/plg/ powerlifting general
/sex/- Sexual Health General
Runescape strength level
What do you think of this zero carb/all meat diet thing that has been going around lately...
Neck Training
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
What was his training method?
Easy mode, 2 digits, hard mode 3 digits. Let's go boys
After fixing my lordosis...
Hey Veeky Forums your body might be in excellent condition but can you say the same about your mental health...
How do I into Samurai Jack mode?
Sure, you're Veeky Forums but are you CHAD?
How the fuck do I deal with people who intentionally try to antagonize and anger me? People I can't escape from...
Posted in cbt, but it died
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
We e-famous Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums Dick Discussion Thread
How much sets and reps should I be doing of ankle lifts?
What can I put down my pants to make it look like I have a bigger bulge?
Arm thread
Pls halp me look good with no shirt on
Myers Brigg Peronality
Alot of people are trying to beat my ass rn. Good tips how to get strength fast or fighting tips? pls
Enlist in your military
Discussing with coon about squats
Thicc Asian Thread
Strength is one thing but what are some good exercises to improve co-ordination and explosiveness?
ITT un/fit/ alpha males
How has lifting changed your life?
First tinder date tomorrow. How do I flirt?
Post healthy fast food items I will start with the egg mcmuffin
/fit please help
If you can't do one of these, what exercise do you do so that you can do one?
Hungry Skeleton mode advice
This is Tony Horton
Name a more insufferable and annoying faggot in the fitness community
What did he mean by this?
Boxers or boxer briefs?
Dating a Gains Goblin
ITT: we act as if it was majority female here
After seeing this meme for so long, I've finally had my first sip lads. Very good to be honest
Day 3 of NOFAP
How can I be more intense during rugby?
Gains Goblins
How much more success do you guys have on tinder with six packs?
What's up roid shills
Why does Veeky Forums hate cardio?
People who actually eat a gram of protein per lb of bodyweight:
Are you really going to take that risk /fit?
What's a good replacement for bread/crackers to spread things on...
How do I bulk without using animal products?
This is the look that women will kill for
Air force run
Is there such thing as an Asian Chad?
If you don't reply to this thread you will lose all your gainz in your sleep tonight
Is milk good for bodybuilding? If so, how much should you drink?
Back to Veeky Forums after a 1 year break of furious alcoholism
Started drinking more water and now I feel like I need to piss every ducking minute. I hate this
What is happening to masculinity...
Name one (1) muscle
Tfw too intelligent to lift
Do you squat this deep without arching your back?
Megafat exercise
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
Tfw finally benched one plate
Who /keto/ here? Im about a month in and i cant get over how...."stable" i am. Mood, appetite, energy...
What's your neck measurement, Veeky Forums?
Dumb question: What's the point of lifting if we exclude women ?
Rejected again
Ok Veeky Forums, you're allowed to have water and one other drink for the rest of your lives. What is it?
We have to compete with this
How do I get that big of a neck?
ITT: Stupid shit nonlifters say
Compound only routines are a meme I'm warning you all not to fall for...
You have 10 seconds to convince me natty lifting has any point whatsoever when I could be on as little as 100mg of test...
/fraud/ general
Hey Veeky Forums so I'm having an issue...
Is there any point going to the gym if you can only go once or twice a week?
Freq vs Intensity
Who here hates lifting but does it anyways because he wants to make it?
What happened to you guys
Whole food plant based diet thread
Watch his Netflix specials
Post your favorite or current gym shoes
Its lunch time here Veeky Forums what are you eating?
Who do you lift for?
How much money do you make?
What, specifically, is it that manlets needs to learn?
Back Thread
/dnp/ - yellow poison/lazy fatass general
Blue pill me on deadlift
I've read the sticky but it doesn't say much about Creatine
What have I become
Right, Veeky Forums
Are lanklets slow gainers?
Should I go running now, oh Sacred Deer?
What waist size pants do you wear Veeky Forums? 32' here. I wanna see how I compare to the common man
This is the look that women will kill for
F A S C I S T _ A E S T H E T I C
Bodybuilding is just an overrated beauty pageant for manchildren
What are some telltale signs that someone is on roids?
Penis fitness thread
How do I make my gf thicc?
CBT- Current Body Thread
Rest Thread
/plg/ powerlifting general
Snap City Thread
Is this routine okay for a girl?
Do I need any supplements other than these and creatine?
Do you come off as a tough and scary guy, Veeky Forums?
So now that tattoos are socially acceptable and the perfect way to compliment your physique, why haven't you got any?
Red pill me on front squat
Will being thicc ever go out of style? I'm trying to get thicc and worry that being thicc will be gross in 2-3 years
20kg plate = 45lb
M8s I'm at 1/2/3/4 after a year of lifting and just started doing cardio for the first time so I don't die in my 50s...
Assuming you're a handsome and outgoing guy, what is the shortest you can be while still being physically attractive...
I love you guys
Back from first day at the gym, how did I do?
Who not black yet?
Red pill me on monkey rows!
Pathetic lanklet stories thread
Which of their chocolate flavours are best?
Not losing any more weight
How Veeky Forums do I need to be to join the neo Nazis?
Is preacher curl, and lots of chinups enough for a good biceps?
Any good alternatives to oatmeal?
Just be confident bro
Should I fap right now?
Eating animal products everyday
This 17 year old girl can bench 1pl8 and claims she started lifting 2 years ago
Tired of it?
Intense cardio before breakfast with some cofee and THEN breakfast, excelent for burning fat or RIP gains?
come on user, take your shirt off! We wanna see those abs
How do you get good genetics?
Can you get Big without these?
Veeky Forums confessional
Smash or pass, Veeky Forums
Type I Diabetic, what the fuck do i eat
Redpill me on abs Veeky Forums
>Hey user, I see you here at the gym a lot
Food thread
Mom is making me miss my usual workout tomorrow and go to a job fair at a restaurant so I can stop being such a leech...
Be honest Veeky Forums, what dumbbell weight do you use?
Is this a meme?
Anyone wear contacts here?
Why don't girls like to have eyeball sex...
HGH thread
What is an indicators that a random person out in public lifts?
I was told by someone that humans cant use their body fat as a reserve food source like other animals
Fasting bros: get in here!
Hair Fitness
So I took 4 scoops of a pre workout with dmaa in it. I feel like shit now, nervous, anxious paranoid...
Mmm sips
Will Lo reach 100
What are you supposed to do between sets...
Spinal disc herniation
Gym crush thread. Tell us about your gym crush Veeky Forums
*Braps your path*
Be me
Over coming the odds
Nice muscles, kid. But what good are they against my sharpened blade?
*Blocks your path*
What was that about manlets?
Why did Veeky Forums go from liking cardiobunnies to liking thiccbrappies? Did leddits invade the board?
Give me one good reason lifting is better than calisthenics/bodyweight fitness
Friendly reminder that this is what men want
Thigh gap
Tell me your story
Tfw you're a twink top and love bottom muscle fags
"Heh, who would win, between me... and you? Do you ask the butcher "who would win, you or your slabs of meat"...
Go to big public university
What's the point of being fat and doing SS while on a deficit? I won't make any gains
Cheapest Calories For Bulking
I heard nofap and edging increase testosterone is that true?
Anyone here actually involved in sports?
Military Fitness Thread
How do I Iron Fist mode?
Have you ever lied at the gym?
Day 2 of NOFAP
3 months of SS+GOMAD results
CBT: assload of minoxidil edition
How do I fix this? Every girl I know goles ewwww over my hand...
How many of you autistic fucks actually do this?
Congratulations Veeky Forums, you now have a net worth of $40 million!
Any of you drive a bike? How does it feel to be jacked and drive a bike?
Where can I into DNP
Google "sperm donor requirements"
Greg O'Gallagher
/fph/ Fat People Hate - Inquire Within Edition
I've been going to the gym for almost a year, eating at a ~500 cal surplus, taking vitamins and adequate protein...
Been lifting for 6.5 months. These are my numbers. I started out at 130 lb bodyweight at 5'7 height
It's an user ate his entire TDEE within the first half hour of waking up episode
Can someone give me a rundown on this coconut oil shit? 1 tablespoon has like 65% of your saturated fat...
Grill has bigger biceps than you
Any supps worth taking besides creatine?
/SNU/ - Snus General
Oi wanker!
Perfect waifu body thread
Post a picture, a gif or webm that sums up Veeky Forums
What is his condition?
I thought they were mythical creatures until today
Do you meet her standards?
Do you eat enough fish Veeky Forums?
Jessica Biel's ass was slightly flabby in her prime
Cheating thread
/plg/ powerlifting general
I want to get in to skipping rope but my shins/calves get this sharp pain after like four repetitions. How fix?
Name something badass about you
How do I get into Mussolini mode?
Why are chin-ups so much better than pull-ups?
All you fake kings are the reason m'lord Scooby refuses to return. Fuck all of you
Hey guys. If you ever start your introduction off like this, I will block you without question
Have a friend in uni
Sup Veeky Forums what kind of earphones do you guys use when working out...
"Just lift bro"
What smartwatch should i buy?
Creatine and Preworkouts?
Mfw anything 100lbs+ is impossibly heavy for normies
How many pullups can ya do?
Thanks for paying my medical bills you degenerate losers. After I get my weight loss surgery...
That guy who "cant" lose weight
Okay so how do we save this board from r9k/incel crossposters?
Hypothetically, if it was possible for a person consume a large amount of calories (say, 10...
Protein Bar Thread
Is this guy full of shit?
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
My body looks like shit
/StressRelief/ General
6'5 370 lbs
Reminder that there is literally no need to do heavy squats and deadlifts if you aren't a powerlifter
Who else here /nodaysoff/
What are some essential reddit exercises?
Anyone else dyel in their mid to late 20s but are lifting to get jacked so they can bang hot milfs when they are in...
Post your PR face
Mental Health General
Hey, Veeky Forums
White teeth? help
Proof SS sucks
User come here. We have to tell you something
How do you fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt?
How fit was the blonde's ass in ABBA?
I want to be white so bad
Genetic pros and cons thread
You must keep in mind that a single chad will render all subchad males within a mile radius completely invisible...
Why are leftists so strong and muscular?
Is 20lbs of muscle in 2-3 months achievable natty?
Takes forever to set up
Penis Growth: Jelqing
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Who has had a prostate massage before, and what does it feel like? Apparently it makes you cum REALLY hard...
It's a shitty quality but bear with me, brehs
Fit on suicide watch
Double standard?
How many times a week is best?
Why haven't you bought lifts yet?
Deadlifts do very little for actual aesthetics right?
So I got an internship at pic related this summer. This means access to great gyms and unlimited food from 5 star cooks...
Are sweet potatoes approved by Veeky Forums ? I can curb all junk snacks by eating one but am I playing myself?
Just lift and be confident around chicks bro
Tall guys
TFW can only dumbbell press 45lbs
Who /collegedropout/ here
Skele here, can't bench press with confidence, the maximum i can do 5 reps is probably 70lb...
Why does the weight feel lighter when a girl is watching me do a set?
Fat guy, 22 virgin loner 400 pounds, is it too late?
Does vaping affect health in anyway? Non-nicotine
I won't even speak to a girl or acknowledge her existence unless she has a flat stomach and a big fat ass
Reminder that if you can't do more than 10 pushups then you don't belong on this board
Veeky Forums, I fucking hate university
Goal bodies thread
You go back in time to spend time with your younger self...
Lean Recipes
QTDDTOT - Friendly Food Edition
Severe strength imbalancements
Should women over 5'10 just grow beards and start lifting?
Help me bros
Tfw fell for the accutane meme
What Are your splits
Should i eat grits instead of oats rippedeer?
I want my boyfriend to start lifting. But he has zero interest. How would you try and get him interested?
So what does Veeky Forums think about this
Is David Laid natty?
How do we stop this?
Explain again how fruit is good but soda isn't
Heavyweight fighter's strength
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
What's the best workout clothing in Veeky Forums's opinion?
From vegan to carnivore. I am 5'3" and female. Was 132lbs now 154lbs in 3 weeks. Obviously a lot of fat gained...
7g of protein
Could you estimate my bf %? Should I bulk or cut?
What will Veeky Forums do with their newfound immortality?
It's another elisode of user being too lazy to go to the gym and instead wasting all day on Veeky Forums
Do you ruck or are you a cuck?
Like it or not Veeky Forums, this is what peak white male performance looks like
Ctrl+f "push up"
Will he ever be surpassed?
Who's your favourite fitness youtuber?
User check my form
Eat nothing but protein and fat with a few green vegetables
Routine r8
/plg/ - powerlifting general
"You coming to the gym with us, bro?"
Who track runner here?
Walk into gym
Thoughts on Omar Isuf?
Fucking HOLD me Veeky Forums I accidently ate an ENTIRE jar of PEANUT BUTTER
Thinks to make u more horny / harder dick etc
How do i achieve this mode?
How do manage the pain from using this grip while deadlifting? Does it eventually get easier?
Is there anybody (real or fictitious) that motivates you to get Veeky Forums...
Last august I was 90kg (198lbs). I started losing weight only by regulating my diet...
This is what girls want
How do you dress?
Dan Blizarian is 5'9"
What's the point of lifting when you live in a country with zero (0) black girls ?
What was that about your Aesthetics user?
/FPH/ how did this one skip Veeky Forums's attention
How to get my legs to grow
I got dumped by the love of my life 6 hours ago and can feel literally zero emotions now
Tfw no filipina GF
The gym plate dispenser ate my quarters again
How do I into Dan Bilzerian mode?
My wrists are so skinny how do i get bigger wrists?
My playlist is shit. Recommendations?
CBT- no pump editon
What car does Veeky Forums drive?
Why /sip/?
How do you fags eat your oats?
Is bodyweight fitness a meme? If I stick to this routine:
My old gym is trying to jew me out of $250 after they failed to actually close my account
I decided to try eating a vegetarian/vegan diet purely for the health benefits
Girlfriend problems
Does your diet play a huge part in your body odor?
Start counting calories
Girlfriend cries after orgasm
Hi i want to do a lower body only routine and do like 1-2 upper body lifts. should i OHP or bench or both...
I'm /nonfit/
Being born to a low height
Do you think this alpha ever bothered to lift a weight?
Stretch marks
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
Modafinil for productivity
There are people on this board who unironically think Eddie Hall is not the strongest man of all time
Calories in vs. Calories out
Fat throughout my entire childhood
>one chance at life
Stop seeking approval and wear jeans to the gym
Why is it that guys wear loose fitting clothes to the gym while girls wear tight fitting clothes?
Veeky Forums humor
Like or not, this is what peak performance looks like
Even vegans are less DYEL than 98% of fit
How do you look in a T shirt, Veeky Forums?
Coffee Thread - Fact and Fiction
Wait, there are people on this board who actually fell for the sips meme and unironically drink sips ?
This is me with my Asian gf
So are Pre-workouts so fucking expensive?
How do porn star roid and still have big dick?
/Alpha Movies/
Blood everywhere
Reminder that if you sleep with a pillow you're fucking up your posture
How healthy is he?
Just met Clarence Kennedy, AMA
I hurt my neck doing squats because the bar was resting on the back of my neck where it turns into spine...
Is the true that a girl just needs to have an average face and not be fat to be considered a 5?
Does anyone on here get jealous of chad genetics?
I've noticed that after going to the gym for the last 2 years and becoming buff, i've began to notice men more and more
QTDDTOT - hot chicks bullshit lifts edition
/plg/ powerlifting general
Tfw the gym gypsies set up a camp next to the rowing machines and I need to beat them at dice whenever I want to use...
The best program for novices looking to reach 1/2/3/4 standards ASAP:
My ex Vladimir had bigger muscles
Is eating ass good for gains?
Body fat percentage
CBT - My aesthetics are better than yours edition
I'm going to buy his novice program, tell me why I'm wrong
Mental Health Thread
Clipping your finger nails while taking a shit
Thoughts on Penn Jillette's weight loss? Not working out while dieting just seems silly
Did you have a dad who was supportive of your bodybuilding while growing up?
Routine general
Did I fall for the SS meme?
What exercises can I do for upper back...
1400 cal/day and I'm losing my mind
Does rap music increase your testosterone levels?
/Running General/
Alright Veeky Forums, I'm 18 years old, 6'4" and only weigh 116 lbs...
What can I do to white rice so it gives me gains?
Is there any doubt that these are the most delicious gains?
Is it possible to have a good looking body while being a manlet?
How can I into shin godzilla mode?
Ur back will never be as big or as strong as his
Why is cardio so hard?
Why are you degenerates not on a paleo diet yet?
Are there any good Veeky Forums musicians?
Greetings humans
How's Veeky Forums doing? Hanging on?
Itt post your /sipstation/
Mass Gainer?
Don't Skip The Gym Today
Why aren't you training your neck, Veeky Forums?
I can't seem to stop folding over in my squat. Wtf is wrong with me?
I've been looking into follistatin viruses...
Best low calories alternatives for soda?
What youtube channels focus and help you on becoming a better person overall, in every aspect of life...
If height doesn't matter to women, why did God tell the people not to judge based off height? Surely...
Anybody else on Veeky Forums take hella pain pills to get over the muscle soreness from working out?
Veeky Forums... please... for the love of GOD... PLEASE... please don't tell me you actually do this
How masculine are you Veeky Forums?
Grip general
Are there any qts at your gym?
I guess this is kind of fitness because it has to do with taking care of yourself
You fell for the compound lifts meme
Need some urgent help dudes
How do fellow manlets cope with this height bullshit?
How do you stack up fit? You're not a virgin right?
Dick pills for sexual Veeky Forumsness
Get me laid Veeky Forums
/fat/ Fatty General
Is this true or just a meme?
Why are women so weak?
Daily reminder that if you can't do 5 muscle ups you are not a man
Look in the mirror naked
Can you guys tell me if i have gynecomastia(gyno) or am I just fat ???
Human Head Transplants Could Become A Reality By 2017
This board has ruined me
The roll of shame is underrated af
low carb
What is the fittest way to secure the existence of our race, and a future for white children?
Will this routine make me thicc??? help
What does fit make of this? Doggo to hide tits since SFW board
'user, you're so built'
*blocks your path and challanges you to an armwrestling competition*
Fit Misconceptions about women
What does Veeky Forums listen to while lifting? Mostly metal here, some heavy rock for cooldown
Where do I find a decent 1.5mm dermaroller? The ones I've found seem like 20 dollar staph delivery devices
Is he /ourguy/?
Why do women like being picked up so much?
Will eating tuna every day make me go crazy?
Redpill me on pheromones
I don't want to get too bulky
Is your body ready for the summer?
Why are chin-ups so much better than pull-ups?
Just broke it of with my girl. Hold me bros, I don't think I can lift this morning
Last Rep face thread, i will start
Can you guys post your meal plans for the day? What do you eat in ur meals and snacks through out the day?
Confession time
People who diddlies 4pl8, how do you use that strength of yours? Do you try to move cars or help your friends in moving...
You do lat pulldowns for a bigger back
After college all that's waiting for you is a lot of shopping and work
Have any of you tried Vyvanse?
Normies consider Drake big and fit
What did my body mean by this???
How does FIT feel?
Mfw manlets will never know the feeling of standing in a crowded room while being able to see over everyone
How do I get posture gains?
Why bother lifting? you will never be alpha like him
So my thread got deleted last night before I got to see any decent responses
Every single protein powder bag has instructions to only take 50g of protein a day...
Veeky Forumsizen meet up thread
Ive been sneaking small amounts of protein powder into my 4yo son milk that he drinks in morning. Am i bad parent?
That are good routines for brain gains? I'm tired of being brainlet
You are walking down an alley and step on a small stone. You look down and realize it's a 20 sided die
Anyone has made his beard grow decently with minoxidil o shit like that ?
Is it possible to make brain gains/increase intelligence?
Holy damn what a chad
How do I get Chad to fall in love with me?
There it is
Steroids or nah?
Can i buy a wife yet
Aware me on white rice macros, Veeky Forums
Alone and indoors on another night
Waa i'm not tall enough
He would have been 28 today
How does Veeky Forums feel about the use of psychedelics to enhance your mental performance in day to day life by...
Reminder that this is what peak performance looks like
Alright, this exercise is a piece of crap and I don't want Medhi in here shilling for it...
What exercises would help me better with faster head movement and kicks/punches?
Happy Birthday Zyzz
What did she mean by this?
Why is Veeky Forums so insecure?
What are essential fitness phone apps?
Go to big public university
You could have been born a nigger
Tfw another friday night at home alone after the gym
Does lifting even matter if you're still a manlet?
S I P P thread. show face or ur a pussy
Can we get women hate thread ?
Veeky Forums Game night, plus AMA if you're lonely
OHP + Lordosis
"Wow user you've really gotten buff lately!"
She broadcasts a pic in her underwear for millions to see (including blacks)
So, Veeky Forums, would you use the workout you get here?
S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7
Tfw a fat person enters the gym
He fell for the SS meme
Has anyone met a chad that isn't a douchebag?
Tfw finally shredded and a girl says you look like spock
What body mode is this?
What's with the chad obsession on Veeky Forums?
Benchpress isn't going up
/fat/ Fatty General
Give it to me straight /fit, could I do some modeling? In college and would love easy money. I'm 20
Tfw no matter how fit you are, you will always have an ugly face
Are there any exercises to make your dick bigger?
Who /facegains/ here?
Daily reminder that this is what Veeky Forums men want
Tfw afraid to wear basketball shorts to the gym now
For whom do you lift?
Have you ever been mired in the gym ?
Veeky Forums hobbies pt2
/plg/ powerlifting general
Veeky Forums, how can I ascend from being seen as"cute" by girls to being "sexy"?
Body Fat Estimate Thread
What routine do I need to do to look like this?
Cooking Thread
Been on keto meme diet for two weeks
Alpha Strawberries
How the fuck can one man slay so many fitness memes?
Daily reminder, that this is what women want
Zyzz birthday
Is close grip bench safer for your shoulders than wide grip bench?
Whats your dip to bench ratio ?
Losing my virginity tonight, advice ? and sexual health advice in general ?
You are Veeky Forums enough to take a female marine, right?
What can i stuff down my pants to make it look like i have a big bulge?
If blacks have a denser skeleton and musculature, does that mean it's easier for them to make gains? On the flip side...
When you travel & go to poorer countries where the men dont get Veeky Forums and show off your physique...
It's Friday and there's no CBT
Never Gonna Make It General: Calves Edition
How the fuvk do I stop eating steak for every meal
Looking for some ideas for new clothing styles/fits
>tfw no gf
I caved in, bought a hooker and now I feel like a miserable piece of shit
Why does the Texas Method have me 105% 5RM every friday? Its literally calling for 15 lb jumps
Expose your balls to the sun
What does /fit think of Bane?
Is Green Tea the most based Veeky Forums beverage? What are you sippin?
Running shoulder pain
Redpill me on Hurricane Katrina, we're watching a movie on it right now in class
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
How culturally aesthetic is Veeky Forums. Post favorite works of art
What shoes do you wear to the gym? For me its gotta be chuck taylors, always has been and always will be
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games