Have a friend in uni

>have a friend in uni
>dudes completely narcissistic
>about 5 10, 190 lbs with abs and everything so he's pretty buff
>super arrogant, callous etc
> very good looking
>has girls who just walk up to him regularly
>literally just props up in the corner of parties and good looking girls just walk up to him
>has a high body count (though because of his shit personality can barley hold down a relationship)

Basically, being super good looking is the best for a college setting. Literally pussy just after this man for no reason besides the fact he's handsome. This dude isn't even that good verbally with girls, he's actually awkward deep down
Basically looks are everything for gettin for laid


Being super good looking is the best for any setting.

Fit lies when they say it's all about money height etc it's just the face unless you're a turbo Manley

no shit sherlock

>being pretty makes people think you're pretty
are you fucking kidding me?

>girls like good looking guys

>girls like guys who are good looking

more at 10

>good looking people have success with girls


Great thread, OP!

Why don't you get him to post instead of you; he seems far more interesting that you

>Fit lies when they say it's all about ... height

find two guys who look almost identical except for their height, then see which girls prefer

an excellent example of this is the hemsworth brothers

I've definitely had some hot guys pursuing me but I never take them on their offer because their personality is awful. I'm not fucking a dude or flirting with them just because they're good looking if we have nothing else in common. The sex is always bad when you don't like or connect with the person you're having sex with anyways. To me, looks and personality co exist and they don't have to be equal. I can settle for a guy that's 5'8 if he's sweet. I gotta be a little attracted to both sides to have enjoyable sex.

how big is your dick

Girls just want a guy on there arm that will make other girls jealous

Nice try manlet

>being attractive is good
Hell of an insight there champ.

>friend is 5'9"
>I'm 6'3"
>he's arguably much more good looking than me
>hot girl chooses to make out with me
>when I ask her about
>she tells me that he looked like a sweet little kid, whereas she wants someone that looks like a man.
it happens

This better not be real

>friend is 5'9
Why has he not ended it yet

he lifts but I haven't introduced him to Veeky Forums, I tend to avoid introducing shorter people to this community

From left to right:
Feminine looking, but attractive.
Masculine looking, but attractive.
Masculine looking, a manlet, and literally looks ugly next to his younger brothers.
What exactly am I supposed to look in their hair?

Underrated post

now he looks uglier only next to Chris

Best faces, right to left. Best height, left to right.

Not him but I'm dating a girl since 3 months ago. I'm a head taller than her. I once bent my knees so I was standing as tall as her. Face to face. Then she became very uncomfortable. "Nooo, not midget-user!" haha

hehe, once dated a 5'2" ,I used to lift her, and some times place my beer on her head.she used to like climb on me to kiss me, I became a hunchback after a while.

that's hilarious. climbing on you. my girl steps on her toes to kiss me. I never asked her about it but I bet she loves getting to do that. also hangs around my neck and puts her legs around me so I can carry her to the sofa or wherever.

yeah, when girls find you cute they tend to do spontaneous things all the time like that, like slap your ass, bite your nose, pinch you.
Even slap you a little bit.