Can I get a body fat estimate?
>Inb4 DYEL, hips, fridge etc
Can I get a body fat estimate?
>Inb4 DYEL, hips, fridge etc
Between 0-100%
Nice posture.
Not much I can do about it, scoliosis fucked me over. My back is a nightmare to look at.
to be fair to your back, the rest of you is a nightmare to look at, as well.
Do you lift weights? You should look into lifting weights.
Fuarr miring quads can i have your routine
Generic ass exercises * 4
>this femboy will never ride my cock
actually I think he's pretty cute
post ass bby
btw I cured scoliosis by lifting.
Won't post ass because blue board, here's my fucked up back though.
Also gib bf estimate
that's a pretty strong scoliosis. You'll make it better by lifting though.
id say 18% bf
Why do you let yourself become this underweight, untrained and sedentary?
I'm actually reasonably active, I bike 6-16k a day for commute and I can run as 22 minute 5k which I think is okay. I just like being a slender guy
Yes I am currently cutting.
I don't know about body fat but the thing that actually matters, muscle %, is close to 0.
Like i tell everyone in your situation it makes no difference what your body fat is because you have no muscle mass. You need to eat more and gain some fat to facilitate building muscle. Judging from the picture you look about 15 - 18% but that is because you have no definition.
>Thread is dying
Fuck this shit, posting sfw ass to bring thread back to life.
is this an guy or an gril ...........
I would fuck a shit out of you
>155 lbs
>18% bf
Are you fucking retarded
lol you're such a fucking slut
u have the legs of a woman
Wrong. Would dick down.
Girls, boys, or both bby?
Probably around 20%?
Cut 75 lbs with diet, trying to find a routine to get to ottermode, any advice?
>routine for otter
3 sets of 10 pushups
3 sets of 10 situps
3 sets of 10 bicep curls
Forgot pic
Probably around 20%?
Cut 75 lbs with diet, trying to find a routine to get to ottermode, any advice?
Can't tell if this is a joke post or not, is ottermode really obtainable on such a simple bodyweight routine?
Ottermodes barely lift dude, they're just lean with some muscle and genetics that lends itself to having abs, wide shoulders from long clavicle.
You must be new.
Been lurking almost everyday for two years, if ottermode is so easy to get I'm going to start working for that once I get older and incapable of pulling off femboy anymore.
>muffin top
>love handles
>I'm a slender guy
Didn't get a response last bf thread
5'9" 196 lbs
mirin. How long would it take me from skinnyfat DYEL to this mode?
body goals
Meh, I'll do what it takes to keep a thread alive, besides who doesn't like a little validation from time to time
Also >that first nibble of the day
Realistically I'd say 2-3 years if you know what you're doing.
I appreciate the support but can I get a bf% estimate? I can't really be objective with myself.
Where are you? Please be Canada.
In Vancouver area mate
Estimate me, vile beasts
Gonna keep the bulk going for another month or so.
i think he's cute
got a bf op?
bf estimate?
5'9 170
13-15% roughly
This fucking board.
Holy shit you guys are a inspiration. truly miring.
good lifts to you
You are too small to cut.
Trust me with this advice now, bulk for 12 months.
You will get a bit fat (yes) but you will have gains after you cut then.
why you gotta make fun of me user
I really want to hug you, because I'm weird and fucked up inside.
I'm not op.
Have considered that, but I'm currently 165 at 5'7". I figured I wanted to get down to 150 before bulking. Am currently doing a lot of bodyweight stuff and making decent gains while leaning out.
154 poons
bruh you're skinny as fuck, please bulk. you need like 70lbs of bulk before you cut.
This guys stomach looks like a face
Your body is similar to mind so I'd like an answer too. Navy estimate says I'm 25%
By "ottermode" they mean disturbingly skinny twinks with a tiny bit of muscle definition.
Most people around here think of a guy who has 10-14% bodyfat plus has real muscle defintion and vascularity.
That's like 2 years of hard calisthenics+a curlbro routine and aerobics.
You can get there with just calisthenics and aerobics or something memlike, like sandbag training or something and keeping an eye on your calorie intake.
lol you're flattering yourself
172 lbs
FUAAARK, started a year and a half ago !
Unless you're a faggot you should start lifting. I mean that literally though, if you're a faggot this thread is full of other faggots who want to fuck you, don't change anything you're doing if you're gay, it's working.
But if you're not, START LIFTING. I used to look just like you, maybe even worse. You'll double each of your lifts in a month, in two you'll put on ten pounds and in three or four, you'll be benching 1pl8, which anyone who doesn't go to the gym will be impressed by. In a year, you'll be stronger than most of what pass for men these days.