Started drinking more water and now I feel like I need to piss every ducking minute. I hate this

Started drinking more water and now I feel like I need to piss every ducking minute. I hate this.

do you drink coffee/caffeine?

> ducking
You deserve it, mobile poster

Try coming off creatine drinking a gallon a day + a morning coffee and milk then complain you weak faggot

I enjoy pissing...I don't know why.

Pissing and shitting are two pleasures that you shouldn't take for granted

Do you even coffee bro

I've been pissing streams for years

drink less water.

You're body has this amazing system built in to let you know when you need water. It's called being thirsty. You only need to drink water when you're thirsty.

That's when I started wearing diapers. You can just let it flow.


When you're thirsty its too late you're already dehydrated

Fucking dumbass doesn't even know teenager science kys

No it just means that you're thirsty. Dehydration is a different story.

Think really hard about what you just said.

WHY would your body be telling you to drink water, user? You can do it. Sound it out


Because it's time to drink water. You're body is trying to prevent dehydration, which hasn't occurred yet. If you were actually dehydrated you'd be more than just a bit thirsty.

bunch of faggots.
>needing scientists to tell you something your body naturally does

youll get over it

She looks hungover

It's like saying you're starving when you're tummy rumbles a bit.

This is the kind of bullshit like 8 glasses a day that has no basis in anything.


The toilet is the safest place in your life. No matter how fucked up shit is you can always go there and do your shit and nobody will bother you. Those are the most peaceful 5 minutes of your day.

I like pissing but if you're doing shit and you have to break every thirty minutes to piss, it gets fucking annoying

There is a simple trick to check if you need more water:
>Pee is very yellow-> drink more now, you are dehydrated
>Pee is a little bit yellow -> maybe drink a bit, but you don't have to go crazy
>Pee is transparent-> you don't need to drink more

at least you wont get kidney stones OP

Toilets are one of the most common/worst placed to get attacked - you literally get caught with your pants down

I do like pissing for 5 minutes tho, I remember my gains goblin ex would be amazed that I'd be pissing for 2 minutes, three, four, five, maybe six or seven.

>>Pee is a little bit yellow -> maybe drink a bit, but you don't have to go crazy

That's the color it's meant to be.

If your piss is clear you're drinking too much water.

I have developed a technique trough millions of years of evolution. - I Drink when I'm thirsty.

To accomodate for this action I bring a flask of water along with me when I am unsure if a source of clean drinking water is near me for several hours.

That is indeed quite amating. There is a lot humankind can learn from you.

Do you also eat when hungry and sleep when tired? (And have sex when horny?)

I mean all the fat people say "i eat when im hungry" or "i listen to my body"
Guess what, your body doesn't know shit, it just tries to survive best it can.

Also, brain is a part of your body, use it

>being so constipated that I couldn't shit for a week

I will never take shitting for granted again.

I'm not an idiot. Else I would eat pure maple syrup all day. But if there is any process you should be least worried about it is water. In most countries clean water is plentifull and very few people die from dehydration.

Use common sense to determine what changes will truly impact your life.

Pretty much. Would be weird to have sex without being horny.

also whenever I pee i get like a 1 second twitch that sends tingles through my whole body, it feels awesome.

What's her routine??
Asking for a friend

>pissing for 5 minutes


weak stream

How's your hairline?

>dat trenjaw

I drink almost two gallons of water a day, a little over 7 liters. I take a piss probably every 45 mins or so. Its a nice excuse from work.


You ever wonder why pissin, shittin, and fuckin all happen within a 2 inch radius?

c'mon man, more like a three inch radius at least


Amen, brother. Went on an aggressive cut and couldn't shit for a week and started tracking my poops because of it. Now I poop every 18 hours on average, apparently.

same here bro
I am a dude and I feel like I am a pregnant grill every 2 sec I piss

Is there an app to keep track?

your body gets used to it eventually

I drink an average of 2L of water a day. How much do you guys drink?