M8s I'm at 1/2/3/4 after a year of lifting and just started doing cardio for the first time so I don't die in my 50s. I could barely run 1 kilometer and my heart felt like it was forcefully exiting my rib cage.
Can any of you running fags give me some advice?
M8s I'm at 1/2/3/4 after a year of lifting and just started doing cardio for the first time so I don't die in my 50s...
you're probably used to little tips and tricks since you lift. unfortunately there is none for running. except to run more
So, no programs or anything just run till you can't run no more?
2nd self bump
Can someone explain this 1/2/3/4 thing to me
Just find the plan don't buy the app
Fuckers used to have it online, you can still find it if you google it tho
1plate OHP (2X20 kg plates + 20 kg bar)
2plate bench
3plate squat
4plate dedies
hill sprints will condition you well
just don't do them if you're obese
thank you very much! is that an ideal ratio to have then?
Absolutely not. It's a completely arbitrary ratio invented by internet smartasses. You should definitely not pursue it, but adapt your training to your goals instead.
It's a good benchmark for ~1 year of training, but don't let it influence your training towards this.
In all my years of browsing this board this might be the most sensible, level headed post I've ever read.
Thanks both.
Run more. You will get better eventually.
1st day: walk for 1h
2nd day: walk for 45 mins and run for 15 mins
3nd day: walk for 30 and run for 30
4th day: walk for 15 and run for 45 mins
5th day: run 45 mins
>run for 1h
find online program, pick one for treadmill or normal running.
It got my friend from never running before to 5 kilometers jog in 1-2 months.
Just keep going bud, play some hard music and think about hard things. I know it sounds cringey but I just think of zyzz. Gods don't get tired, they die.
I wish I could be running. Started out overstriding and now my shins feel like they're gonna explode. DONT OVERSTRIDE.
Do squats + some other cardio (say, rows) work as a run training? I'd love to be able to run more, but don't want to run a lot since it's damaging for the joints. I'm a fatass.
Look up how to run and run more. I'm keeping a 9 minute mile pace and running 1 mile 2-3 mornings a week on top of my lifting at night. They are both on entirely different schedules.