>miss deadlift PR
>still look like shit after lifting for 3 years
>Veeky Forums makes me hate myself more with every passing week
Miss deadlift PR
fell for the getting strong meme.
Try just cutting bodyweight and doing more cardio.
Unless you are on steroids you aren't going to have great definition at the high end of the weight class for your frame.
ideally you probably don't want to go beyond 180s, the only reason people do on this board is because they are fat.
This doesn't apply if you're over 6'2.
Then you max out around 190-200s.
I'm 175 and all of my lifts are fucking garbage.
Bench: 225
Deadlift: 350 (fucking kill me)
Squat: 325
OHP: 140
I see all you guys deadlifting 5 plates and squatting 4 and I want in on it.
how much was the deadlift attempt
increase volume, just do more reps with weight you can handle, stop trying to increase weight.
Smolov for the squat and Coan-Philippi for the deadlift if you pull conventional. If Sumo just run Sheiko until you get what you want.
You're complaining about looking like shit yet your training goals are centered around 1RMs (which you are also unhappy with).
Basically you're an idiot.
If your primary goal is to not look like shit, then don't structure your training around reaching new 1RMs. Try structuring your training around... I dunno... looking better.
you need to figure something out kek
don't stress, it seems unpredictable what lifts you're good at. My bench is 170 but DL is 355 right now, I could probably get it higher next time if I wanted to try but I don't like to max so often. I will probably pull 4pl8 before I can bench 2pl8.
>tfw stalled bench but everything else improving fine
>it seems unpredictable
lol no. The more volume you do for a lift AND the muscles in its kinetic chain, the stronger it becomes. That's why SS/SL and vanilla 5/3/1 produce good squatters and deadlifters but awful benchers. The best benchers in the gym have always been the bros.
increase pressing volume
if you are stalling at 170 you have way too little volume.
What's a good routine for strength but is more geared to asethtics
Do I run these programs concurrently?
I originally was doing a brosplit but moved to a SS inspired upper lower day sort of thing, that's probably why I've had issues with bench recently. I've really gotten used to it past few months, would it make sense to only change repscheme for bench and maybe OHP if it stalls too but keep the 3x5 for lower body?
No. If you run Smolov focus on deadlift assistance such as high-volume rows and Good-mornings. If you run Coan-Philippi focus more on your pressing.
Sheiko is just the powerlifts.
You know how people say social media is bad for your mental health because people filter what they say and post on there to make it look like they all live exciting, successful lives?
Veeky Forums is pretty much the same thing, except there's even less accountability here because most people are anonymous.
Don't let it get you down, bud.
here's what you do, load on what you max out for your 5x5 or whatever
then do it, then do more sets after that.
are you only benching 2x a week? Do a fuckload of volume, also consider accessory work for your triceps or doing ohp in addition.
SS and SL will make your legs grow but the program themselves are unbalanced for the upperbody. SS needs to be tweaked and SL should transition to SS. And basically the bench has always been for bros. 4 chads circle around a bench with 45s and just AMRAP every set. Continue this for a long time and you get more progress from a 3x5 program.
Unironically SS. Just tweak it since rippletoe will get you fat. Switch between Front Squats and Back Squats. More OHP and implement Klokov Presses for hypertrophy. Do pullups and chinups and biceps accessories.
Active rest days inbetween (Foam Roll and Incline walk or Jog)
2 full rest days at the end of week.
>tfw 425 dl
>tfw 185 bench
>tfw 225 squat
>tfw 135 ohp
>tfw deadlift monkey.
I should probably just become a strongman desu senpai.
I do 3x5, I think I actually got worse this week somehow for the first time lifting shit day desu. I work at 145 but I'll probably need to take that down to 135 to rep out. Maybe 8x4?
I was benching 2-3 times a week (and 2-3 times for lower body) as part of my upper day which also includes OHP. I do tricep accessory, and bicep work on the same day.
wtf did we both fall for memes
>355 dl
>170 bench
>250 squat
>125 ohp
>Smolov for the squat and Coan-Philippi for the deadlift if you pull conventional.
if you need programs like this to pull more than 350lbs you've got problems that this kind of program won't solve.
seriously, just put more fucking weight on the bar and lift it week to week. programs like this are absolutely not fucking necessary for people who don't aren't pulling 3x bw off the floor.
>be me, new lifter, ex fat guy
>disregard aesthetics, aquire strength
>attain 1/2/3/4 for reps
>people think i lie about my stats
>people talk shit about my form
>people say im DYEL
>stop lifting for strength after first meet because only insecure asians powerlift
>train aesthetics for a year, make real gains
>actually get compliments from people
>joints dont constantly fucking hurt all the time
>took 3 weeks off the gym and it didnt affect me at all (try doing that while aiming for strength goals)
never has a meme memed harder than the strength meme.
I do 5/3/1 BBB. Only been lifting seriously 5 months. I think i just have good deadlift leverages.
>6'1 height
>6'4 wingspan
I'm also 230 pounds so being a fat fuck helps lol.
80% 1rm
8 sets of 2, add 1 rep each workout until you get 8 sets of 3,
after that do a 5x5 with a weight you can handle for it.
Do your accessory and presses.
This should be fine for 2x-3x a week and if you are recovering right you should actually see gains from this. Don't forget to warmup.
>DL barely above squat
your form is shit or your stabilizers are fucking garbage. you should quit now instead of wasting your time.
what gym do you go to?
8 sets of 2 then 3? What sort of program does that follow?
How many accessory movements should I do? I sometimes do an extra incline or like 3 workouts with the dumbells. I tend to worry if I'm overdoing it or underdoing it. Do you find for someone trying to cross into intermediate that they should leave gas in the tank or go all out?
yeah, 6'1 as well. I was told I shouldn't be good at DL because I have to move further but ended up doing well with it and my form is pretty good (like most lifts at this point desu)
8 sets of 2, every workout add 1 rep
so workout one is 8 sets of 2
workout two is 1 set of 3, 7 sets of 2...
then do a 5x5 after you do the 8 set part.
By accessory I really only meant some kind of press, like OHP.
>programs like these aren't necessary
According to who? Izzy Narvaez? If he wants to pull more and squat more his training should be based around that.
You just summed up my life bro