What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Age, injuries and roid abuse. I think Big Ron's not gonna make it to 2020.

imagine losing all those gains

>lifting heavy

man that picture makes me sad

>feeling sad for a nigger

stop falseflagging faggot

Why would you be sad? He isn't. He had an incredibly successful and satisfying life, much more so than most other people. Needing a walker in your older years is a small price to pay for that.

Born: May 13, 1964 (age 52)

meh. What difference does it make. He's still had a much more exciting life than 99% of people.

fuck it, i know many 50+ year old who are weak and depressed af, just because they can walk doesn't make them happier.

id gladly live 52 years as a beast then 80 as a bitch, EASY FUCKING CHOICE

that's a lot for a nig, T B H

He stopped lifting heavy ass weights.

>le racism

dat dere celltech takes it's toll

lol you're a dip shit.
have fun getting your ass wiped by some psw who steals your wifes jewellery during her hourly visit and live in constant pain waiting for death.

bitch if i live in america, when i will when im older, i will have a gun, THE FUCK IS YOUR LEGS GOING TO DO THEN FAGGOT

>tfw Cell steals your gains

would you rather live like a king for a day, or a prince for a lift time?


GEE! Who would've thunk? Eating like a hippo for 30 years and taking massive amounts of drugs gets you in a bad shape? Wow!

Well, he's technically in better shape than most people his age.

Okay, he's dyel but why the heck does he look so weird? Completely out of proportion, like someone let the air out of his muscles and they just shrinkled back to this.

He doesn't use a walker anymore

m8 come on. In this picture he's bigger than most natties could ever possibly get.
open your fucking eyes

Well..because that's true.
That and you're used to seeing him when he's huge as fuck and can only see him as the muscle monster.

Honestly, if I was Bradley that experience would terrify the shit out of me. He's basically staring his future in the face except without the recognition of multiple Olympias and the marketable name to live off of.

He better hope jewtube pays him enough while he's still young and roided to the gills.

DYEL detected
Bradley is natty

>hurr big mussels = good health
ronnie is literally a dead man walking
i suspect stroke or heart attack within 2020

what happened to him?

>guy got really jacked
>that's... about it
>more exciting life than all of you!!
That's some high expectations for your life my man

he doesnt need a walker. he had surgeries, recovered and is fine as a pine. and rich. and famous. feel sorry for yourselves

Well, we'll see. Arnold and the other golden age bbers roided like assholes and they're all fine.

>became the most jacked guy to ever walk the planet and got paid money to do it
>probably banged 10/10s every day of the week
>famous around the world
>millions of people that love him

>when the light weights become heavy feels and even standing up is more than just a peanut


>steroids turn you into a nigger

When arnie and friends were body building. Steroids were legal. They had top quality stuff from the pharmacy. They also only had access to test, deca, and dbol.

Ronnie's ere were using dangerous amounts slin, hgh, tren, and other seriously toxic substances.

>When it turns out you aint nothin' but a peanut.

I think you don't know a lot about Ronnie, right?
He had a job as a cop, was a very religious man and spend lot of time with his family.

nah brah he banged 10/10s and did cocaine everyday cunt

He didnt lift for Toshino Kyoko.

How retarded are you?

yeah, senpai. Ronnie hear. I did that shit last week even. Keep it 100! Smash that mf (you) button

Ronnie needs to be Old Yeller'd, can't stand to see him like this

a prince for a life time faggot


lmao that you think you can avoid being an old fuck in constant pain. most older people are grateful when they die, cus their life has devolved into pain and discomfort at almost every moment