My ex Vladimir had bigger muscles

>My ex Vladimir had bigger muscles.

Other urls found in this thread:

>im not paying you to talk

I am more athletic than he is and could probably kick his ass, so I don't really care.


She's pure and cannot be bought.

Why are Russian girls so top tier?

So many Russian dudes died in the wars and purges and revolutions that the survivors got the pick of the litter for wives.


The average russian girl isn't that great, but is still hotter than the average anglo girl

The average anglo girl is pretty ugly

I never had a crush on a girl from the internet that long. How does she do it?

and now he's your ex

Nobody in this thread even dated a Russian girl. Slavic women are fucking crazy.

Correction m8
>women are fucking crazy
The same goes for Anglo, Gook, Nigger and other types of women. It's just different way of reaching insanity

Eastern European women are giant whores. holy moly.

Im not him but the slav women ive met liked to fight and were brutal about it
most western girls ive met were not as direct, they were crazy but the "Ill fuck some random dude behind your back and tell you he had a bigger dick to make you angry for no reason" crazy

Oh I definitely agree, but Slavic women are like a whole different level of crazy. Like show up at your house and stalk you sort of crazy.

>mating with slavs: the original slave race

o im laffin

Slavs are not white. STOP RACEMIXING

could of fooled me

I dated 2 Slav grills and they were both crazy as shit. One was a virgin still at 21 despite being a solid 7/10 but was a total waster who did fuck all and was just dragging me down. The other was a top tier QT and I genuinely think I loved her but turned out she was shagging a bunch of other dudes too and turned into a total bitch when I called her out for cheating as in her fucked up mind she found a way to justify it all.

Moral of the story is Slav girls are hot but not worth the effort.

No, Anglos will do that. Slavs typically will not.

This is accurate. It's like the directness of Germans and the spirit of Mediterraneans.

Yeah, it's just you have to decide what can you put up with the easiest, in my opinion EastAsians are the worst, when they get degenerate, boy, do they take you down with them

I doubt any of you fags would give a damn about her slav heritage when she actually approached you.

you think slav is derived from slave?
oh god, youre too dumb even for this website

>No, Anglos will do that.
In my experience women are not prone to stalking
They are more likely to move on quickly and erase the fact that she ever knew you than dwell on you

Slav is derived from "word"/"fame".
Western "slave" is derived from "Slav"

You're the dumb one who doesn't know that slavs and particularly russians used to have caste-based slavery

>you can't fix anything around house, user? Vladmir built a house by himself.

These are Kazakh, not Russian
answering your question though: superior slav genetics.

but user
im a slav too

>directness of Germans and the spirit of Mediterraneans
that might be the best description of slavs ever

and slave came from slav, not the other way, stupido

Only really the northern parts of Russia even have pure slavic Russians anymore. The rest is a result of the centuries of racemixing.

Then it's fine brother, we should aknowledge that we're not white like other europeans and therefore should not racemix with them.
Slavs breed with slavs only

All of them solid 9s if they had their weight in check

Of course they have great pros but is weightlifting even popular among the russian peasant class to the degree it is in America. I know its all but unheard of in western Europe.

oh its fine with me user
t. lucky Czech

>Only really the northern parts of Russia even have pure slavic Russians anymore. The rest is a result of the centuries of racemixing.
Top kek you're so mistaken, northern parts of Russia are mainly inhabited by people with finno-ugric mixed with asian ancestry

The purest slavs would be located more towards western europe, around Ukraine

Vladimir also cheated on you with a girl who had bigger tits, so it seems we both have to settle for something.

It's a pity. Russian girls have like D+ and she's a B at best.

Go to murmansk/arkhangelsk and see how many churkas you find there, brother.

Yeah I pretty much had a Ukrainian girl literally sneaked inside my house after I cancelled our date together. She found my address somehow and I have no fucking idea how.

My old grandma told me I had a guest over and I thought it was one of my bros or something. I walk into my living room and see her with this "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU" look in her eyes. Pretty sure I came close to shitting my pants right there and then.

I calmly told her some bullshit excuse and asked her to wait outside. As soon as I walked her out, I locked and practically barricaded my fucking front door.

No other women made me feel so fucking scared in my life. I know for sure she is the type of girl who would try to cut off your dick in your sleep if she ever caught you talking to another woman.

I'm not talking about churkas but about pic related. That's what you find in your supposedly "purest slavic lands" in the north-east of Russia

>not wanting to have clingy crazy gf that will do anything to be with u

Slavs are the only white part of Europe left. The rest has been cucked by the jews and mudslimes.

lmao beta american cucked by alpha ukrainian girl
The week should fear the strong

kámo máš na víc 5/10

Slavs are not white for the thousandth time ffs

And whites aren't good just because they are white. Slavs aren't anything like whites.

do you have learning disability?
do you know how race and nationality works?

niggers get off my board, whites only

Learn to read, fucker.

yeah and my ex Marika had a tighter pussy what of it?

I think you might be colorblind. If they are not white, are they purple or something?

>mad westcuck

Enjoying your women and daughters getting raped by muslims and niggers?

Trust me, you don't want it. Had a short experience with a clingy girl and it was an extremely draining experience.


They don't have the genes and facial structure specific to europeans

Slavs > whites.

Germanics are literally the worst Europeans. European civilization and culture were built by southern Europeans. The germs and scandicucks were irrelevant until a couple of centuries ago.

interestingly enough in the west women want to get raped by them so bad they make excuses for it and dont call the police
Who knew

So the west is full of whores and cucks, what else is new?


Physically we are niggers of the white race. High test and stronger then you.

Are you by any chance a polish guy living in germany?

We're better than niggers. We dominate strength sports.

Being from the west i can tell you that cucks are more valued in dating, if youre a skinny faggot hipster vegan youre bound to do better than if you lift and look decent

media tells girls to ride middleeastern dick because of multiculture and western men who act like men are demonized because "muh oppression"

NSA get out

Feels good to live in a country where shitskins are repulsive to women.


>tfw no gf to yell at me in russian

No, I'm a friend.
Nothing more. If it really is you, I want to thank you for taking me out of my comfort zone and invinting me into the gym.

You are and always be my nigga.

aha! bamboozled yet again
sorry mate im not even remotely to anyone you know
but good job at making friends

I rarely see girls with anyone but their own race together. You should leave your room more often.

If you have a halfie son with a russian chick, does the son grow up to be bydlo with that haircut where they comb it forward

I live in sweden and when i walk outside i see more foreign guys than i see white guys
if i pass 100 people on the street its maybe 10 white guys, 15 white girls, 20 foreign girls and rest foreign men

I kinda figured. I mean what are the odds of stumbling upon somebody you know in real life on Veeky Forums?
Thanks nonetheless.

Here have this smile lighten up your day

This must be why only 54% of American teens are white or why 20% of French children have at least one foreign parent.

Maybe you shouldn't live in a nigger town then but it seems like your education is just as bad as that of a refugee and that is why you can't get a better paying job and are stuck in a shitty part of the town.

>This must be why only 54% of American teens are white
Enlighten me what this has to do with whites race mixing? It's more that their birth rate is shit but not that they love dating outside of their race. End your pathetic existence.

Pure autism

That same statistic shows an increase in mixed kids, retard.

Probably because cucks like you are crying on the internet instead of going outside. I'd be repulsed by whites too, if I saw your beta ass outside.

The central parts of town are bad, now?

Related article

d-do you play vydia? m-maybe we can become friends too

>shows the worst slavs he can find
>a million times better than obese hamburgers and crooked toothed britbongs

And? Most people still only date their own.

have you ever been to russia or ukraine? millions of guys look like your left pic there.

Stop meeming/larping, you idiot. I'm actually from Sweden and I can tell you that ethnic Swedes are still a majority.

what is immigration?

Every fucking race has had slaves or something equivalent to it at one point or more in history

beta ass cuck

You shouldn't talk to people about real life stuff that only know their shit from the internet. They have a twisted sense of reality and actually think that most are fat or beta when in reality most of the guys at their age are far more aggressive than they are.

>having to explain to girls how "functional" your poverty physique is
>believing that anyone cares

To be fair, they have been extremely relevant for the last couple of centuries.

So I would say by your own logic you could say they were the worst. Past tense.

Russians are ahead of the gear curve.

And you shouldnt assume only you know about stuff from real life and that everyone else just sits behind their computers all day

Just a friendly tip because you seem pretentious as fuck

You look far better with your muh jews are brainwashing everyone but me.

that's buryatiya, literally northern mongolia

It depends on the woman, how hard you broke her, and how hot you are.

Im not even in on the "Muh jewish conspiracy" moron, but you sound like some faggot who claims that only he knows whats really going on IRL

Just because other people dont share your world view doesnt mean their view is twisted