What are some essential reddit exercises?

What are some essential reddit exercises?

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high bar squats (ESPECIALLY if the guy doing them refers to it as "ATG squats" lmao)
clean and jerk
clean and press
sumo deadlift

Suspended weight rubber band squats

Squats and deadlifts.

hybrid high bar is the only way to squat faggot. if Haack squats like that what's your excuse?

Bench press
Overhead press
Chin ups

Haack doesn't do that.


he does more of an upright lowbar (the bar is below his traps instead of ontop of them) the reason he stays more upright is because he has shorter femurs and it works for him.

The Press


It's a lower high bar lad, low bar has the bar on the rear delts, he still has it more over the traps. Granted this is almost a syntactical argument at this point and we're talking about the difference of maybe an inch, inch and a half, but hey.

Tfw tfw

sumo dl

Haack squats low bar, retard.

weighted dips


What the fuck, why?

I wish writing reddit automatically gave you a 30 day ban.

t. reddit

The fuck off.

t. reddit trying to fit in

Finger fucking your own asshole

t. reddit trying to fit in by claiming that I am reddit trying to fit in

>t. reddit trying to fit in by claiming that I am reddit trying to fit in by claiming that I am reddit trying to fit in

Killing yourself

Crying in the cuckshed is the ultimate reddit workout

Fapping to traps and crying yourself to sleep.

I guess so that it's easier from the hole

To be a true leddit fitness lord, you must abandon everything you have learned about fitness and start over. The only thing that matters is the MEME value of excercises, effect comes second.

Right now the hottest ebin memes are:

1. High bar ATG squat - An absolute MUST for anyone who can't squat big weights. This allows you to bash anyone squatting more than you. Just repeat the words FORM, ROM and ATHLETICISM when confronted about your 2plaet squat.

2. Olympic lifts. Doesnt matter if your form is absolute fucking trash. Do them, and make sure everyone knows you do them. If ever confronted about why you look like a 160 lbs twig, just tell people you are into Olympic lifting.

3. Social media. Thats right, the workout never happened unless there´s a post about it. Take pics, angled as fuck and make sure you "check in" at your gym on jewbook. Lifting gear, angles, pics of loaded bars. Get it all. Stay updated on buzzwords to tag your picture with. #Highbar #OLYlifting #Functionaltraining #[Any motivational quote] is a good start. Make sure people know how HARD you work!

Finally, the trick about it all is to MAXIMIZE exposure, make everyone know how often you lift and how you're all about that life, WHILE SIMULTAENOUSLY explaining your complete lack of gains with focus on form and technique. Someone can bench lmao3plaet? Just smugly ask them how much they can Dumbbell press with their feet on the bench, in relation to bodyweight. Relating anything to percentage in bodyweight is probably THE best excuse for any lightweight manlet to justify his nogains.

Follow this and people are gonna hate your fucking guts in no-time, allowing you to further your hastag game with #Hatersgonnahate and similar.

When you have laid the foundation in fitness, move on to doing the same in real life - Veganism and liberalism is a good next step.

Remember, it´s never about actual results, just signaling.

Bull preps x F

Turkish get ups
Core exercises
Making your own program


t. reddit trying to fit in by claiming that I am reddit trying to fit in by claiming that I am reddit trying to fit in by claiming that I am reddit trying to fit in

I don't get it

Uhh what's wrong exactly with going ass to the grass on a high bar squat?

weighted dips
sumo deadlift