Is this true or just a meme?

Is this true or just a meme?

Considering this basically started a few months ago it's be foolish to think it's anything but a meme but who kids are fucking retarded these days

nice try.


nice try.


This hits a little too close to home.

I'm not virgin but I still walk like this. What to do?

delete this

Learn to walk with confidence.


I kinda walk like this and I have a gf. I just hate being outside and having to walk places so I'm autistic about it. This AINT FAIR

I walk fast to get to my lectures on time, and I like to listen to music on the way to class. Those are the only two I do.


holy fuck, that was painful to watch

>Make a list where at least some parts apply to everyone
>the purpose is to make people to feel bad about themselves
>post to Veeky Forums
>close thread

you need to get laid first.

whoa shit I aint a virgin but did someone watch me when they were writing that out?

>dont have glasses tho

>smash player


Wtf lmao what was he trying to do

Know where you are going, stand straight and look ahead. Do not look at your feet.

honestly cant tell if hes trying to show off dance moves or just spasming out due to some medical condition

I think what he what happened is that his brain stuttered as he forgot his movement pattern, then realizing how strange he looked with the abrupt stop, quickly tried to pretend he was just stretching the whole time, then scratched his head as if he were deciding where to go. i guess it ends with him trying not to block audience view as he leaves

appreciate the answer

I'm a virgin and I walk like this, fuck I even looked like this before I got a buzz cut.

Fuck execute me.