Why are girls doing so many meme exercises?

Why are girls doing so many meme exercises?

cuz PTs

>They don't care about gains
>They are incapable of maintaining focus so they need to be constantly trying new memes
>More traditional, proven exercises are boring

That actually seems like a great way to row.
As for the questions, they have no idea what they're doing and they're further destroying their image of resistance training from following instagram fitness-models that release videos to cater to the male audience doing meme gloot-exercises in tights.

Because they aren't in the gym to get stronger/healthier. They are there for attention.

Why do girls on hook up apps and dating sites feel the need to say "Im not looking to hook up/for a FWB" ?
I mean...thats kind of like going to a job interview and loudly say "Oh im not here to work"
Then why did you fucking come here, asshole?

Because women are a meme

>Why are girls

you answered your own question famalam

women are fucking retarded. the only thing good about them is that wet clam between their legs

wish i was gay so i'd just fuck boipucci all day long

Because they are there for attention and need to say something to get rid of the stigma of seeming like a slut for being on tinder.

this plus it weeds out the betas

They are looking for a hookup you idiot. But if they said so then all their friends would call them sluts. So they say, "no hookups lul." Then proceed to bang every attractive guy they match with and they're friends won't call them sluts for it, because they can simply say, "I wasn't looking for a hookup but it felt right."

It's women logic 101, never listen to what they say, look at what they do.

Lifting is marketed as a male thing

The goals women have usually align with personal trainer nonsense


Lol wtf is she saying lmao baby's first unicode

These guys nailed it.

"anti slut defense"

I know a lot of people are going to look at this practice as a huge negative, but hear me out. Forgive my autistic rant.

For a good portion of western civilization chastity was an important quality for women just like honor was an important quality for men. This doesn't mean marrying someone at 30 who has never even seen a dick before. It means the woman has a good enough reputation or upbringing to begin with that being called a slut would have a big effect on their social standing.. You don't want the woman who can afford to come out and say "Taking any and all dicks no hassle."

It's the push-back from the men that mattered. It doesn't mean they're not interested it just means they're not giving it up for absolutely nothing. The idea of the song Baby It's Cold Outside is what I'm talking about. The woman comes up with excuses for why it would be a good idea to leave but she knew what was going on because she showed up there in the first place. She gets to keep her modesty while still being for what's going on.

Why are nordlending grills so superior qts? Is it their awesome Dialekt and the way they say what they think?

Because memes are cool, you weak memer.

This, so much this

>Why are girls doing so many meme exercises

The problem stems from Instagram "fitness" models. I say "fitness' because while they claim to spend so much time in the gym, they're just elaborate marketing campaigns using plastic surgery and showing off some of the stupidest exercises while shilling for some supplement company.

This. it's why you hear a lot of stuff like
>I don't normally do this sort of thing.
From girls. They don't even want the guy they're slutting it up for to think they're a slut.

The same reason most men copy their favourite bodybuilders routine out of magazines
People want to feel like they're doing something positive but actually training is hard work
So they go through the motions to get that 'im doing something' feeling
That's why if you ever try and coach most people you'll get 'well i just prefer this way that works for me' even if it blatently dosen't

It's the same as when fatties go on a 'diet' by switching their sugar for stevia or going to subway instead of mcdonalds
It's all about telling yourself a lie

Fuck off andrew

They want to get fit but they don't want to look like a bodybuilder or athletic chick and they also don't want to work super hard or do anything they'll get burned out on and stop doing.

They want something noveltous and fun. And as long as they're burning off the fat, shaping their thighs and ass and looking sexy for me then I don't give a fuck what kind of exercise that they do.

>Meme Exercise

And the same reason anyone else does, because they have no fuckin clue what they're doing

>They want something noveltous and fun.
>something noveltous and fun.
>noveltous and fun.

because girls are fucking memes

Because in grill world looking like you know what you're doing is way, way more fucking important than actually doing it.

>I'm not here to find a fuckbuddy

lol, why the fuck are you on tinder then? For true love?


>den profilteksten



how the fuck did you read that? is it even a language??

chocolate golem git ye gone

Real question is what's with all the meme shoes?